History of Changes - AGNPS 5.0 Markus Neteler neteler@geog.uni-hannover.de 15. April 1998 Sorry, once again (for the naming convention) renamed: to: r.agnps_input -> r.agnps50.input r.run_agnps50 -> r.agnps50.run r.agnps_view -> r.agnps50.view ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. March 98 renamed: to: agnps_input -> r.agnps_input agnps_view -> r.agnps_view run_agnps50 -> r.run_agnps50 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. March 1998 This package was optimized in installation procedure. Just follow the simple instructions in howto-install.txt It will be compiled through src/CMD/lists/GRASS also. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19.12.96 Correction in scripts/copy_cell_num.sh and psu_agnps_max_cat.sh: eliminated space-character in awk-command. Written r.cn2: added the landuse "water" (CN=100) and corrected the analysis-routine for the landuse "fallow" which could not be converted Build up src_input_2a: - agnps_input_2a uses the new r.cn2-tool (see COMMENTS.txt for details) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. December 1996 This package was restructured. Several changes in ./src_agnps_input_1 and ./src_agnps_input_2a The COMMENTS.txt there for details. The tree ./src_agnps_input_2_old is obsolete.