Note that GRASS frame contents are not retained when one frame covers another. You cannot shuffle frames from top to bottom and then back again. They simply define rectangular areas on the screen where subsequent drawing will occur.
If the user has created multiple display frames that overlap one another, whatever the user displays in the active frame will overwrite those portions of the underlying frame where these frames overlap.
Important note: This version of d.frame works only with GRASS 7.0. Further versions of GRASS come with their own built-in d.frame module.
# start a new graphics monitor, the data will be rendered to # /tmp/map.png image output file of size 600x540px d.mon cairo out=/tmp/map.png width=600 height=540 --o # set up region g.region raster=elevation # remove all frames and erase the current graphics monitor d.frame -e # create a first frame and display 'landuse96_28m' raster map including text label d.frame -c frame=first at=0,50,0,50 d.rast landuse96_28m d.text text='Landuse' bgcolor=220:220:220 color=black size=6 # create a second frame and display 'streams' vector map d.frame -c frame=second at=0,50,50,100 d.vect streams color=blue d.text text='Streams' bgcolor=220:220:220 color=black size=6 # create a third frame and display 'elevation' raster map including text label and scale d.frame -c frame=third at=50,100,0,50 d.rast elevation d.text text='Elevation' bgcolor=220:220:220 color=black size=6 d.barscale at=0,10 style=line bgcolor=none # create a fourth frame and display RGB composition map including text label d.frame -c frame=fourth at=50,100,50,100 d.rgb red=lsat7_2002_30 green=lsat7_2002_20 blue=lsat7_2002_10 d.text text='RGB true colors' bgcolor=220:220:220 color=black size=6 # release the current graphics monitor d.mon -r
GRASS environment variables for rendering (GRASS_RENDER_FRAME)
Based on d.frame from GRASS 6:
James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research
Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory
Available at: d.frame source code (history)
Latest change: Tuesday Mar 26 20:41:36 2024 in commit: 3b09b1d78f6e96ffebacac6e36f0afd91ad0c091
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