Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.

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The out_ln vector map contains all input vect lines segmented so that each line goes per one input rast cell per one input vect line. Line directions are preserved. There are 2 layers in out_ln.

Categories in layer 1 of the out_ln lines are unchanged compared to vect. In layer 2, each line has a unique category. These categories increase at a step of 1 along each input line, down the input line direction. Following attributes are stored for each line in layer 2:

lcat - category of the input vect line
z - original elevation of the rast cell under the given out_ln line
z_breach - elevation of the rast cell under the given out_ln line breached, so that the elevation gradient down the watercourse is assured; minus additional depth specified

The z_breach is calculated in a following way: One line from the vect input is processed at a time. It is divided into segments, one per each input rast cell it flows through. Segments are being read down the line direction. If the elevation of the cell under the current segment >= elevation of the previous cell, the elevation of the line segment = the elevation of the previous cell - 0.000001 m. Otherwise, the elevation of the current segment = the elevation of the current cell. 0.000001 is the lowest value possible to use, because GRASS database modules round down everything beyond 6 decimal places (at least and db.execute used in the script do).

There is one point in the out_pt per one out_ln line. Categories in layer 1 and 2 of out_pt are identical to the cats of the closest out_ln line. Points are located in the middles of out_ln lines, except the first and last point of the given cat in layer 1, which are located, respectively, at the beginning and at the end of the given input vect line. For this reason, where 2 or more input vect lines are connected, the same number of points lie on each other. Attributes stored are the same as in the layer 2 of out_ln, plus:

along - the distance from the starting node of the given input vect line
x - X coordinate
y - Y coordinate

The out_pt's z_breach attribute can be used as an aid in creating a hydrologically sound DEM. However, mind the multiple, identically located points at the connections between the input vect lines, and the multiple points per one input rast cell in case when 2 or more vect lines flow through a given cell.

In the 1st case, as the z_breach attribute of the duplicates is identical anyway, you might want to have only one of the points (eg. if your interpolation program can't handle duplicate input points). To remove duplicates use v.clean tool=rmdupl. To assess the latter case, you will need to modify your input vect so that max one stream flows through any rast cell, or increase the resolution of your input DEM so that it meets the level of detail in your input drainage network.



r.carve, v.category, v.clean


Maciej Sieczka

Last changed: $Date: 2013-01-20 10:17:17 -0800 (Sun, 20 Jan 2013) $

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