Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that has been discontinued. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
Using the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem for searching and downloading Copernicus Sentinel data is the default option. The following product types (parameter producttype) are currently supported for download from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
To connect to the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem both a user name and password are required; see Register new account page for signing up. reads the user credentials from the settings file. The file must contain at least two lines:
myusername mypassword
User credentials can be also defined interactively when settings=- is given. Note that interactive prompt does not work in the graphical user interface.
Insert username: myusername Insert password:
By default Sentinel products are sorted by cloudcoverpercentage and ingestiondate (see sort option). By default, only products which footprint intersects current computation region extent (area of interest, AOI) are filtered. The AOI can be optionally defined also by vector map. In addition the spatial relation between AOI and the footprint (area_relation) can be set to limits the default search for products to the last 60 days; an exact date range can be defined by start and end parameters to search beyond that.
Sentinel products can be also filtered by producttype or, in case of S2MSI1C, S2MSI2A, S3SY2SYN, S3SY2VGP, S3SY2VG1, S3SY2VG1 and S3SY2AOD, maximum clouds cover percentage.
Extra search keywords can be specified with query. Multiple keywords can be listed separated with comma (e.g. 'polarizationChannels=VV&VH,orbitdirection=ASCENDING').
List of Some Queryables: also allows downloading of Sentinel products by specifying a (list of) ID, where ID refers to the scene name on Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. This operation is performed by the id option. Note that this option is mutually exclusive with all other filtering options. The id option also accepts text files with (list of) ID, one ID per line.
In case a Sentinel data download was interrupted, will restart the download for the paritally downloaded data, from scratch, once the command is re-excuted.
The output directory is created if not yet available. Default is current working directory.
g.region n=42 w=12 s=41 e=13 res=0:01 -p -l settings=credentials.txt producttype=S2MSI2A start=2018-01-01 end=2018-12-31 1062 Sentinel product(s) found. S2B_MSIL2A_20180124T101309_N9999_R022_T32TQL_20230726T165433 2018-01-24T10:13:09 0% S2MSI2A 43.38 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180124T101309_N9999_R022_T33TTF_20230726T182752 2018-01-24T10:13:09 0% S2MSI2A 42.07 MB S2A_MSIL2A_20180129T101251_N9999_R022_T32TQM_20221022T182543 2018-01-29T10:12:51 0% S2MSI2A 613.37 MB S2A_MSIL2A_20180129T101251_N9999_R022_T33TTG_20221023T032353 2018-01-29T10:12:51 0% S2MSI2A 630.21 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180210T100139_N9999_R122_T32TQM_20221022T182154 2018-02-10T10:01:39 0% S2MSI2A 0.98 GB S2B_MSIL2A_20180210T100139_N9999_R122_T33TTG_20221023T032353 2018-02-10T10:01:39 0% S2MSI2A 996.95 MB [...]
g.region n=42 w=12 s=41 e=13 res=0:01 -p -l settings=credentials.txt producttype=S2MSI2A start=2018-01-01 end=2018-12-31 sort=ingestiondate order=desc clouds=3 197 Sentinel product(s) found. S2B_MSIL2A_20180928T100019_N0208_R122_T32TQM_20180928T180353 2018-09-28T10:00:19 0% S2MSI2A 0.0 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180928T100019_N0208_R122_T33TUF_20180928T180353 2018-09-28T10:00:19 1% S2MSI2A 0.0 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180928T100019_N0208_R122_T33TUG_20180928T180353 2018-09-28T10:00:19 1% S2MSI2A 0.0 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180928T100019_N0208_R122_T32TQL_20180928T180353 2018-09-28T10:00:19 0% S2MSI2A 234.59 MB S2B_MSIL2A_20180928T100019_N0208_R122_T33TTG_20180928T180353 2018-09-28T10:00:19 0% S2MSI2A 0.0 MB [...]
g.region n=42 w=12 s=41 e=13 res=0:01 -p -l settings=credentials.txt producttype=S2MSI2A start=2018-01-01 end=2018-12-31 clouds=1 footprints=s2_scenes_footprints Writing footprints into <s2_scenes_footprints<... 197 scene(s) found. [...] S2B_MSIL2A_20180210T100139_N9999_R122_T32TQM_20221022T182154 2018-02-10T10:01:39 0% S2MSI2A 0.98 GB S2B_MSIL2A_20180210T100139_N9999_R122_T33TTG_20221023T032353 2018-02-10T10:01:39 0% S2MSI2A 996.95 MB S2A_MSIL2A_20180406T100031_N0206_R122_T33TUF_20180406T120928 2018-04-06T10:00:31 0% S2MSI2A 0.0 MB S2A_MSIL2A_20181023T100051_N9999_R122_T32TQM_20221022T181952 2018-10-23T10:00:51 0% S2MSI2A 1.0 GB S2A_MSIL2A_20181023T100051_N9999_R122_T33TTG_20221023T032324 2018-10-23T10:00:51 0% S2MSI2A 0.99 GB S2A_MSIL2A_20181205T101401_N9999_R022_T32TQM_20221022T180259 2018-12-05T10:14:01 0% S2MSI2A 625.52 MB [...]
Find Sentinel-2 L1C products (S2MSI1C) of last 60 days (default) covering current computation region extent:
g.region n=42 w=12 s=41 e=13 res=0:01 -p -l settings=credentials.txt producttype=S2MSI1C sort=ingestiondate 100 scene(s) found. S2B_MSIL1C_20240611T100559_N0510_R022_T33TTF_20240611T120915 2024-06-11T10:05:59 40% S2MSI1C 327.18 MB S2B_MSIL1C_20240611T100559_N0510_R022_T32TQL_20240611T120915 2024-06-11T10:05:59 40% S2MSI1C 359.88 MB S2B_MSIL1C_20240611T100559_N0510_R022_T33TTG_20240611T120915 2024-06-11T10:05:59 49% S2MSI1C 522.2 MB S2B_MSIL1C_20240611T100559_N0510_R022_T32TQM_20240611T120915 2024-06-11T10:05:59 48% S2MSI1C 503.76 MB S2A_MSIL1C_20240613T100031_N0510_R122_T32TQM_20240613T134114 2024-06-13T10:00:31 33% S2MSI1C 759.46 MB [...]
Find Sentinel-1 products by one or several specified IDs: -l settings=credentials.txt id=S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240609T052012_20240609T052039_054242_0698FA_72DA --quiet S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20240609T052012_20240609T052039_054242_0698FA_72DA 2024-06-09T05:20:12 0% S2MSI2A 7.71 GB
Find Sentinel-1 products with date range filter and query filter limit to a specific polarisation mode (see here for query details): -l settings=credentials.txt producttype=SLC start=2018-01-01 end=2018-12-31 query='polarizationChannels=VV&VH' 393 scene(s) found. S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180101T051051_20180101T051118_008973_010039_B427 2018-01-01T05:10:51 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.47 GB S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180101T051116_20180101T051143_008973_010039_CF15 2018-01-01T05:11:16 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.46 GB S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180101T170507_20180101T170535_019964_021FFD_BC68 2018-01-01T17:05:07 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.7 GB S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180101T170532_20180101T170559_019964_021FFD_E2C9 2018-01-01T17:05:32 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.41 GB S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180102T165631_20180102T165658_008995_0100F0_5814 2018-01-02T16:56:31 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.71 GB S1B_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180106T051902_20180106T051929_009046_0102AB_009C 2018-01-06T05:19:02 cloudcover_NA SLC 7.47 GB [...]
Find Sentinel-2 L1C products (S2MSI1C) covering an exemplary region in Germany with temporal and cloud filter.
g.region n=51 w=6 s=50 e=7 res=0:01 -p start=2017-09-01 end=2017-12-01 clouds=10 producttype=S2MSI1C settings=credentials.txt -l 40 scene(s) found. S2B_MSIL1C_20171015T104009_N0205_R008_T32ULB_20171015T104525 2017-10-15T10:40:09 0% S2MSI1C 0.0 MB S2B_MSIL1C_20171015T104009_N0500_R008_T31UGS_20231026T234139 2017-10-15T10:40:09 0% S2MSI1C 807.9 MB S2B_MSIL1C_20171015T104009_N0500_R008_T32ULB_20231026T234139 2017-10-15T10:40:09 0% S2MSI1C 807.19 MB S2A_MSIL1C_20171017T103021_N0205_R108_T31UGR_20171017T103024 2017-10-17T10:30:21 0% S2MSI1C 0.0 MB S2A_MSIL1C_20171017T103021_N0500_R108_T31UGR_20231015T102148 2017-10-17T10:30:21 0% S2MSI1C 460.84 MB [...]
g.region n=42 w=12 s=41 e=13 res=0:01 -p settings=credentials.txt producttype=S2MSI2A start=2018-05-01 end=2018-05-31 limit=1 output=s2_L2A_may2018/ settings=credentials.txt id=S2B_MSIL2A_20180210T100139_N9999_R122_T32TQM_20221022T182154 output=s2_data/
pip install eodag
)i.sentinel.import, i.sentinel.preproc, i.sentinel.mask, r.import, r.external, v.import
Finding UUID by Sentinel scene name (example: 'S2B_MSIL2A_20190724T103029_N0213_R108_T32ULA_20190724T130550'):
See also GRASS GIS Workshop in Jena for usage examples.
Available at: source code (history)
Accessed: Tuesday Dec 17 06:25:59 2024
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