Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.
NAME - Imports ASCII OVL files generated by German TOP[25/50/200]-CDROMS
SYNOPSIS help input=string [output=string] [--verbose] [--quiet]
- input=string
- Name of input vector map
- output=string
- Name for output vector map
DESCRIPTION imports vector data from an ASCII OVL file
into a (lat lon/EPS:4326) GRASS location.
If no parameters are provided, will ask for the input file
and the name of the vector layer to be created.
An OVL file can contain multiple vector geometries, such as polygons, lines
and several varieties of point data with specific attributes (different
icons, text, size, orientation).
All geometries of the OVL are imported into the GRASS vector layer. All OVL
attributes (colors, size, orientation, text, etc.) are stored in the vectors
database table.
This script will not work on binary OVL files. Make sure that ASCII OVL
is exported.
OVL files can be created from german TOP[10|25|50|100] products, Austrian
AUSTRIA MAP products and the Swiss SWISSMAP 100.
The script automatically converts the line-end characters from MS-Windows to
Extended Mapping Opportunity
It might be interesting to know that the SWISSMAP 100 CDROM includes a
general map (low res) of central Europe which allows to create OVLs also for
parts of France, Italy and other countries.
Peter Löwe,
Last changed: $Date: 2013-06-04 01:18:13 -0700 (Tue, 04 Jun 2013) $
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