Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current addon manual page.
Optionally the values of a raster map at the new sites can be uploaded.
# identify category number of the forest in the fields map fields where="label = 'Black Hills Natl. Forest'" # shows that the forest is category 63 g.region rast=landcover.30m v.random.cover cover=fields cat=63 out=random_NP_cover n=500 \ raster=landcover.30m # upload category legend from the raster file v.db.addcol random_NP_cover column='landcover varchar(50)' r.category landcover.30m | \ ( while read LINE ; do CAT=`echo "$LINE" | cut -f1` LABEL=`echo "$LINE" | cut -f2` v.db.update map=random_NP_cover column=landcover \ value="$LABEL" where="sampled = $CAT" done )
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