So, what is new in GRASS 4.2.1 (22. September 1998) and what is the difference to BAYLORæ„€ version? The major point is a lot of bugfixing. There is still no floating point in raster files, but we all hope for GRASS 5.0 in summer 1998. The difference between my package and the original Baylors GRASS 4.2 are - elimination of errors in several modules (read history file) - changed r.le 2.1 to version 2.2 - cleaning the package structure - addition of lots of modules (see below in src.alpha). - tcltkgrass - the new graphical user interface is added We currently plan to produce update packages for Baylor's GRASS 4.2. In details: src-directory (CERL and Baylor): some minor bugfixing. display/devices/XDRIVER_24 # 24 bit driver (supports 8bit as well) mapdev/v.mkquads # same as other but you can make quarter quads, thirds, 1x3 documents-directory (Markus Neteler): modules # some module documents instructions/welcome.html # the compiling instructions instructions/grass-doc-proj/welcome.html # Grass Documentation Project from Internet tutorials # some more nice tutorials html # Man-pages in HTML format src.alpha-directory (Baylor): [new: some bugfixing] r.nntool (corrected 1/1/98, 27.1.98) r.casc2d r.flow # computes flow lines r.water.fea r.stage3 r.sun fire # wildfire simulation (corrected 4. Feb. 98) r.agnps11 # obsolete (V.1.1) - V.5.0 is in src.alpha/r.agnps50 r.bilinear (corrected 1/1/98) r.le (version 2.2) r.out.ppm r.out.mpeg r.out.hdf xganim (needs Motif-libs, commented out in lists/GRASS) # script (22.1.98) src.alpha-directory - new 4.2.1 code (collected from Markus Neteler) display/d.area # display vector polygons colorized display/d.barscale # displays a barscale (position with mouse) display/d.myzoom # nice zoom module display/d.pan # panning module display/d.rast.leg # displays a raster map and its legend on GRASS mon. display/d.rgbcolortbl # displays color table display/d.param.scale # belongs to r.param.scale display/ # displays site labels display/d.vect.zoom # vector zoom display/d.what.sites # query sites paint/p.vrml # output of VRML 1.0 code # create a barscale vector layer for raster/r.affinity # analysis classifier based on affinity index of David W. Goodall raster/r.agnps50 # successor of r.agnps (AGNPS 5.0 now) raster/r.clump1 raster/r.distance # calculates distances between objects raster/r.feat.thin # used for r.param.scale raster/ # import binary files into GRASS raster/ # 8 bit GIF import (GIF 87) raster/ # 24bit PPM import raster/r.kappa # Kappa statistics raster/r.kineros # module for determaining stream networks raster/r.lags # calc. spatial dependence measure (Moran's I or texture) raster/r.moran # calculates Moran's I stats. for a raster surface raster/r.out.pov # height model output for POVRAY (Persistence of Vision Raytracer) raster/r.param.scale # calculates elevation parameters raster/r.statistics # univariate statistics raster/r.sunmask # calculates shadows in a DEM from sun raster/ # creates a fractal surface of a given fractal dimension raster/ # produces a raster map layer of gaussian deviation raster/ # produces a raster map layer of uniform random deviates raster/r.tiff # 8 bit import, 8/24bit export (corrected SCS version) raster/ # converts raster to sites raster/r.tribs # belongs to r.kineros raster/r.water.outlet.3.0 # calculate watersheds from given point raster/r.xy # can be used to produce functions in the form: z = fn(x,y) for r.mapcalc scripts/d.rast.leg # displays map and legend on raster window scripts/d.rast.rescale # displays on-the-fly-histogram stretched image on GRASS monitor scripts/i.oif # calculate Optimum Index Factor for LANDSAT TM band combinations scripts/i.spectral # displays with gnuplot satellite spectral response at user defined spot scripts/i.tasscap # Tasseled cap (Kauth Thomas) transform scripts/ps.add.pagesize # add new pagesize on products scripts/r.edge.dig # Digitize a vector line between two given raster values in a raster map scripts/ # ARC/INFO TIFF import (with .tfw file) scripts/r.out.arctiff # ARC/INFO TIFF export (with .tfw file) scripts/r.out.bil # BIL export (for ARC/INFO, ARC/View etc.) scripts/r.reclass.area # reclass a raster map by specified area size scripts/r.regression.line # calculate linear regression from two raster files scripts/ # read sites from GPS Text file scripts/s.out.gps # write sites to GPS Text file scripts/v.cutter.attr # polygon cutter with vector attributes scripts/v.out.gps # read vector sites from GPS Text file sites/s.buffer # generates vector buffer around a site point sites/s.geom and v.geom # successor of s.delaunay, s.voronoy sites/ # import of DEMs with x y z values for conversion with sites/s.label # makes a paint-label file from a site list sites/s.nearest # calculates minimum distance from a site to another site sites/ # bilinear surface interpolation sites/ # Surface interpolation from site data via kriging sites/ # calculate semivariogram sites/s.windavg # Window average filter for sites vector/v.digspline # modified v.digit with spline interpolation vector/v.distance # Calculates a distance from a point to nearest line or point in vector layer vector/v.shape/* # ARCVIEW-SHAPE utilities vector/v.plant # inserts nodes in equidistance into vector map vector/v.what # Query the category contents of a (binary) vector at user-selected locations vector/ # interpolates surfaces from vectors with cubic splines tcltkgrass/ # graphical user interface using Tcl/Tk8.0 src.contrib (CERL and others groups): [new: some bugfixing] NMSU/WRAT/wrat # r.wrat - water resource assessment tool (terrain analysis, runoff and pollution calculation NRCS/raster/ # reads in an uncompressed USGS Digitial Orthophotography NRCS/vector/ # this file works but it is picky about the dig_cats file. It wants a line for 0:nodata and it appreciates it if the number of attributes are numberedbeginning with one. NRCS/vector/ # ATLAS GIS interface NRCS/vector/ NRCS/vector/v.out.atlas # ATLAS GIS interface NRCS/vector/v.out.mapinfo # MAPINFO GIS interface NRCS/vector/v.zoom # Zoom to user defined vector areas OTHERS/ # Create a vector file of polygons centered on given locations OTHERS/v.reg # computes the latitude and longitude of the 4 exterior corners and 4 interior tic marks for a USGS 7.5' Quad Map. CORPS/FLOOD # Floodplain Analysis Tools (HEC) CORPS/ # converts raster to sites SCS/display/d.fix.ortho # allows coordinate moving of raster images through mouse answers # erosion modelling - raster/r.fill.dir # Filters and generates a depressionless elevation map and a flow direction map from a given elevation layer - raster/ # Generates a flow direction map from a given elevation layer grass.informix # database interface grass.rim # RIM/GRASS database interface # updated (untested) database interface src.related - external programs LTPlus_4.13 # digitizer and raster to vector conversion program gctp # coordinate transformation program mapgen_6.25 # map creation program (contains xmapgen) mpeg-encoder # for r.out.mpeg netcdf-libs # for r.stage3 rim # the RIM database program xgen # graphical user interface (req. MOTIF) xgrass/lesstif0.83-libs # clone for MOTIF (to compile XGRASS) files_for_binary_installation/ etc/paint/ps.devices # postscript printer devices definitions untested (several authors) dbms/grass.gdbase # simple ASCII (vector/sites) database interface with Tcl/TK dbms/grass.ingresV5 # INGRES database interface dbms/grass.ingresV6 # INGRES database interface dbms/ # ORACLE database interface dbms/grass.postgres4_5-interface # old POSTGRES database interface dbms/grass.postgres6-interface # current POSTGRAS 6 database interface display/ display/d.fpan display/d.fzoom display/d.leg.thin display/d.sites.label display/d.sites.labels display/d.sites.qual display/d.vect.db # d.vect.db allows editing of DBMS tables (project) display/d.what.vect2 driver/hpd500c # printer driver HP Deskjet gnuplot/g.gnuplot.3d misc/m.clump misc/m.ipf misc/m.svfit raster/r.aggreg raster/r.colourtool # needs Tcl/Tk raster/ # import ARC/INFO ascii raster files raster/ # import DEM data raster/ raster/r.ppm raster/r.out.arc raster/ # reads in german MilGeo-DTM raster/r.slope.aspect # diffs to change aspect to North=0, clockwise raster/ raster/ sites/ sites/ new-sites-api # all the following modules base on the new API # when using them the old sites-modules have to be # corrected: You are welcome! sites/ sites/s.kcv sites/s.label sites/s.nearest sites/s.normal sites/s.perturb sites/s.probplt sites/s.qcount sites/s.rand sites/s.sample sites/ sites/s.univar sites/s.windavg tcltk/monitor.tcl tcltk/usle.tcl # USLE erosion calculation with menu vector/ # corrected ARC/INFO polygons import when having identical starting points vector/v.out.mif vector/v.die.unlabelled vector/v.llabel vector/v.rmdup # removes duplicate lines, areas, and points from a binary vector file vector/v.rm.dangles # Removes dangle lines from a vector map, asks the maximum length of removing lines. vector/ vector/ wwwinterface/grasslinks3.0 # WWW interface to GRASS GRASS Research Group at Baylor University, Texas U.S.A Markus Neteler University of Hannover Germany