Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that is outdated. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
#include "" #include "" #include "" #declare Scale = 7; light_source { <40000, Scale*3000, 5000> color MainLight } camera { location < 23000, Scale*2000, 0> angle 90 look_at < 23000, Scale*1400, 5000> } height_field { tga "" smooth water_level 0.11 // 726 / 6553.6 = 0.111 texture { pigment { image_map { // image is always projected from -z, with front facing +z, top to +Y ppm "" once } rotate x*90 // align map to height_field } } finish { ambient 0.2 // Very dark shadows diffuse 0.8 // Whiten the whites phong 0.2 // shiny phong_size 100.0 // with tight highlights specular 0.5 roughness 0.05 } scale < 14500, Scale*6553.6, 13000 > translate <18300, 0, 1100> }
Last changed: $Date: 2008-05-16 12:09:06 -0700 (Fri, 16 May 2008) $
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