Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.

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DESCRIPTION produces the Width Function of a basin. The Width Function W(x) gives the number of the cells in a basin at a flow distance x from the outlet (it is also referred as distance-area function). It is important to underline the fact that the distance is not the euclidean one, but it is measured along the flowpath towards the outlet.


Distance to outlet map: Input map, required. It is obtained by (with the option: distance to outlet, flag -o)
Output plot: Path and name of the plot


It provides the quantiles of the area - distance distribution and the plot of the Width Function. In x axis is reported the distance and in y axis is the area.


SEE ALSO, r.basin,


Rodriguez-Iturbe I., Rinaldo A. — Fractal River Basins, Chance and Self-Organization. Cambridge Press (2001)

In Italian: Di Leo M., Di Stefano M., Claps P., Sole A. — Caratterizzazione morfometrica del bacino idrografico in GRASS GIS (Morphometric characterization of the catchment in GRASS GIS environment), Geomatics Workbooks, n. 9 (2010)


Margherita Di Leo (dileomargherita AT gmail DOT com), Massimo Di Stefano, Francesco Di Stefano

Last changed: $Date: 2012-04-10 11:50:03 -0700 (Tue, 10 Apr 2012) $

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