Source code for grass.jupyter.utils

# AUTHOR(S): Caitlin Haedrich <caitlin DOT haedrich AT gmail>
# PURPOSE:   This module contains utility functions for InteractiveMap.
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2021-2022 Caitlin Haedrich, and by the GRASS Development Team
#            This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#            License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#            for details.

"""Utility functions warpping existing processes in a suitable way"""
from pathlib import Path
import grass.script as gs

[docs]def get_region(env=None): """Returns current computational region as dictionary. Additionally, it adds long key names. """ region = gs.region(env=env) region["east"] = region["e"] region["west"] = region["w"] region["north"] = region["n"] region["south"] = region["s"] return region
[docs]def get_location_proj_string(env=None): """Returns projection of environment in PROJ.4 format""" out = gs.read_command("g.proj", flags="jf", env=env) return out.strip()
[docs]def reproject_region(region, from_proj, to_proj): """Reproject boundary of region from one projection to another. :param dict region: region to reproject as a dictionary with long key names output of get_region :param str from_proj: PROJ.4 string of region; output of get_location_proj_string :param str in_proj: PROJ.4 string of target location; output of get_location_proj_string :return dict region: reprojected region as a dictionary with long key names """ region = region.copy() # reproject all corners, otherwise reproj. region may be underestimated # even better solution would be reprojecting vector region like in r.import proj_input = ( f"{region['east']} {region['north']}\n" f"{region['west']} {region['north']}\n" f"{region['east']} {region['south']}\n" f"{region['west']} {region['south']}\n" ) proc = gs.start_command( "m.proj", input="-", separator=" , ", proj_in=from_proj, proj_out=to_proj, flags="d", stdin=gs.PIPE, stdout=gs.PIPE, stderr=gs.PIPE, ) proc.stdin.write(gs.encode(proj_input)) proc.stdin.close() proc.stdin = None proj_output, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: raise RuntimeError( _("Encountered error while running m.proj: {}").format(stderr) ) output = gs.decode(proj_output).splitlines() # get the largest bbox latitude_list = [] longitude_list = [] for row in output: longitude, latitude, unused = row.split(" ") longitude_list.append(float(longitude)) latitude_list.append(float(latitude)) region["east"] = max(longitude_list) region["north"] = max(latitude_list) region["west"] = min(longitude_list) region["south"] = min(latitude_list) return region
[docs]def estimate_resolution(raster, mapset, location, dbase, env): """Estimates resolution of reprojected raster. :param str raster: name of raster :param str mapset: mapset of raster :param str location: name of source location :param str dbase: path to source database :param dict env: target environment :return float estimate: estimated resolution of raster in destination environment """ output = gs.read_command( "r.proj", flags="g", input=raster, mapset=mapset, location=location, dbase=dbase, env=env, ).strip() params = gs.parse_key_val(output, vsep=" ") output = gs.read_command("g.region", flags="ug", env=env, **params) output = gs.parse_key_val(output, val_type=float) cell_ns = (output["n"] - output["s"]) / output["rows"] cell_ew = (output["e"] - output["w"]) / output["cols"] estimate = (cell_ew + cell_ns) / 2.0 return estimate
[docs]def setup_location(name, path, epsg, src_env): """Setup temporary location with different projection but same computational region as source location :param str name: name of new location :param path path: path to new location's database :param str epsg: EPSG code :param dict src_env: source environment :return str rcfile: name of new locations rcfile :return dict new_env: new environment """ # Create new environment rcfile, new_env = gs.create_environment(path, name, "PERMANENT") # Location and mapset gs.create_location(path, name, epsg=epsg, overwrite=True) # Reproject region set_target_region(src_env, new_env) return rcfile, new_env
[docs]def set_target_region(src_env, tgt_env): """Set target region based on source region. Number of rows and columns is preserved. """ region = get_region(env=src_env) from_proj = get_location_proj_string(src_env) to_proj = get_location_proj_string(env=tgt_env) new_region = reproject_region(region, from_proj, to_proj) # Set region to match original region extent gs.run_command( "g.region", n=new_region["north"], s=new_region["south"], e=new_region["east"], w=new_region["west"], rows=new_region["rows"], cols=new_region["cols"], env=tgt_env, )
[docs]def get_map_name_from_d_command(module, **kwargs): """Returns map name from display command. Assumes only positional parameters. When more maps are present (e.g., d.rgb), it returns only 1. Returns empty string if fails to find it. """ special = {"d.his": "hue", "d.legend": "raster", "d.rgb": "red", "d.shade": "shade"} parameter = special.get(module, "map") return kwargs.get(parameter, "")
[docs]def get_rendering_size(region, width, height, default_width=600, default_height=400): """Returns the rendering width and height based on the region aspect ratio. :param dict region: region dictionary :param integer width: rendering width (can be None) :param integer height: rendering height (can be None) :param integer default_width: default rendering width (can be None) :param integer default_height: default rendering height (can be None) :return tuple (width, height): adjusted width and height When both width and height are provided, values are returned without adjustment. When one value is provided, the other is computed based on the region aspect ratio. When no dimension is given, the default width or height is used and the other dimension computed. """ if width and height: return (width, height) region_width = region["e"] - region["w"] region_height = region["n"] - region["s"] if width: return (width, round(width * region_height / region_width)) if height: return (round(height * region_width / region_height), height) if region_height > region_width: return (round(default_height * region_width / region_height), default_height) return (default_width, round(default_width * region_height / region_width))
[docs]def save_gif( input_files, output_filename, duration=500, label=True, labels=None, font=None, text_size=12, text_color="gray", ): """ Creates a GIF animation param list input_files: list of paths to source param str output_filename: destination gif filename param int duration: time to display each frame; milliseconds param bool label: include label stamp on each frame param list labels: list of labels for each source image param str font: font file param int text_size: size of label text param str text_color: color to use for the text """ # Create a GIF from the PNG images import PIL.Image # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import PIL.ImageDraw # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import PIL.ImageFont # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # filepath to output GIF filename = Path(output_filename) if filename.suffix.lower() != ".gif": raise ValueError(_("filename must end in '.gif'")) images = [] for i, file in enumerate(input_files): img = img = img.convert("RGBA", dither=None) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) if label: if font: font_obj = PIL.ImageFont.truetype(font, text_size) else: try: font_obj = PIL.ImageFont.load_default(size=text_size) except TypeError: font_obj = PIL.ImageFont.load_default() draw.text( (0, 0), labels[i], fill=text_color, font=font_obj, ) images.append(img) images[0].save( fp=filename, format="GIF", append_images=images[1:], save_all=True, duration=duration, loop=0, ) # Display the GIF return filename