Number of rows to hold in memory is per default 512. This parameter allows users with less memory (or more) on their system to control how much memory uses.
A <for polygonal areas> easting northing . . . = cat# label L <for linear features> easting northing . . . = cat# labelThe A signals the beginning of a polygon. It must appear in the first column. The L signal the beginning of a linear feature. It also must appear in the first column. The coordinates of the vertices of the polygon, or the coordinates defining the linear feature follow and must have a space in the first column and at least one space between the easting and the northing. To give meaning to the features, the = indicates that the feature currently being processed has category value cat# (which must be an integer) and a label (which may be more than one word, or which may be omitted).
A 591316.80 4926455.50 591410.25 4926482.40 591434.60 4926393.60 591341.20 4926368.70 = 42 stadium
r.colors for creates color tables for raster maps
Last changed: $Date: 2003/08/23 06:52:42 $