Source code for grass.pygrass.messages

@package grass.pygrass.messages

@brief PyGRASS message interface

Fast and exit-safe interface to GRASS C-library message functions

(C) 2013-2024 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

@author Soeren Gebbert, Edouard Choinière

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from multiprocessing import Lock, Pipe, Process
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, NoReturn

import grass.lib.gis as libgis
from grass.exceptions import FatalError

    from multiprocessing.connection import Connection
    from multiprocessing.context import _LockLike

    _MessagesLiteral = Literal[

[docs]def message_server(lock: _LockLike, conn: Connection) -> NoReturn: """The GRASS message server function designed to be a target for multiprocessing.Process :param lock: A multiprocessing.Lock :param conn: A multiprocessing.connection.Connection object obtained from multiprocessing.Pipe This function will use the G_* message C-functions from grass.lib.gis to provide an interface to the GRASS C-library messaging system. The data that is sent through the pipe must provide an identifier string to specify which C-function should be called. The following identifiers are supported: - "INFO" Prints an info message, see G_message() for details - "IMPORTANT" Prints an important info message, see G_important_message() for details - "VERBOSE" Prints a verbose message if the verbosity level is set accordingly, see G_verbose_message() for details - "WARNING" Prints a warning message, see G_warning() for details - "ERROR" Prints a message with a leading "ERROR: " string, see G_important_message() for details - "PERCENT" Prints a percent value based on three integer values: n, d and s see G_percent() for details - "STOP" Stops the server function and closes the pipe - "FATAL" Calls G_fatal_error(), this functions is only for testing purpose The data that is sent through the pipe must be a list of values: - Messages: ["INFO|IMPORTANT|VERBOSE|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL", "MESSAGE"] - Debug: ["DEBUG", level, "MESSAGE"] - Percent: ["PERCENT", n, d, s] """ libgis.G_debug(1, "Start messenger server") while True: # Avoid busy waiting conn.poll(None) data = conn.recv() message_type: Literal[_MessagesLiteral, "DEBUG", "PERCENT", "STOP"] = data[0] # Only one process is allowed to write to stderr with lock: # Stop the pipe and the infinite loop if message_type == "STOP": conn.close() libgis.G_debug(1, "Stop messenger server") sys.exit() if message_type == "PERCENT": n = int(data[1]) d = int(data[2]) s = int(data[3]) libgis.G_percent(n, d, s) continue if message_type == "DEBUG": level = int(data[1]) message_debug = data[2] libgis.G_debug(level, message_debug) continue message: str = data[1] if message_type == "VERBOSE": libgis.G_verbose_message(message) elif message_type == "INFO": libgis.G_message(message) elif message_type == "IMPORTANT": libgis.G_important_message(message) elif message_type == "WARNING": libgis.G_warning(message) elif message_type == "ERROR": libgis.G_important_message("ERROR: %s" % message) # This is for testing only elif message_type == "FATAL": libgis.G_fatal_error(message)
[docs]class Messenger: """Fast and exit-safe interface to GRASS C-library message functions This class implements a fast and exit-safe interface to the GRASS C-library message functions like: G_message(), G_warning(), G_important_message(), G_verbose_message(), G_percent() and G_debug(). Note: The C-library message functions a called via ctypes in a subprocess using a pipe (multiprocessing.Pipe) to transfer the text messages. Hence, the process that uses the Messenger interface will not be exited, if a G_fatal_error() was invoked in the subprocess. In this case the Messenger object will simply start a new subprocess and restarts the pipeline. Usage: >>> msgr = Messenger() >>> msgr.debug(0, "debug 0") >>> msgr.verbose("verbose message") >>> msgr.message("message") >>> msgr.important("important message") >>> msgr.percent(1, 1, 1) >>> msgr.warning("Ohh") >>> msgr.error("Ohh no") >>> msgr = Messenger() >>> msgr.fatal("Ohh no no no!") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 239, in fatal sys.exit(1) SystemExit: 1 >>> msgr = Messenger(raise_on_error=True) >>> msgr.fatal("Ohh no no no!") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 241, in fatal raise FatalError(message) grass.exceptions.FatalError: Ohh no no no! >>> msgr = Messenger(raise_on_error=True) >>> msgr.set_raise_on_error(False) >>> msgr.fatal("Ohh no no no!") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 239, in fatal sys.exit(1) SystemExit: 1 >>> msgr = Messenger(raise_on_error=False) >>> msgr.set_raise_on_error(True) >>> msgr.fatal("Ohh no no no!") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 241, in fatal raise FatalError(message) grass.exceptions.FatalError: Ohh no no no! """ client_conn: Connection server_conn: Connection server: Process def __init__(self, raise_on_error: bool = False) -> None: self.raise_on_error = raise_on_error self.client_conn, self.server_conn = Pipe() self.lock = Lock() self.server = Process(target=message_server, args=(self.lock, self.server_conn)) self.server.daemon = True self.server.start()
[docs] def start_server(self) -> None: """Start the messenger server and open the pipe""" self.client_conn, self.server_conn = Pipe() self.lock = Lock() self.server = Process(target=message_server, args=(self.lock, self.server_conn)) self.server.daemon = True self.server.start()
def _check_restart_server(self) -> None: """Restart the server if it was terminated""" if self.server.is_alive() is True: return self.client_conn.close() self.server_conn.close() self.start_server() self.warning("Needed to restart the messenger server")
[docs] def message(self, message: str) -> None: """Send a message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_message() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["INFO", message])
[docs] def verbose(self, message: str) -> None: """Send a verbose message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_verbose_message() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["VERBOSE", message])
[docs] def important(self, message: str) -> None: """Send an important message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_important_message() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["IMPORTANT", message])
[docs] def warning(self, message: str) -> None: """Send a warning message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_warning() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["WARNING", message])
[docs] def error(self, message: str) -> None: """Send an error message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_important_message() with an additional "ERROR:" string at the start will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["ERROR", message])
[docs] def fatal(self, message: str) -> NoReturn: """Send an error message to stderr, call sys.exit(1) or raise FatalError :param message: the text of message This function emulates the behavior of G_fatal_error(). It prints an error message to stderr and calls sys.exit(1). If raise_on_error is set True while creating the messenger object, a FatalError exception will be raised instead of calling sys.exit(1). """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["ERROR", message]) self.stop() if self.raise_on_error is True: raise FatalError(message) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def debug(self, level: int, message: str) -> None: """Send a debug message to stderr :param message: the text of message G_debug() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["DEBUG", level, message])
[docs] def percent(self, n: int, d: int, s: int) -> None: """Send a percentage to stderr :param n: The current element :param d: Total number of elements :param s: Increment size G_percent() will be called in the messenger server process """ self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["PERCENT", n, d, s])
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the messenger server and close the pipe""" if self.server is not None and self.server.is_alive(): self.client_conn.send( [ "STOP", ] ) self.server.join(5) self.server.terminate() if self.client_conn is not None: self.client_conn.close()
[docs] def set_raise_on_error(self, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> None: """Set the fatal error behavior :param raise_on_error: if True a FatalError exception will be raised instead of calling sys.exit(1) - If raise_on_error == True, a FatalError exception will be raised if fatal() is called - If raise_on_error == False, sys.exit(1) will be invoked if fatal() is called """ self.raise_on_error = raise_on_error
[docs] def get_raise_on_error(self) -> bool: """Get the fatal error behavior :returns: True if a FatalError exception will be raised or False if sys.exit(1) will be called in case of invoking fatal() """ return self.raise_on_error
[docs] def test_fatal_error(self, message: str) -> None: """Force the messenger server to call G_fatal_error()""" import time self._check_restart_server() self.client_conn.send(["FATAL", message]) time.sleep(1)
[docs]def get_msgr( instance=[ None, ], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Messenger: """Return a Messenger instance. :returns: the Messenger instance. >>> msgr0 = get_msgr() >>> msgr1 = get_msgr() >>> msgr2 = Messenger() >>> msgr0 is msgr1 True >>> msgr0 is msgr2 False """ if not instance[0]: instance[0] = Messenger(*args, **kwargs) return instance[0]
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()