r.tsunami allow to assess the maximum vertical height
of the tsunami wave at the coast (run-up) and the subsequent
inundation on the mainland.The procedure takes into account local
morphological characteristics,vegetation and urbanization
through the usage of digital terrain model and roughness raster
The digital terrain model raster map must contain null values at sea level.
M.Molinari, M. Cannata (Earth Science Institute, http://istgeo.ist.supsi.ch).
Implementation of the base method developed by B. Federici.
- Federici, B & Cosso, T, 2006, 'Tsunami inundation maps and damage sceneries through the GIS GRASS',
proceedings of FOSS4G2006 , Lausanne, Switzerland, viewed 13 August 2008.
- Cannata M., Federici B., Molinari M., - "Carte di inondazione dovute a tsunami mediante il GIS GRASS: applicazione all'isola di St. Lucia, Caraibi",proceedings of VIII Italian GRASS user meeting, Palermo, Italy, viewed 13 August 2008.
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