Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that has been discontinued. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.
# keep single quotes: db.connect driver=dbf database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/' db.connect -p
If a DBF table has to be created manually, db.execute can be used or a spreadsheet application. Also db.copy is sometimes useful as well as to import external tables.
ALTER TABLE table ADD [COLUMN] columndef ALTER TABLE table DROP COLUMN colname CREATE TABLE table ( columndefs ) DROP TABLE table SELECT columns FROM table SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition SELECT columns FROM table ORDER BY column DELETE FROM table DELETE FROM table WHERE condition INSERT INTO table VALUES (value1[,value2,...]) INSERT INTO table ( column1[,column2,...] ) VALUES (value1[,value2,...]) UPDATE table SET assignment1[,assignment2,...] UPDATE table SET assignment1[,assignment2,...] WHERE condition
"=" : equal "<" : smaller than "<=" : smaller/equal than ">" : larger than ">=" : larger/equal than "<>" : not equal "~" : Substring matching (non-standard SQL) "%" : Substring matching (limited functionality)
Arithmetic expressions using constants and field values are allowed
in condition clauses and in the RHS of assignments.
Usual precedence rules and bracketing (using '(' and ')') are supported.
Type conversion is performed if necessary (experimental).
Conditions allow boolean expressions using the AND, OR and NOT operators, with the usual precedence rules.
NULLs can be tested by 'colname IS NULL' in conditions. The negation is 'colname NOT NULL'.
Sorting: Empty fields in a character column are sorted to the end.
DBMI-DBF driver error: SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NAME processing 'IN'..
An error message such as:
DBMI-DBF driver error: SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected DESC, expecting NAME processing 'DESC'
Available at: DBF DATABASE DRIVER source code (history)
Latest change: Sunday Feb 12 15:51:56 2023 in commit: 7d6ff54e985c1579e11b74c230cb8fa68a9aa928
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