Date: $Date: 2004-05-21 08:55:30 +0000 (Fri, 21 May 2004) $

This directory contains the experimental (HEAD) source code for
GRASS GIS 5.3.X in gzipped tar format.  
It reflects latest development!

The large (around 23 mb) file grass53src_cvs_snapshot_exp_YYYY_MM_DD.tar.gz is
 the whole source in a single file.  Get this file.  The file name indicates
the date that the snapshot was made, in the format YYYY_MM_DD, where YYYY
is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the date, as integers.

To extract do following:

- Create a directory for the source code:

        mkdir /opt/grass53sources

- Put the package there and extract it (replace "YYYY_MM_DD" with 
  the the date of your snapshot from the name of the file you downloaded,
  as described above):

        gunzip grass53src_cvs_snapshot_exp_YYYY_MM_DD.tar.gz
	tar -xvf grass53src_cvs_snapshot_exp_YYYY_MM_DD.tar  


        gunzip grass53src_cvs_snapshot_exp_2004_02_14.tar.gz
        tar -xvf grass53src_cvs_snapshot_exp_2004_02_14.tar

This will create the necessary directories and
files for you to compile GRASS.

Compile the source:

-> Please read the included INSTALL text for details!
   It contains the latest instructions.

A) If you have "root" access to your machine:

  Jump into the new directory "grass53_exp_YYYY_MM_DD", again substituting
	the date of your snapshot for YYYY_MM_DD (example):
        cd grass53_exp_2004_02_14

  To compile enter following:

        make install

  Again: read the INSTALL file in the sources!
  Now the code will be compiled (takes around 1h depending on
  processor's speed).

B) If you have no "root" access: You can also compile 
   GRASS locally (replace "user" with your username):

   Jump into the new directory "53_exp_YYYY_MM_DD", again substituting 
        the date of your snapshot for YYYY_MM_DD (example):
        cd grass53_exp_2004_02_14

   Then start the process:

        ./configure --prefix=/home/user/grass53 --with-bindir=/home/user
        make install

   This will store the GRASS binaries into your local directory
   "grass53" and the start script into your home.

        ./configure --prefix=/home/roberta/grass53 --with-bindir=/home/roberta
        make install

  Now the code will be compiled (takes around 1h depending on
  processor's speed).


The "configure" process creates two scripts (they will be stored in
/usr/local/bin/ after running "make install" if not having used configure
with option "--with-bindir")


To (later) compile a single GRASS module, run within the related

   gmake5 -i
   gmakelinks5 -i

And don't forget:
Enjoy ongoing GRASS development!


If you experience any problems, please email
us at the GRASS Developers mailing list:

Report bugs to (if not listed in "know_bugs"):

Send improvements to


Get this file.