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Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.


i.eb.z0m0 - Computes momentum roughness length (z0m) and surface roughness for heat transport (z0h) after Bastiaanssen (2004).


imagery, energy balance, SEBAL, SEBS, roughness length


i.eb.z0m0 --help
i.eb.z0m0 [-h] ndvi=name [coef=float] hv_max=float hmr=float output=name [z0h=name] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


z0h output (You have to input a coef value)
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


ndvi=name [required]
Name of the NDVI map [-1.0;1.0]
Value of the converion factor from z0m and z0h (Bastiaanssen (2005) used 0.1)
Default: 0.1
hv_max=float [required]
Value of the vegetation height at max(NDVI) i.e. standard C3 crop could be 1.5m
Default: 1.5
hmr=float [required]
Value of the micro-relief height (h.m-r.) on flat bare ground, most references point to 2cm
Default: 0.02
output=name [required]
Name of the output z0m layer
Name of the output z0h layer

Table of contents


i.eb.z0m0 calculates the momentum roughness length (z0m) and optionally the surface roughness for heat transport (z0h) as per SEBAL requirements from bastiaanssen (1995). This version is calculating from a NDVI with an deterministic equation, as seen in Bastiaanssen (1995). This is a typical input to sensible heat flux computations of any energy balance modeling.


The NDVI map input and the ndvi_max operation set, is only to get a linear relationship from NDVI to vegetation height. The latter being related to z0m by a factor 7. If you happen to have a vegetation height (hv) map, then z0m=hv/7 and z0h=0.1*z0m. There, fixed.



i.eb.h0, i.eb.h_SEBAL95, i.eb.h_iter, i.eb.z0m


Yann Chemin, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines


Available at: i.eb.z0m0 source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Jan 30 19:52:26 2023 in commit: cac8d9d848299297977d1315b7e90cc3f7698730

Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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