-------------------------------------------------------------------- Tested and for inclusion in GRASS 4.3 update package 1 by Bruce Byars, GRASS Development Team, Baylor University. January, 2001. This is part of the OFFICIAL GRASS 4.3 Distribution. grass4.3update-1-2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS This GRASS 4.3 update includes the following programs and/or fixes: src.alpha/raster/r.fuzzy -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION These compilation steps have been successfully tested on Linux (RedHat 6.0, 7.0) and Sun (Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8). Installation requires the following steps: 1. Copy grass4.3-update-1-2001.tar.gz into your base GRASS source code directory (The official 4.3 base directory is your-directory-string/grass4.3src). 2. Run the commands gunzip grass4.3-update-1-2001.tar.gz -and- tar -xvf grass4.3-update-1-2001.tar This will place the source code in the src.alpha/ directory for compilation. 3. From the above directory(ies) run the command gmake4.3 to compile the updates and new programs. 4. Run the MAKELINKS program to ensure that the new modules are linked and ready to use.