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Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4, available here.
Updated manual page: here


v.vect.stats - Count points in areas, calculate statistics from point attributes.


vector, attribute table, database, univariate statistics, zonal statistics


v.vect.stats --help
v.vect.stats [-p] points=name areas=name [type=string[,string,...]] [points_layer=string] [areas_layer=string] [method=string] [points_column=name] [count_column=string] [stats_column=string] [separator=character] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Print output to stdout, do not update attribute table
First column is always area category
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


points=name [required]
Name of input vector map
Name of existing vector map with points
areas=name [required]
Name of input vector map
Name of existing vector map with areas
Feature type
Input feature type
Options: point, centroid
Default: point
Layer number for points map
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 1
Layer number for area map
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 1
Method for aggregate statistics
Options: sum, average, median, mode, minimum, min_cat, maximum, max_cat, range, stddev, variance, diversity
Column name of points map to use for statistics
Column of points map must be numeric
Column name to upload points count
Column to hold points count, must be of type integer, will be created if not existing
Column name to upload statistics
Column to hold statistics, must be of type double, will be created if not existing
Field separator
Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline
Default: pipe

Table of contents


v.vect.stats counts the number of points in vector map points falling into each area in vector map areas. Optionally statistics on point attributes in points are calculated for each area. The results are either uploaded to the attribute table of the vector map areas or printed to stdout.

Statistical Methods: Using numeric attribute values of all points falling into a given area, a new value is detmined with the selected method. v.vect.stats can perform the following operations:

The sum of values.
The average value of all point attributes (sum / count).
The value found half-way through a list of the attribute values, when these are ranged in numerical order.
The most frequently occurring value.
The minimum observed value.
The point category corresponding to the minimum observed value.
The maximum observed value.
The point category corresponding to the maximum observed value.
The range of the observed values.
The statistical standard deviation of the attribute values.
The statistical variance of the attribute values.
The number of different attribute values.


Points not falling into any area are ignored. Areas without category (no centroid attached or centroid without category) are ignored. If no points are falling into a given area, the point count is set to 0 (zero) and the statistics result to "null".

The columns count_column and stats_column are created if not existing. If they do already exist, the count_column must be of type integer and the stats_column of type double precision.


Preparation for examples

The subsequent examples are based on randomly sampled elevation data (North Carolina sample database):
# work on map copy for attribute editing
g.copy vector=zipcodes_wake,myzipcodes_wake

# set computational region: extent of ZIP code map, raster pixels
# aligned to raster map
g.region vector=myzipcodes_wake align=elev_state_500m -p
#  generate random elevation points
r.random elev_state_500m vector=rand5000 n=5000
v.colors rand5000 color=elevation

# visualization
d.mon wx0
d.vect myzipcodes_wake -c
d.vect rand5000
These vector maps are used for the examples below.

Count points per polygon with printed output

See above for the creation of the input maps.

Counting points per polygon, print results to terminal:

v.vect.stats points=rand5000 area=myzipcodes_wake -p

Count points per polygon with column update

See above for the creation of the input maps.

Counting of points per polygon, with update of "num_points" column (will be automatically created):

v.vect.stats points=rand5000 area=myzipcodes_wake count_column=num_points
# verify result myzipcodes_wake column=ZIPCODE_,ZIPNAME,num_points

Average values of points in polygon with printed output

See above for the creation of the input maps.

Calculation of average point elevation per ZIP code polygon, printed to terminal in comma separated style:

# check name of point map column: -c rand5000
v.vect.stats points=rand5000 area=myzipcodes_wake \
  method=average points_column=value separator=comma -p

Average values of points in polygon with column update

See above for the creation of the input maps.

Calculation of average point elevation per ZIP code polygon, with update of "avg_elev" column and counting of points per polygon, with update of "num_points" column (new columns will be automatically created):

# check name of point map column: -c rand5000
v.vect.stats points=rand5000 area=myzipcodes_wake count_column=num_points \
  method=average points_column=value stats_column=avg_elev
# verify result myzipcodes_wake column=ZIPCODE_,ZIPNAME,avg_elev


v.distance, r.distance, v.rast.stats, v.what.vect


Markus Metz

Last changed: $Date: 2016-05-16 03:23:50 -0700 (Mon, 16 May 2016) $


Available at: v.vect.stats source code (history)

Note: A new GRASS GIS stable version has been released: GRASS GIS 7.4, available here.
Updated manual page: here

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