"""@package grass.temporal
Temporal vector algebra
(C) 2014 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.
:authors: Thomas Leppelt and Soeren Gebbert
.. code-block:: python
>>> import grass.temporal as tgis
>>> tgis.init(True)
>>> p = tgis.TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer()
>>> p.build()
>>> p.debug = True
>>> expression = 'E = A : B ^ C : D'
>>> p.test(expression)
E = A : B ^ C : D
>>> expression = 'E = buff_a(A, 10)'
>>> p.test(expression)
E = buff_a(A, 10)
from __future__ import print_function
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
import grass.pygrass.modules as pygrass
import copy
from .temporal_algebra import TemporalAlgebraLexer, TemporalAlgebraParser, GlobalTemporalVar
from .core import init_dbif, get_current_mapset
from .abstract_dataset import AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime
from .open_stds import open_new_stds
from spatio_temporal_relationships import SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder
from .space_time_datasets import VectorDataset
[docs]class TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer(TemporalAlgebraLexer):
"""Lexical analyzer for the GRASS GIS temporal vector algebra"""
def __init__(self):
# Buffer functions from v.buffer
vector_buff_functions = {
'buff_p' : 'BUFF_POINT',
'buff_l' : 'BUFF_LINE',
'buff_a' : 'BUFF_AREA',
# This is the list of token names.
vector_tokens = (
# Build the token list
tokens = TemporalAlgebraLexer.tokens \
+ vector_tokens \
+ tuple(vector_buff_functions.values())
# Regular expression rules for simple tokens
t_DISOR = r'\+'
t_XOR = r'\^'
t_NOT = r'\~'
#t_T_OVERLAY_OPERATOR = r'\{([a-zA-Z\|]+[,])?([\|&+=]?[\|&+=\^\~])\}'
t_T_OVERLAY_OPERATOR = r'\{[\|&+\^\~][,]?[a-zA-Z\| ]*([,])?([lrudi]|left|right|union|disjoint|intersect)?\}'
# Parse symbols
[docs] def temporal_symbol(self, t):
# Check for reserved words
if t.value in TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.time_functions.keys():
t.type = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.time_functions.get(t.value)
elif t.value in TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.datetime_functions.keys():
t.type = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.datetime_functions.get(t.value)
elif t.value in TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.conditional_functions.keys():
t.type = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.conditional_functions.get(t.value)
elif t.value in TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.vector_buff_functions.keys():
t.type = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.vector_buff_functions.get(t.value)
t.type = 'NAME'
return t
[docs]class TemporalVectorAlgebraParser(TemporalAlgebraParser):
"""The temporal algebra class"""
# Get the tokens from the lexer class
tokens = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer.tokens
# Setting equal precedence level for select and hash operations.
precedence = (
'NOT', 'XOR'), #2
def __init__(self, pid=None, run=False, debug=True, spatial = False):
TemporalAlgebraParser.__init__(self, pid, run, debug, spatial)
self.m_overlay = pygrass.Module('v.overlay', quiet=True, run_=False)
self.m_rename = pygrass.Module('g.rename', quiet=True, run_=False)
self.m_patch = pygrass.Module('v.patch', quiet=True, run_=False)
self.m_mremove = pygrass.Module('g.remove', quiet=True, run_=False)
self.m_buffer = pygrass.Module('v.buffer', quiet=True, run_=False)
[docs] def parse(self, expression, basename = None, overwrite = False):
# Check for space time dataset type definitions from temporal algebra
l = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer()
while True:
tok = l.lexer.token()
if not tok: break
if tok.type == "STVDS" or tok.type == "STRDS" or tok.type == "STR3DS":
raise SyntaxError("Syntax error near '%s'" %(tok.type))
self.lexer = TemporalVectorAlgebraLexer()
self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=self.debug)
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.count = 0
self.stdstype = "stvds"
self.maptype = "vector"
self.mapclass = VectorDataset
self.basename = basename
self.expression = expression
######################### Temporal functions ##############################
[docs] def build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(self, maplistA, maplistB = None, topolist = ["EQUAL"],
assign_val = False, count_map = False, compare_bool = False,
compare_cmd = False, compop = None, aggregate = None,
new = False, convert = False, overlay_cmd = False):
"""Build temporal topology for two space time data sets, copy map objects
for given relation into map list.
:param maplistA: List of maps.
:param maplistB: List of maps.
:param topolist: List of strings of temporal relations.
:param assign_val: Boolean for assigning a boolean map value based on
the map_values from the compared map list by
topological relationships.
:param count_map: Boolean if the number of topological related maps
should be returned.
:param compare_bool: Boolean for comparing boolean map values based on
related map list and compariosn operator.
:param compare_cmd: Boolean for comparing command list values based on
related map list and compariosn operator.
:param compop: Comparison operator, && or ||.
:param aggregate: Aggregation operator for relation map list, & or |.
:param new: Boolean if new temporary maps should be created.
:param convert: Boolean if conditional values should be converted to
r.mapcalc command strings.
:param overlay_cmd: Boolean for aggregate overlay operators implicitly
in command list values based on related map lists.
:return: List of maps from maplistA that fulfil the topological relationships
to maplistB specified in topolist.
complementdict = {"EQUAL": "EQUAL", "FOLLOWS" : "PRECEDES",
resultdict = {}
# Check if given temporal relation are valid.
for topo in topolist:
if topo.upper() not in topologylist:
raise SyntaxError("Unpermitted temporal relation name '" + topo + "'")
# Create temporal topology for maplistA to maplistB.
tb = SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder()
# Dictionary with different spatial variables used for topology builder.
spatialdict = {'strds' : '2D', 'stvds' : '2D', 'str3ds' : '3D'}
# Build spatial temporal topology
if self.spatial:
tb.build(maplistA, maplistB, spatial = spatialdict[self.stdstype])
tb.build(maplistA, maplistB)
# Iterate through maps in maplistA and search for relationships given
# in topolist.
for map_i in maplistA:
tbrelations = map_i.get_temporal_relations()
# Check for boolean parameters for further calculations.
if assign_val:
self.assign_bool_value(map_i, tbrelations, topolist)
elif compare_bool:
self.compare_bool_value(map_i, tbrelations, compop, aggregate, topolist)
elif compare_cmd:
self.compare_cmd_value(map_i, tbrelations, compop, aggregate, topolist, convert)
elif overlay_cmd:
self.overlay_cmd_value(map_i, tbrelations, compop, topolist)
for topo in topolist:
if topo.upper() in tbrelations.keys():
if count_map:
relationmaplist = tbrelations[topo.upper()]
gvar = GlobalTemporalVar()
gvar.td = len(relationmaplist)
if "map_value" in dir(map_i):
map_i.map_value = gvar
# Use unique identifier, since map names may be equal
resultdict[map_i.uid] = map_i
resultlist = resultdict.values()
# Sort list of maps chronological.
resultlist = sorted(resultlist, key = AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime)
[docs] def overlay_cmd_value(self, map_i, tbrelations, function, topolist = ["EQUAL"]):
""" Function to evaluate two map lists by given overlay operator.
:param map_i: Map object with temporal extent.
:param tbrelations: List of temporal relation to map_i.
:param topolist: List of strings for given temporal relations.
:param function: Overlay operator, &|+^~.
:return: Map object with command list with operators that has been
evaluated by implicit aggregration.
# Build comandlist list with elements from related maps and given relation operator.
resultlist = []
# Define overlay operation dictionary.
overlaydict = {"&":"and", "|":"or", "^":"xor", "~":"not", "+":"disor"}
operator = overlaydict[function]
# Set first input for overlay module.
mapainput = map_i.get_id()
# Append command list of given map to result command list.
if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i):
resultlist = resultlist + map_i.cmd_list
for topo in topolist:
if topo.upper() in tbrelations.keys():
relationmaplist = tbrelations[topo.upper()]
for relationmap in relationmaplist:
# Append command list of given map to result command list.
if "cmd_list" in dir(relationmap):
resultlist = resultlist + relationmap.cmd_list
# Generate an intermediate name
name = self.generate_map_name()
# Put it into the removalbe map list
self.removable_maps[name] = VectorDataset(name + "@%s"%(self.mapset))
map_i.set_id(name + "@" + self.mapset)
# Set second input for overlay module.
mapbinput = relationmap.get_id()
# Create module command in PyGRASS for v.overlay and v.patch.
if operator != "disor":
m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_overlay)
m.run_ = False
m.inputs["operator"].value = operator
m.inputs["ainput"].value = str(mapainput)
m.inputs["binput"].value = str(mapbinput)
m.outputs["output"].value = name
m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite
patchinput = str(mapainput) + ',' + str(mapbinput)
m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_patch)
m.run_ = False
m.inputs["input"].value = patchinput
m.outputs["output"].value = name
m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite
# Conditional append of module command.
# Set new map name to temporary map name.
mapainput = name
# Add command list to result map.
map_i.cmd_list = resultlist
[docs] def set_temporal_extent_list(self, maplist, topolist = ["EQUAL"], temporal = 'l' ):
""" Change temporal extent of map list based on temporal relations to
other map list and given temporal operator.
:param maplist: List of map objects for which relations has been build
:param topolist: List of strings of temporal relations.
:param temporal: The temporal operator specifying the temporal
extent operation (intersection, union, disjoint
union, right reference, left reference).
:return: Map list with specified temporal extent.
resultdict = {}
for map_i in maplist:
# Loop over temporal related maps and create overlay modules.
tbrelations = map_i.get_temporal_relations()
# Generate an intermediate map for the result map list.
map_new = self.generate_new_map(base_map=map_i, bool_op = 'and',
copy = True, rename = False,
remove = True)
# Combine temporal and spatial extents of intermediate map with related maps.
for topo in topolist:
if topo in tbrelations.keys():
for map_j in (tbrelations[topo]):
if temporal == 'r':
# Generate an intermediate map for the result map list.
map_new = self.generate_new_map(base_map=map_i, bool_op = 'and',
copy = True, rename = False,
remove = True)
# Create overlaid map extent.
returncode = self.overlay_map_extent(map_new, map_j, 'and', \
temp_op = temporal)
# Stop the loop if no temporal or spatial relationship exist.
if returncode == 0:
# Append map to result map list.
elif returncode == 1:
# resultlist.append(map_new)
resultdict[map_new.get_id()] = map_new
if returncode == 0:
# Append map to result map list.
#if returncode == 1:
# resultlist.append(map_new)
# Get sorted map objects as values from result dictionoary.
resultlist = resultdict.values()
resultlist = sorted(resultlist, key = AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime)
[docs] def p_statement_assign(self, t):
# The expression should always return a list of maps.
statement : stds EQUALS expr
# Execute the command lists
if self.run:
# Open connection to temporal database.
dbif, connected = init_dbif(dbif=self.dbif)
if isinstance(t[3], list):
num = len(t[3])
count = 0
returncode = 0
register_list = []
for i in range(num):
# Check if resultmap names exist in GRASS database.
vectorname = self.basename + "_" + str(i)
vectormap = VectorDataset(vectorname + "@" + get_current_mapset())
if vectormap.map_exists() and self.overwrite == False:
self.msgr.fatal(_("Error vector maps with basename %s exist. "
"Use --o flag to overwrite existing file") \
for map_i in t[3]:
if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i):
# Execute command list.
for cmd in map_i.cmd_list:
# We need to check if the input maps have areas in case of v.overlay
# otherwise v.overlay will break
if cmd.name == "v.overlay":
for name in (cmd.inputs["ainput"].value,
#self.msgr.message("Check if map <" + name + "> exists")
if name.find("@") < 0:
name = name + "@" + get_current_mapset()
tmp_map = map_i.get_new_instance(name)
if not tmp_map.map_exists():
raise Exception
#self.msgr.message("Check if map <" + name + "> has areas")
if tmp_map.metadata.get_number_of_areas() == 0:
raise Exception
except Exception:
returncode = 1
# run the command
# print the command that will be executed
self.msgr.message("Run command:\n" + cmd.get_bash())
if cmd.popen.returncode != 0:
self.msgr.fatal(_("Error starting %s : \n%s")
mapname = cmd.outputs['output'].value
if mapname.find("@") >= 0:
map_test = map_i.get_new_instance(mapname)
map_test = map_i.get_new_instance(mapname + "@" + self.mapset)
if not map_test.map_exists():
returncode = 1
if returncode == 0:
# We remove the invalid vector name from the remove list.
if map_i.get_name() in self.removable_maps:
mapset = map_i.get_mapset()
# Change map name to given basename.
newident = self.basename + "_" + str(count)
m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_rename)
m.inputs["vector"].value = (map_i.get_name(),newident)
m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite
map_i.set_id(newident + "@" + mapset)
count += 1
# Test if temporal extents have been changed by temporal
# relation operators (i|r). This is a code copy from temporal_algebra.py
map_i_extent = map_i.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
map_test = map_i.get_new_instance(map_i.get_id())
map_test_extent = map_test.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
if map_test_extent != map_i_extent:
# Create new map with basename
newident = self.basename + "_" + str(count)
map_result = map_i.get_new_instance(newident + "@" + self.mapset)
if map_test.map_exists() and self.overwrite is False:
self.msgr.fatal("Error raster maps with basename %s exist. "
"Use --o flag to overwrite existing file"
# Attention we attach a new attribute
map_result.is_new = True
count += 1
# Copy the map
m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_copy)
m.inputs["vector"].value = map_i.get_id(), newident
m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite
if len(register_list) > 0:
# Create result space time dataset.
resultstds = open_new_stds(t[1], self.stdstype,
'absolute', t[1], t[1],
"temporal vector algebra", self.dbif,
for map_i in register_list:
# Check if modules should be executed from command list.
if hasattr(map_i, "cmd_list") or hasattr(map_i, "is_new"):
# Get meta data from grass database.
if map_i.is_in_db(dbif=dbif) and self.overwrite:
# Update map in temporal database.
elif map_i.is_in_db(dbif=dbif) and self.overwrite == False:
# Raise error if map exists and no overwrite flag is given.
self.msgr.fatal(_("Error vector map %s exist in temporal database. "
"Use overwrite flag. : \n%s") \
%(map_i.get_map_id(), cmd.popen.stderr))
# Insert map into temporal database.
# Map is original from an input STVDS
# Register map in result space time dataset.
success = resultstds.register_map(map_i, dbif=dbif)
# Remove intermediate maps
if connected:
t[0] = t[3]
[docs] def p_overlay_operation(self, t):
expr : stds AND stds
| expr AND stds
| stds AND expr
| expr AND expr
| stds OR stds
| expr OR stds
| stds OR expr
| expr OR expr
| stds XOR stds
| expr XOR stds
| stds XOR expr
| expr XOR expr
| stds NOT stds
| expr NOT stds
| stds NOT expr
| expr NOT expr
| stds DISOR stds
| expr DISOR stds
| stds DISOR expr
| expr DISOR expr
if self.run:
# Check input stds and operator.
maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1])
maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3])
relations = ["EQUAL"]
temporal = 'l'
function = t[2]
# Build command list for related maps.
complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(maplistA, maplistB, topolist = relations,
compop = function, overlay_cmd = True)
# Set temporal extent based on topological relationships.
resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list(complist, topolist = relations,
temporal = temporal)
t[0] = resultlist
if self.debug:
str(t[1]) + t[2] + str(t[3])
[docs] def p_overlay_operation_relation(self, t):
expr : stds T_OVERLAY_OPERATOR stds
if self.run:
# Check input stds and operator.
maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1])
maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3])
relations, temporal, function, aggregate = self.eval_toperator(t[2], optype = 'overlay')
# Build command list for related maps.
complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(maplistA, maplistB, topolist = relations,
compop = function, overlay_cmd = True)
# Set temporal extent based on topological relationships.
resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list(complist, topolist = relations,
temporal = temporal)
t[0] = resultlist
if self.debug:
str(t[1]) + t[2] + str(t[3])
[docs] def p_buffer_operation(self,t):
expr : buff_function LPAREN stds COMMA number RPAREN
| buff_function LPAREN expr COMMA number RPAREN
if self.run:
# Check input stds.
bufflist = self.check_stds(t[3])
# Create empty result list.
resultlist = []
for map_i in bufflist:
# Generate an intermediate name for the result map list.
map_new = self.generate_new_map(base_map=map_i, bool_op=None,
copy=True, remove = True)
# Change spatial extent based on buffer size.
# Check buff type.
if t[1] == "buff_p":
buff_type = "point"
elif t[1] == "buff_l":
buff_type = "line"
elif t[1] == "buff_a":
buff_type = "area"
m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_buffer)
m.run_ = False
m.inputs["type"].value = buff_type
m.inputs["input"].value = str(map_i.get_id())
m.inputs["distance"].value = float(t[5])
m.outputs["output"].value = map_new.get_name()
m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite
# Conditional append of module command.
if "cmd_list" in dir(map_new):
map_new.cmd_list = [m]
t[0] = resultlist
[docs] def p_buff_function(self, t):
"""buff_function : BUFF_POINT
t[0] = t[1]
# Handle errors.
[docs] def p_error(self, t):
raise SyntaxError("syntax error on line %d near '%s' expression '%s'" %
(t.lineno, t.value, self.expression))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
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