Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.
Module is prepared to calculate Hotron's statistics of drainage network.
These statistics are calculated according formulas given by R.Horton (1945). Because Horton do not defined precisely what is stream slope, I proposed 2 different approaches: first (slope) use cell-by-cell slope calculation, second (gradient) use difference between elevation of outlet and source of every channel to its length to calculate formula. Bifurcation ratio for every order is calculated acording formula:
where i the current order and i+1 next higher order. For max order of the map number of streams is zero. Rest of the ratios are calculated in similar mode. The bifurcation and other ratios for the whole catchment (map) is calculated as mean i.e sum of all bifurcation ratio / max_order-1 (for max_order stream bifurcation ratio = 0) It is strongly recommended to extract stream network using basin map created with If whole stream order map is used the calculation will be performed but results may not have hydrological sense. For every order (std) means that statstic is calculated with standard deviation:
Module calculates statistics for all streams in input stream map.It is strongly recommended to extract only network of one basin, but it is not necessary for computation. Streams for desired basin first can be extracted with following mapcalc formula:
It is also possible to calculate Horton's statistics for Shreve ordering but it
has limited hydrological sense. Hack main stream is not the same what so called
Horton's reverse ordering.
Module can work only if direction map, stream map and region map has same
settings. It is also required that stream map and direction map come from the
same source. For lots of reason this limitation probably cannot be omitted.
this means if stream map comes from also direction map from must be used. If stream network was generated with MFD method
also MFD direction map must be used. Nowadays f direction map comes from must be patched by direction map from r.watershed. (with
Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-08 13:56:45 -0800 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011) $
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Jarek Jasiewicz