Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page. lets you query a dataset via a contract. Beware the conditions that come with it and terms of use that apply to data.
It is only a transitory module aiming at allowing french wmts support for GRASS 6.4 version ( module fails at requesting this service, and Add-On does not correctly handle french projection systems (which operate nadgrid-based datum shifts). It is quite rough but easily adaptable to one's personnal needs.
Connecting to the WMTS streams of Géoportail is not straight, in cause a restricted access protected by a personal apiKey that comes with your contract. See practical details concerning registration on the official website. -c apikey=pi3cawp5p883ql4bdk3bhert user=vincent password=******
Import orthoimagery from IGN wmts server, to 3 raster bands,, -m apikey=pi3cawp5p883ql4bdk3bhert user=vincent password=****** wmtslayer=ORTHOIMAGERY.ORTHOPHOTOS tiletype=jpeg output=orthoign
Import cadastral parcels from IGN wmts server to a raster apikey=pi3cawp5p883ql4bdk3bhert user=vincent password=****** wmtslayer=CADASTRALPARCELS.PARCELS tiletype=png output=parcels
Last changed: $Date: 2014-03-23$