Sampling functions for space time datasets
.. code-block:: python
import grass.temporal as tgis
tgis.register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(type, name, maps)
(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.
:authors: Soeren Gebbert
from .core import (
from .datetime_math import time_delta_to_relative_time
from .factory import dataset_factory
[docs]def sample_stds_by_stds_topology(
spatial: bool = False,
print_only: bool = True,
"""Sample the input space time datasets with a sample
space time dataset, return the created map matrix and optionally
print the result to stdout
In case multiple maps are located in the current granule,
the map names are separated by comma.
In case a layer is present, the names map ids are extended
in this form: "name:layer@mapset"
Attention: Do not use the comma as separator for printing
:param intype: Type of the input space time dataset (strds, stvds or str3ds)
:param sampletype: Type of the sample space time datasets (strds, stvds or str3ds)
:param inputs: Name or comma separated names of space time datasets or
a list of map names
:param sampler: Name of a space time dataset used for temporal sampling
:param header: Set True to print column names
:param separator: The field separator character between the columns
:param method: The method to be used for temporal sampling
(start,during,contain,overlap,equal) as comma separated
string or as a list of methods
:param spatial: Perform spatial overlapping check
:param print_only: If set True (default) then the result of the
sampling will be printed to stdout, if set to False
the resulting map matrix will be returned.
:return: The map matrix or None if nothing found
mapset = get_current_mapset()
msgr = get_tgis_message_interface()
# Make a method list
if not issubclass(type(method), type([])):
method = method.split(",")
# Split the inputs
if not issubclass(type(inputs), type([])):
inputs = inputs.split(",")
sts = []
for input in inputs:
id = input if input.find("@") >= 0 else input + "@" + mapset
st = dataset_factory(intype, id)
sid = sampler if sampler.find("@") >= 0 else sampler + "@" + mapset
sst = dataset_factory(sampletype, sid)
dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection()
for st in sts:
if st.is_in_db(dbif) is False:
msgr.fatal(_("Dataset <%s> not found in temporal database") % (st.get_id()))
if sst.is_in_db(dbif) is False:
msgr.fatal(_("Dataset <%s> not found in temporal database") % (sid))
if separator is None or separator == "" or separator.find(",") >= 0:
separator = " | "
mapmatrizes = []
for st in sts:
mapmatrix = st.sample_by_dataset(sst, method, spatial, dbif)
if mapmatrix and len(mapmatrix) > 0:
if len(mapmatrizes) > 0:
# Simply return the map matrix
if not print_only:
return mapmatrizes
if header:
string = ""
string += "%s%s" % (sst.get_id(), separator)
for st in sts:
string += "%s%s" % (st.get_id(), separator)
string += "%s%s" % ("start_time", separator)
string += "%s%s" % ("end_time", separator)
string += "%s%s" % ("interval_length", separator)
string += "%s" % ("distance_from_begin")
first_time, dummy = mapmatrizes[0][0]["granule"].get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
for i in range(len(mapmatrizes[0])):
mapname_list = []
for mapmatrix in mapmatrizes:
mapnames = ""
count = 0
entry = mapmatrix[i]
for sample in entry["samples"]:
if count == 0:
mapnames += str(sample.get_id())
mapnames += ",%s" % str(sample.get_id())
count += 1
entry = mapmatrizes[0][i]
map = entry["granule"]
start, end = map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
delta = end - start if end else None
delta_first = start - first_time
if map.is_time_absolute():
if end:
delta = time_delta_to_relative_time(delta)
delta_first = time_delta_to_relative_time(delta_first)
string = ""
string += "%s%s" % (map.get_id(), separator)
for mapnames in mapname_list:
string += "%s%s" % (mapnames, separator)
string += "%s%s" % (start, separator)
string += "%s%s" % (end, separator)
string += "%s%s" % (delta, separator)
string += "%s" % (delta_first)
if len(mapmatrizes) > 0:
return mapmatrizes
return None