# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import fnmatch
import os
from sqlite3 import OperationalError
import grass.lib.gis as libgis
import grass.lib.raster as libraster
from grass.script import core as grasscore
from grass.pygrass.errors import GrassError
[docs]def looking(obj, filter_string):
>>> import grass.lib.vector as libvect
>>> sorted(looking(libvect, '*by_box*')) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['Vect_select_areas_by_box', 'Vect_select_isles_by_box',
'Vect_select_lines_by_box', 'Vect_select_nodes_by_box']
word_list = dir(obj)
return fnmatch.filter(word_list, filter_string)
[docs]def findfiles(dirpath, match=None):
"""Return a list of the files"""
res = []
for f in sorted(os.listdir(dirpath)):
abspath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
if os.path.isdir(abspath):
res.extend(findfiles(abspath, match))
if match:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(abspath, match):
return res
[docs]def findmaps(type, pattern=None, mapset='', location='', gisdbase=''):
"""Return a list of tuple contining the names of the:
* map
* mapset,
* location,
* gisdbase
from grass.pygrass.gis import Gisdbase, Location, Mapset
def find_in_location(type, pattern, location):
res = []
for msetname in location.mapsets():
mset = Mapset(msetname, location.name, location.gisdbase)
res.extend([(m, mset.name, mset.location, mset.gisdbase)
for m in mset.glist(type, pattern)])
return res
def find_in_gisdbase(type, pattern, gisdbase):
res = []
for loc in gisdbase.locations():
res.extend(find_in_location(type, pattern,
Location(loc, gisdbase.name)))
return res
if gisdbase and location and mapset:
mset = Mapset(mapset, location, gisdbase)
return [(m, mset.name, mset.location, mset.gisdbase)
for m in mset.glist(type, pattern)]
elif gisdbase and location:
loc = Location(location, gisdbase)
return find_in_location(type, pattern, loc)
elif gisdbase:
gis = Gisdbase(gisdbase)
return find_in_gisdbase(type, pattern, gis)
elif location:
loc = Location(location)
return find_in_location(type, pattern, loc)
elif mapset:
mset = Mapset(mapset)
return [(m, mset.name, mset.location, mset.gisdbase)
for m in mset.glist(type, pattern)]
gis = Gisdbase()
return find_in_gisdbase(type, pattern, gis)
[docs]def remove(oldname, maptype):
"""Remove a map"""
grasscore.run_command('g.remove', quiet=True, flags='f',
type=maptype, name=oldname)
[docs]def rename(oldname, newname, maptype, **kwargs):
"""Rename a map"""
kwargs.update({maptype: '{old},{new}'.format(old=oldname, new=newname), })
grasscore.run_command('g.rename', quiet=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def copy(existingmap, newmap, maptype, **kwargs):
"""Copy a map
>>> copy('census', 'mycensus', 'vect')
>>> rename('mycensus', 'mynewcensus', 'vect')
>>> remove('mynewcensus', 'vect')
kwargs.update({maptype: '{old},{new}'.format(old=existingmap, new=newmap)})
grasscore.run_command('g.copy', quiet=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def getenv(env):
"""Return the current grass environment variables
>>> getenv("MAPSET")
return libgis.G_getenv_nofatal(env)
[docs]def get_mapset_raster(mapname, mapset=''):
"""Return the mapset of the raster map
>>> get_mapset_raster('elevation')
return libgis.G_find_raster2(mapname, mapset)
[docs]def get_mapset_vector(mapname, mapset=''):
"""Return the mapset of the vector map
>>> get_mapset_vector('census')
return libgis.G_find_vector2(mapname, mapset)
[docs]def is_clean_name(name):
"""Return if the name is valid
>>> is_clean_name('census')
>>> is_clean_name('0census')
>>> is_clean_name('census?')
>>> is_clean_name('cénsus')
if libgis.G_legal_filename(name) < 0:
return False
return True
[docs]def coor2pixel(coord, region):
"""Convert coordinates into a pixel row and col
>>> reg = Region()
>>> coor2pixel((reg.west, reg.north), reg)
(0.0, 0.0)
>>> coor2pixel((reg.east, reg.south), reg) == (reg.rows, reg.cols)
(east, north) = coord
return (libraster.Rast_northing_to_row(north, region.c_region),
libraster.Rast_easting_to_col(east, region.c_region))
[docs]def pixel2coor(pixel, region):
"""Convert row and col of a pixel into a coordinates
>>> reg = Region()
>>> pixel2coor((0, 0), reg) == (reg.north, reg.west)
>>> pixel2coor((reg.cols, reg.rows), reg) == (reg.south, reg.east)
(col, row) = pixel
return (libraster.Rast_row_to_northing(row, region.c_region),
libraster.Rast_col_to_easting(col, region.c_region))
[docs]def get_raster_for_points(poi_vector, raster, column=None, region=None):
"""Query a raster map for each point feature of a vector
>>> from grass.pygrass.vector import VectorTopo
>>> from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
>>> ele = RasterRow('elevation')
>>> copy('schools','myschools','vect')
>>> sch = VectorTopo('myschools')
>>> sch.open(mode='r')
>>> get_raster_for_points(sch, ele) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[(1, 633649.2856743174, 221412.94434781274, 145.06602)...
>>> sch.table.columns.add('elevation','double precision')
>>> 'elevation' in sch.table.columns
>>> get_raster_for_points(sch, ele, 'elevation')
>>> sch.table.filters.select('NAMESHORT','elevation')
Filters(u'SELECT NAMESHORT, elevation FROM myschools;')
>>> cur = sch.table.execute()
>>> cur.fetchall() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[(u'SWIFT CREEK', 145.06602), ... (u'9TH GRADE CTR', None)]
>>> remove('myschools','vect')
:param point: point vector object
:param raster: raster object
:param str column: column name to update
from math import isnan
if not column:
result = []
if region is None:
from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
region = Region()
if not poi_vector.is_open():
if not raster.is_open():
if poi_vector.num_primitive_of('point') == 0:
raise GrassError(_("Vector doesn't contain points"))
for poi in poi_vector.viter('points'):
val = raster.get_value(poi, region)
if column:
if val is not None and not isnan(val):
poi.attrs[column] = val
if val is not None and not isnan(val):
result.append((poi.id, poi.x, poi.y, val))
result.append((poi.id, poi.x, poi.y, None))
if not column:
return result
return True
[docs]def r_export(rast, output='', fmt='png', **kargs):
from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
if rast.exist():
output = output if output else "%s_%s.%s" % (rast.name, rast.mapset,
Module('r.out.%s' % fmt, input=rast.fullname(), output=output,
overwrite=True, **kargs)
return output
raise ValueError('Raster map does not exist.')
[docs]def get_lib_path(modname, libname=None):
"""Return the path of the libname contained in the module.
from os.path import isdir, join, sep
from os import getenv
if isdir(join(getenv('GISBASE'), 'etc', modname)):
path = join(os.getenv('GISBASE'), 'etc', modname)
elif getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE') and libname and \
isdir(join(getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), 'etc', modname, libname)):
path = join(getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), 'etc', modname)
elif getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE') and \
isdir(join(getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), 'etc', modname)):
path = join(getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), 'etc', modname)
elif getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE') and \
isdir(join(getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), modname, modname)):
path = join(os.getenv('GRASS_ADDON_BASE'), modname, modname)
# used by g.extension compilation process
cwd = os.getcwd()
idx = cwd.find(modname)
if idx < 0:
return None
path = '{cwd}{sep}etc{sep}{modname}'.format(cwd=cwd[:idx+len(modname)],
return path
[docs]def set_path(modulename, dirname=None, path='.'):
"""Set sys.path looking in the the local directory GRASS directories.
:param modulename: string with the name of the GRASS module
:param dirname: string with the directory name containing the python
libraries, default None
:param path: string with the path to reach the dirname locally.
"set_path" example working locally with the source code of a module
(r.green) calling the function with all the parameters. Below it is
reported the directory structure on the r.green module.
grass_prompt> pwd
grass_prompt> tree ../../../r.green
|-- ...
|-- libgreen
| |-- pyfile1.py
| +-- pyfile2.py
+-- r.green.hydro
|-- Makefile
|-- libhydro
| |-- pyfile1.py
| +-- pyfile2.py
|-- r.green.hydro.*
+-- r.green.hydro.financial
|-- Makefile
|-- ...
+-- r.green.hydro.financial.py
21 directories, 125 files
in the source code the function is called with the following parameters: ::
set_path('r.green', 'libhydro', '..')
set_path('r.green', 'libgreen', os.path.join('..', '..'))
when we are executing the module: r.green.hydro.financial locally from
the command line: ::
grass_prompt> python r.green.hydro.financial.py --ui
In this way we are executing the local code even if the module was already
installed as grass-addons and it is available in GRASS standards path.
The function is cheching if the dirname is provided and if the
directory exists and it is available using the path
provided as third parameter, if yes add the path to sys.path to be
importable, otherwise it will check on GRASS GIS standard paths.
import sys
# TODO: why dirname is checked first - the logic should be revised
pathlib = None
if dirname:
pathlib = os.path.join(path, dirname)
if pathlib and os.path.exists(pathlib):
# we are running the script from the script directory, therefore
# we add the path to sys.path to reach the directory (dirname)
# running from GRASS GIS session
path = get_lib_path(modulename, dirname)
if path is None:
pathname = os.path.join(modulename, dirname) if dirname else modulename
raise ImportError("Not able to find the path '%s' directory "
"(current dir '%s')." % (pathname, os.getcwd()))
sys.path.insert(0, path)
[docs]def split_in_chunk(iterable, length=10):
"""Split a list in chunk.
>>> for chunk in split_in_chunk(range(25)): print chunk
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
(20, 21, 22, 23, 24)
>>> for chunk in split_in_chunk(range(25), 3): print chunk
(0, 1, 2)
(3, 4, 5)
(6, 7, 8)
(9, 10, 11)
(12, 13, 14)
(15, 16, 17)
(18, 19, 20)
(21, 22, 23)
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, length))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
[docs]def table_exist(cursor, table_name):
"""Return True if the table exist False otherwise"""
# sqlite
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE type='table' AND name='%s';" % table_name)
except OperationalError:
# pg
cursor.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "
"information_schema.tables "
"WHERE table_name=%s)" % table_name)
except OperationalError:
return False
one = cursor.fetchone() if cursor else None
return True if one and one[0] else False
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