Get interface description of GRASS commands
Based on gui/wxpython/gui_modules/menuform.py
from grass.script import task as gtask
(C) 2011 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.
.. sectionauthor:: Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com>
import re
import sys
import string
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
unicode = str
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
import elementtree.ElementTree as etree # Python <= 2.4
from xml.parsers import expat # TODO: works for any Python?
# Get the XML parsing exceptions to catch. The behavior chnaged with Python 2.7
# and ElementTree 1.3.
if hasattr(etree, 'ParseError'):
ETREE_EXCEPTIONS = (etree.ParseError, expat.ExpatError)
ETREE_EXCEPTIONS = (expat.ExpatError)
from .utils import encode, decode, split
from .core import *
[docs]class grassTask:
"""This class holds the structures needed for filling by the parser
Parameter blackList is a dictionary with fixed structure, eg.
blackList = {'items' : {'d.legend' : { 'flags' : ['m'], 'params' : [] }},
'enabled': True}
:param str path: full path
:param blackList: hide some options in the GUI (dictionary)
def __init__(self, path=None, blackList=None):
self.path = path
self.name = _('unknown')
self.params = list()
self.description = ''
self.label = ''
self.flags = list()
self.keywords = list()
self.errorMsg = ''
self.firstParam = None
if blackList:
self.blackList = blackList
self.blackList = {'enabled': False, 'items': {}}
if path is not None:
except ScriptError as e:
self.errorMsg = e.value
[docs] def define_first(self):
"""Define first parameter
:return: name of first parameter
if len(self.params) > 0:
self.firstParam = self.params[0]['name']
return self.firstParam
[docs] def get_name(self):
"""Get task name
if sys.platform == 'win32':
name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.name)
if ext in ('.py', '.sh'):
return name
return self.name
return self.name
[docs] def get_description(self, full=True):
"""Get module's description
:param bool full: True for label + desc
if self.label:
if full:
return self.label + ' ' + self.description
return self.label
return self.description
[docs] def get_list_params(self, element='name'):
"""Get list of parameters
:param str element: element name
params = []
for p in self.params:
return params
[docs] def get_list_flags(self, element='name'):
"""Get list of flags
:param str element: element name
flags = []
for p in self.flags:
return flags
[docs] def get_param(self, value, element='name', raiseError=True):
"""Find and return a param by name
:param value: param's value
:param str element: element name
:param bool raiseError: True for raise on error
for p in self.params:
val = p.get(element, None)
if val is None:
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
if value in val:
return p
elif isinstance(val, (bytes, unicode)):
if p[element][:len(value)] == value:
return p
if p[element] == value:
return p
if raiseError:
raise ValueError(_("Parameter element '%(element)s' not found: '%(value)s'") % \
{ 'element' : element, 'value' : value })
return None
[docs] def get_flag(self, aFlag):
"""Find and return a flag by name
Raises ValueError when the flag is not found.
:param str aFlag: name of the flag
for f in self.flags:
if f['name'] == aFlag:
return f
raise ValueError(_("Flag not found: %s") % aFlag)
[docs] def get_cmd_error(self):
"""Get error string produced by get_cmd(ignoreErrors = False)
:return: list of errors
errorList = list()
# determine if suppress_required flag is given
for f in self.flags:
if f['value'] and f['suppress_required']:
return errorList
for p in self.params:
if not p.get('value', '') and p.get('required', False):
if not p.get('default', ''):
desc = p.get('label', '')
if not desc:
desc = p['description']
errorList.append(_("Parameter '%(name)s' (%(desc)s) is missing.") % \
{'name': p['name'], 'desc': encode(desc)})
return errorList
[docs] def get_cmd(self, ignoreErrors=False, ignoreRequired=False,
"""Produce an array of command name and arguments for feeding
into some execve-like command processor.
:param bool ignoreErrors: True to return whatever has been built so
far, even though it would not be a correct
command for GRASS
:param bool ignoreRequired: True to ignore required flags, otherwise
'@<required@>' is shown
:param bool ignoreDefault: True to ignore parameters with default values
cmd = [self.get_name()]
suppress_required = False
for flag in self.flags:
if flag['value']:
if len(flag['name']) > 1: # e.g. overwrite
cmd += ['--' + flag['name']]
cmd += ['-' + flag['name']]
if flag['suppress_required']:
suppress_required = True
for p in self.params:
if p.get('value', '') == '' and p.get('required', False):
if p.get('default', '') != '':
cmd += ['%s=%s' % (p['name'], p['default'])]
elif ignoreErrors and not suppress_required and not ignoreRequired:
cmd += ['%s=%s' % (p['name'], _('<required>'))]
elif p.get('value', '') == '' and p.get('default', '') != '' and not ignoreDefault:
cmd += ['%s=%s' % (p['name'], p['default'])]
elif p.get('value', '') != '' and \
(p['value'] != p.get('default', '') or not ignoreDefault):
# output only values that have been set, and different from defaults
cmd += ['%s=%s' % (p['name'], p['value'])]
errList = self.get_cmd_error()
if ignoreErrors is False and errList:
raise ValueError('\n'.join(errList))
return cmd
[docs] def get_options(self):
"""Get options
return {'flags': self.flags, 'params': self.params}
[docs] def has_required(self):
"""Check if command has at least one required parameter
for p in self.params:
if p.get('required', False):
return True
return False
[docs] def set_param(self, aParam, aValue, element='value'):
"""Set param value/values.
param = self.get_param(aParam)
except ValueError:
param[element] = aValue
[docs] def set_flag(self, aFlag, aValue, element='value'):
"""Enable / disable flag.
param = self.get_flag(aFlag)
except ValueError:
param[element] = aValue
[docs] def set_options(self, opts):
"""Set flags and parameters
:param opts list of flags and parameters"""
for opt in opts:
if opt[0] == '-': # flag
self.set_flag(opt.lstrip('-'), True)
else: # parameter
key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
self.set_param(key, value)
[docs]class processTask:
"""A ElementTree handler for the --interface-description output,
as defined in grass-interface.dtd. Extend or modify this and the
DTD if the XML output of GRASS' parser is extended or modified.
:param tree: root tree node
:param task: grassTask instance or None
:param blackList: list of flags/params to hide
:return: grassTask instance
def __init__(self, tree, task=None, blackList=None):
if task:
self.task = task
self.task = grassTask()
if blackList:
self.task.blackList = blackList
self.root = tree
def _process_module(self):
"""Process module description
self.task.name = self.root.get('name', default='unknown')
# keywords
for keyword in self._get_node_text(self.root, 'keywords').split(','):
self.task.label = self._get_node_text(self.root, 'label')
self.task.description = self._get_node_text(self.root, 'description')
def _process_params(self):
"""Process parameters
for p in self.root.findall('parameter'):
# gisprompt
node_gisprompt = p.find('gisprompt')
gisprompt = False
age = element = prompt = None
if node_gisprompt is not None:
gisprompt = True
age = node_gisprompt.get('age', '')
element = node_gisprompt.get('element', '')
prompt = node_gisprompt.get('prompt', '')
# value(s)
values = []
values_desc = []
node_values = p.find('values')
if node_values is not None:
for pv in node_values.findall('value'):
values.append(self._get_node_text(pv, 'name'))
desc = self._get_node_text(pv, 'description')
if desc:
# keydesc
key_desc = []
node_key_desc = p.find('keydesc')
if node_key_desc is not None:
for ki in node_key_desc.findall('item'):
if p.get('multiple', 'no') == 'yes':
multiple = True
multiple = False
if p.get('required', 'no') == 'yes':
required = True
required = False
if self.task.blackList['enabled'] and \
self.task.name in self.task.blackList['items'] and \
p.get('name') in self.task.blackList['items'][self.task.name].get('params', []):
hidden = True
hidden = False
self.task.params.append( {
"name" : p.get('name'),
"type" : p.get('type'),
"required" : required,
"multiple" : multiple,
"label" : self._get_node_text(p, 'label'),
"description" : self._get_node_text(p, 'description'),
'gisprompt' : gisprompt,
'age' : age,
'element' : element,
'prompt' : prompt,
"guisection" : self._get_node_text(p, 'guisection'),
"guidependency" : self._get_node_text(p, 'guidependency'),
"default" : self._get_node_text(p, 'default'),
"values" : values,
"values_desc" : values_desc,
"value" : '',
"key_desc" : key_desc,
"hidden" : hidden
def _process_flags(self):
"""Process flags
for p in self.root.findall('flag'):
if self.task.blackList['enabled'] and \
self.task.name in self.task.blackList['items'] and \
p.get('name') in self.task.blackList['items'][self.task.name].get('flags', []):
hidden = True
hidden = False
if p.find('suppress_required') is not None:
suppress_required = True
suppress_required = False
self.task.flags.append( {
"name" : p.get('name'),
"label" : self._get_node_text(p, 'label'),
"description" : self._get_node_text(p, 'description'),
"guisection" : self._get_node_text(p, 'guisection'),
"suppress_required" : suppress_required,
"value" : False,
"hidden" : hidden
} )
def _get_node_text(self, node, tag, default=''):
"""Get node text"""
p = node.find(tag)
if p is not None:
return string.join(string.split(p.text), ' ')
return default
[docs]def convert_xml_to_utf8(xml_text):
# enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
# modify: fetch encoding from the interface description text(xml)
# e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
pattern = re.compile('<\?xml[^>]*\Wencoding="([^"]*)"[^>]*\?>')
m = re.match(pattern, xml_text)
if m is None:
return xml_text
enc = m.groups()[0]
# modify: change the encoding to "utf-8", for correct parsing
xml_text_utf8 = xml_text.decode(enc).encode("utf-8")
p = re.compile('encoding="' + enc + '"', re.IGNORECASE)
xml_text_utf8 = p.sub('encoding="utf-8"', xml_text_utf8)
return xml_text_utf8
[docs]def get_interface_description(cmd):
"""Returns the XML description for the GRASS cmd (force text encoding to
The DTD must be located in $GISBASE/gui/xml/grass-interface.dtd,
otherwise the parser will not succeed.
:param cmd: command (name of GRASS module)
p = Popen([cmd, '--interface-description'], stdout=PIPE,
cmdout, cmderr = p.communicate()
# TODO: do it better (?)
if not cmdout and sys.platform == 'win32':
# we in fact expect pure module name (without extension)
# so, lets remove extension
if cmd.endswith('.py'):
cmd = os.path.splitext(cmd)[0]
if cmd == 'd.rast3d':
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getenv('GISBASE'),
'gui', 'scripts'))
p = Popen([sys.executable, get_real_command(cmd),
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
cmdout, cmderr = p.communicate()
if cmd == 'd.rast3d':
del sys.path[0] # remove gui/scripts from the path
if p.returncode != 0:
raise ScriptError(_("Unable to fetch interface description for command '%(cmd)s'."
"\n\nDetails: %(det)s") % {'cmd': cmd, 'det': cmderr})
except OSError as e:
raise ScriptError(_("Unable to fetch interface description for command '%(cmd)s'."
"\n\nDetails: %(det)s") % {'cmd': cmd, 'det': e})
desc = cmdout.replace('grass-interface.dtd',
'gui', 'xml',
return convert_xml_to_utf8(desc)
[docs]def parse_interface(name, parser=processTask, blackList=None):
"""Parse interface of given GRASS module
The *name* is either GRASS module name (of a module on path) or
a full or relative path to an executable.
:param str name: name of GRASS module to be parsed
:param parser:
:param blackList:
tree = etree.fromstring(get_interface_description(name))
except ETREE_EXCEPTIONS as error:
raise ScriptError(_("Cannot parse interface description of"
"<{name}> module: {error}").format(name=name, error=error))
task = parser(tree, blackList=blackList).get_task()
# if name from interface is different than the originally
# provided name, then the provided name is likely a full path needed
# to actually run the module later
# (processTask uses only the XML which does not contain the original
# path used to execute the module)
if task.name != name:
task.path = name
return task
[docs]def command_info(cmd):
"""Returns meta information for any GRASS command as dictionary
with entries for description, keywords, usage, flags, and
parameters, e.g.
>>> command_info('g.tempfile') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{'keywords': ['general', 'support'], 'params': [{'gisprompt': False,
'multiple': False, 'name': 'pid', 'guidependency': '', 'default': '',
'age': None, 'required': True, 'value': '', 'label': '', 'guisection': '',
'key_desc': [], 'values': [], 'values_desc': [], 'prompt': None,
'hidden': False, 'element': None, 'type': 'integer', 'description':
'Process id to use when naming the tempfile'}], 'flags': [{'description':
"Dry run - don't create a file, just prints it's file name", 'value':
False, 'label': '', 'guisection': '', 'suppress_required': False,
'hidden': False, 'name': 'd'}, {'description': 'Print usage summary',
'value': False, 'label': '', 'guisection': '', 'suppress_required': False,
'hidden': False, 'name': 'help'}, {'description': 'Verbose module output',
'value': False, 'label': '', 'guisection': '', 'suppress_required': False,
'hidden': False, 'name': 'verbose'}, {'description': 'Quiet module output',
'value': False, 'label': '', 'guisection': '', 'suppress_required': False,
'hidden': False, 'name': 'quiet'}], 'description': "Creates a temporary
file and prints it's file name.", 'usage': 'g.tempfile pid=integer [--help]
[--verbose] [--quiet]'}
>>> command_info('v.buffer')
['vector', 'geometry', 'buffer']
:param str cmd: the command to query
task = parse_interface(cmd)
cmdinfo = {}
cmdinfo['description'] = task.get_description()
cmdinfo['keywords'] = task.get_keywords()
cmdinfo['flags'] = flags = task.get_options()['flags']
cmdinfo['params'] = params = task.get_options()['params']
usage = task.get_name()
flags_short = list()
flags_long = list()
for f in flags:
fname = f.get('name', 'unknown')
if len(fname) > 1:
if len(flags_short) > 1:
usage += ' [-' + ''.join(flags_short) + ']'
for p in params:
ptype = ','.join(p.get('key_desc', []))
if not ptype:
ptype = p.get('type', '')
req = p.get('required', False)
if not req:
usage += ' ['
usage += ' '
usage += p['name'] + '=' + ptype
if p.get('multiple', False):
usage += '[,' + ptype + ',...]'
if not req:
usage += ']'
for key in flags_long:
usage += ' [--' + key + ']'
cmdinfo['usage'] = usage
return cmdinfo
[docs]def cmdtuple_to_list(cmd):
"""Convert command tuple to list.
:param tuple cmd: GRASS command to be converted
:return: command in list
cmdList = []
if not cmd:
return cmdList
if 'flags' in cmd[1]:
for flag in cmd[1]['flags']:
cmdList.append('-' + flag)
for flag in ('help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'overwrite'):
if flag in cmd[1] and cmd[1][flag] is True:
cmdList.append('--' + flag)
for k, v in cmd[1].items():
if k in ('flags', 'help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'overwrite'):
if ' ' in v:
v = '"%s"' % v
cmdList.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
return cmdList
[docs]def cmdlist_to_tuple(cmd):
"""Convert command list to tuple for run_command() and others
:param list cmd: GRASS command to be converted
:return: command as tuple
if len(cmd) < 1:
return None
dcmd = {}
for item in cmd[1:]:
if '=' in item: # params
key, value = item.split('=', 1)
dcmd[str(key)] = value.replace('"', '')
elif item[:2] == '--': # long flags
flag = item[2:]
if flag in ('help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'overwrite'):
dcmd[str(flag)] = True
elif len(item) == 2 and item[0] == '-': # -> flags
if 'flags' not in dcmd:
dcmd['flags'] = ''
dcmd['flags'] += item[1]
else: # unnamed parameter
module = parse_interface(cmd[0])
dcmd[module.define_first()] = item
return (cmd[0], dcmd)
[docs]def cmdstring_to_tuple(cmd):
"""Convert command string to tuple for run_command() and others
:param str cmd: command to be converted
:return: command as tuple
return cmdlist_to_tuple(split(cmd))
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