AGNPS Reference Literature

"Evaluation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Control on Water
Quality in Southwestern North Dakota with AGNPS Model", Yoon, Jaewan and
L. A. Disrud, 1993, Research Report, Auguest 1993,Agricultural Engineering
Department. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105, 122 p.


 Bragadin, G.L., Franchini, M., Morgagni, A., Todini, E. (1993): Agricultural 
  non-point source nutrient loadings estimated by means of an extended version 
  of AGNPS. The Bidente-Ronco case study - Part I. INGEGNERIA AMBIENTALE,
  Vol.22, Nr.9, S. 455       

 Mitchell, J.K., Engel, B.A., Srinivasan,R., Wang, S.S.Y. (1993): Validation 
   of AGNPS for Small Watersheds Using an Integrated AGNPS/GIS System. WATER    
   S. 833                          
Robert Alton Young, C.A. Onstad, D.D. Bosch, W.P. Anderson. 1989. AGNPS: A
 nonpoint-source pollution model for evaluating agricultural watersheds. Jour.
 of Soil and Water Conservation. v44, n2. ISSN 0022-4561

In amerikanischen Bibliotheken :
  CALL NO.:            A 1.114:35 (Government Documents)
  TITLE:               AGNPS, Agricultural Non-Point-Source Pollution Model
                       microform : a watershed analysis tool / [Robert Alton
                       Young ... et al.]
  PUBI NFO:            [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
                       Agricultural Research Service, [1987]
  DESCRIPTION:         77 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
  NOTE 1:              Includes bibliographical references (p. 49-51).
                       Microfiche. [Washington, D.C.?] : Supt. of Docs., U.S.
                       G.P.O., [1992] 1 microfiche : negative.
  NOTE 2:              Cover title.
                       Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche.


Srinivasan, R. and B.A. Engel. 1991. A Knowledge Based Approach to Extract
  Input Data From GIS, ASAE Paper No. 91-7045, American Society of 
  Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Srinivasan, R. and B.A. Engel. 1991, GIS: A Tool For Visualization and
  Analyzation, ASAE Paper No. 91-7574, ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Srinivasan, R., Engel, B.A., Wright, J.R., Lee, J.G. (1994):
    The Impact of GIS-derived Topographic Attributes on the Simulation of   
    Nr.4, S. 561 

TITLE: Quantifying soil erosion for the Shihmen Reservoir watershed, Taiwan. 
AU: Kwong-Fai-A.-Lo, 
SO: Agricultural-Systems. 1994. 45(1), p 105-116. 
PY: 1994 
AB: The AGNPS model is a microcomputer program capable of modeling the erosion 
process and simulating the water erosion and transport of sediment, nutrients 
and flow for watersheds ranging from 1 to 50 000 ha size. With proper 
modifications of the universal soil loss equation factors, excellent 
agreements between the simulated and measured sediment yields were obtained 
for the Shihmen Reservoir watershed. The model input data were collected 
initially by the technique of remote sensing and geographic informa tion 
system, and processed with the ARC/INFO Geographic Information System 
software. The predicted sedimentation depth for the watershed averages about 
2.5 mm/yr, which is not significantly different from the observed rate, but 
exceeds what is observed in the US. It is, therefore, necessary to prescribe 
appropriate soil and water conservation practices to control the sedimentation 
problem in reservoir watersheds in Taiwan. -Author 
TITLE: Soil erosion evaluation on hillslopes in Taiwan. 
AU: Lo,-K.-F.-A.; Chiang,-S.-H.; Tsai,-B.-W. 
ED: Wicherek,-S. 
SO: in: Farm land erosion in temperate plains environment and hills. Proc. 
symposium, Saint-Cloud, Paris, 1992. (Elsevier), 1993, pp 451-462. 
PY: 1993 
AB: Watershed data are being collected in Taiwan for testing the AGNPS model, 
 a micro-computer program to model the erosion process and simulate the water 
 erosion and transport of sediment, nutrients and flow for watersheds ranging 
 from 1 to 50 000 ha size. Excellent agreements between the simulated and 
 measured sediment yields were obtained for the Tsengwen Reservoir watershed. 
 The model input data are collected initially by the technique of remote 
 sensing and geographic information system. It was found to be necessary to 
 prescribe appropriate soil and water conservation practices to control the 
 reservoir sedimentation problem in Taiwan. The model is also capable of 
 identifying areas within the watershed with high erosion and sediment yield. 
 -from Authors 
TITLE: Integrating nonpoint source pollution modeling with a geographic 
information system. 
AU: Haddock,-G.; Jankowski,-P. 
SO: Computers,-Environment-and-Urban-Systems. 1993. 17(5), pp 437-451. 
PY: 1993 
AB: This paper presents a computerized system developed by integrating GIS and 
 a dynamic, event-based, nonpoint source pollution model. The GIS software 
 used for the integration was pc-ARC/INFO (Environmental Systems Research 
 Institute, Redlands, CA). Using the pc-ARC/INFO Simple Macro Language (SML), 
 Pascal, and batch programming, a menu-driven system was developed that 
 integrates the Agricultural Nonpoint Source pollution model (AGNPS) with pc 
 ARC/INFO. Running on a DOS platform with 640 KB of memory, the integration 
 prototype converts a set of pc-ARC/INFO coverages into an AGNPS input data 
 file. -from Authors 
TITLE: Runoff curve numbers determined by three methods under conventional and 
conservation tillages. 
AU: Yoo,-K.-H.; Yoon,-K.-S.; Soileau,-J.-M. 
SO: Transactions,-American-Society-of-Agricultural-Engineers. 1993. 36(1), pp 
PY: 1993 
AB: A tillage study was conducted for six years on a 3.8 ha watershed planted 
to cotton in the Limestone Valley region of northern Alabama. The tillage 
included three years of conventional (CvT), followed by three years of 
conservation tillage (CsT). Curve numbers (CN) were determined by the SCS 
method and a method developed assuming a log-normal probability distribution 
of potential maximum retention, S. The published CN of the average soil 
moisture condition or antecedent moisture condition II (AMC II) fo r the study 
site are 78 and 75 for CvT and CsT, respectively, which are recommended in 
many watershed/water quality computer simulation models such as CREAMS and 
AGNPS. The results showed that CN of AMC II (CN-II) calculated by the 
log-normal method were 83 and 88 for CvT and CsT, respectively. These were 
slightly higher than those calculated by the SCS method which were 82 for CvT 
and 86 for CsT. The calculated CN-II values were higher than the published 
CN-II values but the order of magnitude was reversed . -from Authors 
TITLE: Linking sediment and nutrient export models with a geographic 
information system. 
AU: Klaghofer,-E.; Birnbaum,-W.; Summer,-W. 
AD: Federal Inst for Land and Water Management Res, A-3252 Petzenkirchen, 
ED: Kovar,-K.; Nachtnebel,-H.P. 
SO: in: Applications of geographic information systems in hydrology and water 
resources management. Proc. international conference, Vienna, 1993. (IAHS; 
Publication, 211), 1993, pp 501-506. 
PY: 1993 
AB: A grid based GIS was used in combination with different erosion models to 
estimate the sediment and nutrient export from a small lower alpine drainage 
basin. These hydrological processes are affected by the spatial variability of 
soils, topography, landuse and cover, climate and human induced changes and 
management. The work used the spatial data handling capabilities of the GIS 
IDRISI with the applied hydrological models EPIC and AGNPS. -from Authors 
TITLE: Evaluation of runoff and erosion models. 
AU: Wu,-T.-H.; Hall,-J.-A.; Bonta,-J.-V. 
AD: The Ohio State Univ., 2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, USA 
SO: Journal-of-Irrigation-and-Drainage-Engineering,-ASCE. 1993. 119(2), pp 
PY: 1993 
AB: Runoff and sediment yield for 30 runoff events on three experimental 
watersheds are calculated using the agricultural non-point-source pollution 
(AGNPS) areal non-point-source watershed environmental response simulation 
(ANSWERS), and chemicals runoff and erosion from agricultural management 
systems (CREAMS) runoff-erosion models. The results are compared with measured 
runoff and sediment yield. ANSWERS provides the most consistent results for 
estimates of runoff and sediment yield. -from Authors 
TITLE: Nonpoint-pollution model sensitivity to grid-cell size. 
AU: Vieux,-B.-E.; Needham,-S. 
AD: Univ. of Oklahoma, 202 W. Boyd St., Room 301, Norman, OK 73019, USA 
SO: Journal-of-Water-Resources-Planning-and-Management,-ASCE. 1993. 119(2), pp 
PY: 1993 
AB: Geographic information systems (GISs) are computer-automated, data 
management systems simplifying the input, organization, analysis, and mapping 
of spatial information. Because nonpoint-pollution models simulate distributed 
watershed basin processes, a heterogeneous and complex land surface must be 
divided into computational elements such as grid cells. Model parameters can 
be derived from each grid cell directly from maps using GIS. Cell size 
selection, if arbitrarily determined though, yields ambiguou s if not 
erroneous results. This paper investigates the effects of cell size selection 
through a sensitivity analysis of input parmaeters for the Agricultural 
Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS). Model grid-cell sizes were found to 
be the most important factor affecting sediment yield. As the grid-cell sizes 
increase, stream meanders are short-circuited. The shortened stream lengths 
cause sediment yield to increase by as much as 32%. -from Authors 

TITLE: Erosion evaluation and prediction in mountain regions of Taiwan. 
AU: Lo,-K.-F.-A.; Chiang,-S.-H.; Tsai,-B.-W. 
ED: Walling,-D.E.; et-al 
SO: in: Erosion, debris flows and environment in mountain regions. Proc. 
international symposium, Chengdu, 1992. (IAHS; Publication, 209), 1992, pp 
PY: 1992 
AB: Watershed data are being collected in Taiwan for testing the AGNPS model. 
The model input data are collected initially using remote sensing and a 
geographic information system. The predicted soil loss for the Bajun River 
basin corresponds closely with previous estimates based on major river and 
reservoir sedimentation data. This is a clear indication that the AGNPS model 
is capable of providing a quantitative evaluation of on-site/off-site damage, 
rating basin response, and planning conservation strateg ies on the local, 
regional and even national level. -from Authors 

TITLE: Quantifying soil erosion on slopelands in the Bajun Watershed, Taiwan. 
AU: Shan-Hsin-Chiang, 
SO: Science-Reports,-National-Taiwan-University,-Department-of-Geography. 1992. 
15, pp 1-14. 
PY: 1992 
AB: The objective of this study is to integrate the effective and powerful 
 tools of Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Agricultural Nonpoint 
 Source Pollution Model (AGNPS) to quantify erosion problems in the Bajun 
 Watershed, Taiwan. The AGNPS model input data were obtained by remote sensing 
 and GIS techniques. The estimated annual soil loss from this watershed basin 
 is about 259 t/ha. It is, therefore, necessary to prescribe appropriate soil 
 and water conservation practices to control the volume of soil loss within 
 acceptable (or tolerable) limits. -from Author 
TITLE: Classifying remotely sensed data for use in an agricultural nonpoint- 
  source pollution model. 
AU: Jakubauskas,-M.-E.; Whistler,-J.-L.; Dillworth,-M.-E.; Martinko,-E.-A. 
AD: Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 
KS 66045-2969, USA 
SO: Journal-of-Soil-and-Water-Conservation. 1992. 47(2), pp 179-183. 
PY: 1992 
AB: Models to predict the magnitude of agricultural nonpoint-source pollution 
 in streams have been developed to meet a growing demand for management 
 information. The Agricultural Nonpoint Source (AGNPS) model requires 20 
 parameters to calculate potential nonpoint-source pollution for a watershed. 
 Landsat thematic mapper data, SPOT multispectral data, and SPOT panchromatic 
 data were tested to determine their ability to provide selected inputs to 
 AGNPS. Each data set was classified using supervised and unsupe rvised 
 methods, and the accuracy of each classification was evaluated using 
 contingency tables and the kappa statistic. -from Authors 
TITLE: Terrain analysis: integration into the agricultural nonpoint source 
 (AGNPS) pollution model. 
AU: Panuska,-J.-C.; Moore,-I.-D.; Kramer,-L.-A. 
SO: Journal-of-Soil-and-Water-Conservation. 1991. 46(1), pp 59-64. 
PY: 1991 
AB: Grid- and contour-based digital elevation models are readily available. 
Terrain analysis methods use these data to estimate the topographic attributes 
of a catchment, many of which are essential parameters in hydrologic and water 
quality models. Integration of these techniques into hydrologic and water 
quality models permits better representation of the effects of three 
dimensional terrain on runoff and erosion processes and improves the 
efficiency of topographic data input. Terrain analysis methods wer e 
interfaced with the agricultural nonpoint source (AGNPS) pollution model to 
demonstrate how this integration can be achieved. Two terrain-enhanced 
versions of the AGNPs model were developed: AGNPS- C, a contour-based version, 
and AGNPS-G, a grid-based version. These terrain-enhanced models automatically 
generate the cell network, the cell connectivity, and the required topographic 
parameters. Peak discharge predicted by the three versions of the AGNPS model 
for five storms on a small catchment near Treyno r, Iowa, were similar, but 
sediment yield predictions exhibited some differences. Sensitivity analysis 
shows that flow path lengths and contributing areas computed by the terrain 
analysis depend on cell size. -Authors 
TITLE: Modeling linked watershed and lake processes for water quality 
 management decisions. 
AU: Summer,-R.-M.; Alonso,-C.-V.; Young,-R.-A. 
SO: Journal-of-Environmental-Quality. 1990. 19(3), pp 421-427. 
PY: 1990 
AB: Components of the watershed model, AGNPS (agricultural nonpoint-source 
model) are hydrology, erosion, sediment transport, transport of nitrogen and 
phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand. Using a cellular structure, runoff, 
sediment, and chemical variables from the watershed provide input to a lake 
model. This one-dimensional model of water bodies simulates temperature 
stratification, mixing by wind, sedimentation, inflow density current, and 
algal growth. Unsteady advection-diffusion equations characte rize the 
dynamics of suspended sediment, soluble and sediment-attached N and P, and 
chlorophyll. This model, AGNPS-LAKE, is driven by random generation of weather 
conditions on a daily basis. Resulting impacts of alternative management plans 
are simulated by changing agricultural practices and land use, thereby 
modifying inflow characteristics to a lake. -from Authors 

TITLE: Soil erosion and nonpoint-source pollution control in an Idaho watershed. 
AU: Prato,-T.; Shi,-H.-Q.; Rhew,-R.; Brusven,-M. 
AD: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, 65211, USA. 
SO: Journal-of-Soil-and-Water-Conservation. 1989. 44(4), pp 323-328. 
PY: 1989 
LA: English 
AB: A geographic information system was used to assemble and retrieve the 
physical parameters required to estimate sheet and rill erosion and water 
quality effects of applying II resource management systems to 16 farms in 
Idaho's Tom Beall watershed. A linear programming model was used to determine 
the economically efficient (optimal) systems for reducing total erosion and 
nonpoint-source pollution in the watershed. The water quality effects of the 
optimal resource management systems were evaluated using th e Agricultural 
Nonpoint Source (AGNPS) model. Minimum tillage with either cross-slope farming 
or contour farming was the most economically efficient system for reducing 
farm-level erosion rates. All but two farms had to switch from conventional to 
minimum tillage to reduce the average erosion rate in the watershed to the 
tolerance (T) level [11.2 t/ha/yr (5 tons/acre/year)]. -from Authors 

Title: Assessment of non-point source pollution models for their utility in 
  New Brunswick: Final report 
Performing Organization: P. Jacobs and Associates Ltd., Dartmouth, (Nova 
Sponsoring Organization: Canada. Environment Canada. Atlantic Region.; New 
  Brunswick. Dept. of the Environment. 
Date: c1993  Pages: 60p 
Country: Canada 
Abstract: This report provides the results of a review of seven non-point 
 source (NPS) models to determine their applicability for New Brunswick based 
 on existing literature, requirements for and availability of data, and the 
 end use envisioned.  The models were classified according to whether they 
 were intended mainly to address on-farm or off-farm concerns, and whether 
 they could serve best as research or planning tools.  The models reviewed 
 include MUSLE (modified universal soil equation), GAMES (Guelph model for 
 evaluating effects of agricultural management systems on erosion and 
 sedimentation), AGNPS (agricultural non-point source pollution model), CREAMS 
 (chemicals, runoff, and erosion from agricultural management systems) and 
 GLEAMS (groundwater loading effects of agricultural management systems), 
 SWRRB (simulator for water resources in rural basins), and ANSWERS (areal 
 non-point source watershed environment response simulation). 

TITLE: Water Quality Modeling: Terrain Analysis and the Agricultural Non- 
  Point Source Pollution (AGNPS) Model; Technical rept 
Author(s): Panuska, J. C. ; Moore, I. D. 
Performing Organization: Minnesota Univ., St. Paul. Water Resources Research 
Report No: TR-132; USGS/G-1570-01 
Sponsoring Organization: Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Water Resources Div. 
Contract No: DI-14-08-0001-G1570; USGS-G-1570-01 
Notes: Sponsored by Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Water Resources Div. 
Date: May 91  Pages: 64p 
Country: United States 
Abstract: Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model (AGNPS) is a widely- 
 used computer model to estimate sediment and nutrient yields from 
 agricultural catchments, and it has been used to evaluate impacts of 
 differing land management strategies on surface water quality.  The project 
 has enhanced the capabilities of AGNPS to model the effects of three 
 dimensional terrain on erosion processes and to make it compatible with 
 digital elevation models (DEMs) and DEM data bases.  Both grid-based and 
 contour-based versions of the terrain-enhanced AGNPS model were produced. 
 Both versions compute important topographic input parameters, such as slope, 
 upsloperunoff contributing area and plan curvature, for use in AGNPS.  The 
 grid-based version uses digitized grid elevation data obtained from 
 topographic maps, and the contour-based version uses vector elevation data 
 obtained from such maps.  The effects of grid size and contour interval on 
 computed values of the topographic parameters were determined and application 
 of the methods to prediction of sediment yields from several digitized 
 watersheds is illustrated in the report. 
TITLE: Fiscal Year 1988 Program Report: Pennsylvania Center for Water 
  Resources Research 
Author(s): McDonnell, A. J. 
Performing Organization: Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. 
  Environmental Resources Research Inst. 
Report No: USGS/G-1610/01 
Sponsoring Organization: Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Water Resources Div. 
Contract No: DI-14-08-0001-G-1610; USGS-G-1610 
Notes: See also report for 1987, PB89-123475.;  Sponsored by Geological 
  Survey, Reston, VA. Water Resources Div. 
Date: Aug 89  Pages: 34p 
Country: United States 
Abstract: Three projects and a program of technology transfer were conducted 
  under the Pennsylvania Fiscal Year 1988 State Water Resources Research 
  Grants Program (PL 98-242, Sect.  104).  In a completed study focused on the 
  protection of water supplies, mature slow sand filters were found to remove 
  100 percent of Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts.  A site specific study 
  examined the behavior of sedimentary iron and manganese in an acid mine 
  drainage wetland system.  A study was initiated to link a comprehensive 
  non-point source model, AGNPS with current GIS technology to enhance the 
  models' utility for evaluating regional water quality problems related to 
  non-point source agricultural pollution.