After the user responds, the mouse is deactivated and the displayed menu is erased from the screen (leaving any underlying materials on display intact). Three lines are written to standard output (the user's terminal screen):
d.ask will prompt the user to select a raster (cell) file from among those listed in the "cell" directories of the mapsets listed in his current mapset search path. A pop-up menu will be displayed on the user's graphics monitor, containing the prompt:
The output is in the form of /bin/sh commands to set the variable name to the file name specified by the user (of the element type requested by d.ask), mapset to the GRASS mapset in which this file resides, and fullname to the name of the file and its mapset.
If the user elects not to select a file but instead chooses the "Double click here to cancel" option, the mouse will be deactivated and no variable assignments will be returned to standard output.
If no files of the specified element type are found in the user's current mapset search path, the mouse is activated and the following message is displayed on the user's graphics monitor:
Last changed: $Date: 2003/04/11 09:50:53 $