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Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4, available here.
Updated manual page: here


db.connect - Prints/sets general DB connection for current mapset.


database, attribute table, connection settings


db.connect --help
db.connect [-pgcd] [driver=name] [database=name] [schema=name] [group=string] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Print current connection parameters and exit
Substitute variables in database settings
Print current connection parameters using shell style and exit
Check connection parameters, set if uninitialized, and exit
Set from default settings and exit
Overwrite current settings if already initialized
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


Name of database driver
Options: dbf, mysql, odbc, ogr, pg, sqlite
Default: sqlite
Name of database
Default: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
Database schema
Do not use this option if schemas are not supported by driver/database server
Default group of database users to which select privilege is granted

Table of contents


db.connect allows the user to set database connection parameters. These parameters are then taken as default values by modules so that the user does not need to enter the parameters each time.

The default database backend in GRASS GIS 7 is SQLite.


Values are stored in the mapset's VAR file; the connection is not tested for validity.

The -p flag will display the current connection parameters.

The -c flag will silently check if the connection parameters have been set, and if not will set them to use GRASS's default values. (useful in scripts before you attempt to create a new database table)

To connect a vector map to a database table, use v.db.connect or v.db.addtable.


SQLite (default backend)

Local storage:
db.connect -d
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

The SQLite database file is created automatically when used the first time.

See SQLite database driver for details.


Network storage, database tables stored in database "mydb" (may require the use of db.login):
db.connect driver=odbc database=mydb
db.login user=myname [pass=secret]
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

See PostgreSQL database driver for details.


Network storage, database tables stored in database "mydb" (may require the use of db.login):
db.connect driver=pg database=",dbname=mydb"
db.login user=myname [pass=secret]
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

See PostgreSQL database driver for details.

PostgreSQL with different port

Network storage, database tables stored in database "mydb" (may require the use of db.login):
db.connect driver=pg database=",dbname=mydb,port=6666"
db.login user=myname [pass=secret]
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

See MySQL database driver for details.

MySQL (local connection)

Local storage (db.login may not be needed):
db.connect driver=mysql database=mydb
db.login user=myname [pass=secret]
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

See MySQL database driver for details.

MySQL (external server)

Network storage, database tables stored in database "mydb" (may require the use of db.login):
db.connect driver=mysql database=",dbname=mydb"
db.login user=myname [pass=secret]
db.connect -p
db.tables -p

See ODBC database driver for details.

DBF (local, not recommended)

Local storage (the dbf/ subdirectory in the mapset must exist or must be created by the user):
db.connect driver=dbf database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/'
db.tables -p

See DBF database driver for details.


db.columns, db.copy, db.drivers, db.login, db.tables, v.db.addtable, v.db.connect

GRASS SQL interface


Main author: Radim Blazek, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
GRASS 7 improvements: Martin Landa, Markus Metz

Last changed: $Date: 2016-09-11 04:25:46 -0700 (Sun, 11 Sep 2016) $


Available at: db.connect source code (history)

Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4, available here.
Updated manual page: here

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© 2003-2018 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.0.7svn Reference Manual