Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4. Go directly to the new manual page here

Interface to GRASS GIS modules

In “modules”, GRASS GIS modules are represented as objects. These objects are generated based on the XML module description that is used also for the generation of the graphical user interface (GUI).

>>> from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
>>> slope_aspect = Module("r.slope.aspect", elevation='elevation',
...                        slope='slp',  aspect='asp',
...                        format='percent', overwrite=True)

It is possible to create a run-able module object and run it later (this is also needed for registering GRASS GIS commands with more than one dot in their name, e.g. r.slope.aspect):

>>> slope_aspect = Module("r.slope.aspect", elevation='elevation',
...                        slope='slp',  aspect='asp',
...                        format='percent', overwrite=True, run_=False)

Then we can run the module with:

>>> slope_aspect()

or using the run method:


It is possible to initialize a module, and give the parameters later:

>>> slope_aspect = Module("r.slope.aspect")
>>> slope_aspect(elevation='elevation', slope='slp',  aspect='asp',
...              format='percent', overwrite=True)

Create the module object input step by step and run later:

>>> slope_aspect = Module("r.slope.aspect")
>>> slope_aspect.inputs['elevation']
Parameter <elevation> (required:yes, type:raster, multiple:no)
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].value = "elevation"
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["format"]
Parameter <format> (required:no, type:string, multiple:no)
>>> print slope_aspect.inputs["format"].__doc__
format: 'degrees', optional, string
    Format for reporting the slope
    Values: 'degrees', 'percent'
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["format"].value = 'percents'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The Parameter <format>, must be one of: ['degrees', 'percent']
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["format"].value = 'percent'
>>> slope_aspect.flags = "g"
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Flag not valid, valid flag are: ['a']
>>> slope_aspect.flags = "a"
>>> slope_aspect.flags_dict['overwrite']
Flag <overwrite> (Allow output files to overwrite existing files)
>>> slope_aspect.flags_dict['overwrite'].value = True
>>> slope_aspect()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Flag not valid, valid flag are: ['a']

It is possible to access the module descriptions (name, one line description, keywords, label) with:

>>> slope_aspect.description
'Aspect is calculated counterclockwise from east.'
>>> slope_aspect.keywords
'raster, terrain'
>>> slope_aspect.label
'Generates raster maps of slope, aspect, curvatures and partial derivatives from a elevation raster map.'

and get the module documentation with:

>>> print slope_aspect.__doc__
r.slope.aspect(elevation=elevation, slope=None, aspect=None
               format=percent, prec=None, pcurv=None
               tcurv=None, dx=None, dy=None
               dxx=None, dyy=None, dxy=None
               zfactor=None, min_slp_allowed=None)


elevation: required, string
    Name of input elevation raster map
slope: optional, string
    Name for output slope raster map
aspect: optional, string
    Name for output aspect raster map
format: 'degrees', optional, string
    Format for reporting the slope
    Values: 'degrees', 'percent'
prec: 'float', optional, string
    Type of output aspect and slope maps
    Values: 'default', 'double', 'float', 'int'
pcurv: optional, string
    Name for output profile curvature raster map
tcurv: optional, string
    Name for output tangential curvature raster map
dx: optional, string
    Name for output first order partial derivative dx (E-W slope) raster map
dy: optional, string
    Name for output first order partial derivative dy (N-S slope) raster map
dxx: optional, string
    Name for output second order partial derivative dxx raster map
dyy: optional, string
    Name for output second order partial derivative dyy raster map
dxy: optional, string
    Name for output second order partial derivative dxy raster map
zfactor: 1.0, optional, float
    Multiplicative factor to convert elevation units to meters
min_slp_allowed: optional, float
    Minimum slope val. (in percent) for which aspect is computed


a: None
    Do not align the current region to the elevation layer
overwrite: None
    Allow output files to overwrite existing files
verbose: None
    Verbose module output
quiet: None
    Quiet module output

For each input and output parameter it is possible to obtain specific information. To see all module inputs, just type:

>>> slope_aspect.inputs 
TypeDict([('elevation', Parameter <elevation> (required:yes, type:raster, multiple:no)), ('format', Parameter <format> (required:no, type:string, multiple:no)), ('prec', Parameter <prec> (required:no, type:string, multiple:no)), ('zfactor', Parameter <zfactor> (required:no, type:float, multiple:no)), ('min_slp_allowed', Parameter <min_slp_allowed> (required:no, type:float, multiple:no))])

To get information for each parameter:

>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].description
'Name of input elevation raster map'
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].type
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].typedesc
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].multiple
>>> slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].required

Or get a small documentation for each parameter with:

>>> print slope_aspect.inputs["elevation"].__doc__
elevation: required, string
    Name of input elevation raster map

User or developer can check which parameters have been set, with:

if slope_aspect.outputs['aspect'].value == None:
    print "Aspect is not computed"

After we set the parameters and run the module, the execution of the module instantiate a popen attribute to the class. The Popen class allow user to kill/wait/ the process.

>>> slope_aspect = Module('r.slope.aspect')
>>> slope_aspect(elevation='elevation', slope='slp', aspect='asp', overwrite=True, finish_=False)
>>> slope_aspect.popen.wait() # *.kill(), *.terminate()
>>> out, err = slope_aspect.popen.communicate()
>>> print err 
Aspect raster map <asp> complete
Slope raster map <slp> complete

On the above example we use a new parameter finish_, if is set to True, the run method, automatically store the stdout and stderr to stdout and stderr attributes of the class:

>>> slope_aspect = Module('r.slope.aspect')
>>> slope_aspect(elevation='elevation', slope='slp', aspect='asp', overwrite=True, finish_=True)
>>> print slope_aspect.stderr 
Aspect raster map <asp> complete
Slope raster map <slp> complete

Another example of use:

>>> from subprocess import PIPE
>>> info = Module("", map="elevation", flags="r", stdout_=PIPE)
>>> from grass.script.utils import parse_key_val
>>> parse_key_val(info.outputs.stdout)
{'max': '156.3299', 'min': '55.57879'}
>>> info = Module("", map="elevation", flags="r", finish_=False)
>>> category = Module("r.category", map="elevation",
...                   stdin_=info.popen.stdout, finish_=True)

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Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4. Go directly to the new manual page here

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