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Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

Note: This addon document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade your GRASS GIS installation, and read the current addon manual page.


r.northerness.easterness - Calculation of northerness, easterness and the interaction between northerness and slope


raster, terrain, aspect, slope, sun


r.northerness.easterness --help
r.northerness.easterness elevation=name [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


elevation=name [required]
Name of elevation raster map

Table of contents


r.northerness.easterness calculates northerness, easterness and the interaction between northerness and slope (northerness*slope). The user must specify the input elevation raster map.


As aspect is a circular land-surface parameter, in ecology a sine or cosine transformation is often used to obtain a continuous gradient, stressing the north-south or east-west gradient (northness or eastness).

The GRASS GIS default aspect angles (cartesian) are converted to compass angles.

Calculated raster maps are:

The color of these raster maps are set to grey.


  # align region to DEM and habitat vector
  g.region -a raster=DEM align=DEM

  # run r.northerness.easterness
  r.northerness.easterness elevation=DEM


r.mapcalc, r.slope.aspect


Olaya, V. 2009. Basic Land-Surface Parameters. In: Hengl, T. & Reuter, H.I. (eds.) 2009. Geomorphometry. Concepts, Software, Applications. Developments in Soil Science, Volume 33. Elsevier.


Helmut Kudrnovsky


Available at: r.northerness.easterness source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Jun 28 07:54:09 2021 in commit: 1cfc0af029a35a5d6c7dae5ca7204d0eb85dbc55

Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

Note: This addon document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade your GRASS GIS installation, and read the current addon manual page.

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