Source code for pygrass.modules.grid.patch

Created on Tue Apr  2 18:57:42 2013

@author: pietro
from __future__ import (
from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
from grass.pygrass.raster import RasterRow
from grass.pygrass.utils import coor2pixel
from grass.pygrass.modules import Module

[docs]def get_start_end_index(bbox_list): """Convert a Bounding Box to a list of the index of column start, end, row start and end :param bbox_list: a list of BBox object to convert :type bbox_list: list of BBox object .. deprecated:: 8.3 """ ss_list = [] reg = Region() for bbox in bbox_list: r_start, c_start = coor2pixel((bbox.west, bbox.north), reg) r_end, c_end = coor2pixel((bbox.east, bbox.south), reg) ss_list.append((int(r_start), int(r_end), int(c_start), int(c_end))) return ss_list
[docs]def rpatch_row(rast, rasts, bboxes): """Patch a row of bound boxes. :param rast: a Raster object to write :type rast: Raster object :param rasts: a list of Raster object to read :type rasts: list of Raster object :param bboxes: a list of BBox object :type bboxes: list of BBox object """ # instantiate two buffer buff = rasts[0][0] rbuff = rasts[0][0] r_start, r_end, c_start, c_end = bboxes[0] for row in range(r_start, r_end + 1): for col, ras in enumerate(rasts): r_start, r_end, c_start, c_end = bboxes[col] buff = ras.get_row(row, buff) rbuff[c_start : c_end + 1] = buff[c_start : c_end + 1] rast.put_row(rbuff)
[docs]def rpatch_map( raster, mapset, mset_str, bbox_list, overwrite=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, prefix="", ): # TODO is prefix useful?? """Patch raster using a bounding box list to trim the raster. :param raster: the name of output raster :type raster: str :param mapset: the name of mapset to use :type mapset: str :param mset_str: :type mset_str: str :param bbox_list: a list of BBox object to convert :type bbox_list: list of BBox object :param overwrite: overwrite existing raster :type overwrite: bool :param start_row: the starting row of original raster :type start_row: int :param start_col: the starting column of original raster :type start_col: int :param prefix: the prefix of output raster :type prefix: str """ # Instantiate the RasterRow input objects rast = RasterRow(prefix + raster, mapset) rtype = RasterRow(name=raster, mapset=mset_str % (0, 0))"r")"w", mtype=rtype.mtype, overwrite=overwrite) rtype.close() rasts = [] for row, rbbox in enumerate(bbox_list): rrasts = [] for col in range(len(rbbox)): rrasts.append( RasterRow( name=raster, mapset=mset_str % (start_row + row, start_col + col) ) ) rrasts[-1].open("r") rasts.append(rrasts) rpatch_row(rast, rrasts, rbbox) for rst in rrasts: rst.close() del rst rast.close()
[docs]def rpatch_map_r_patch_backend( raster, mset_str, bbox_list, overwrite=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, prefix="", processes=1, ): """Patch raster using a r.patch. Only use with overlap=0. Will be faster than rpatch_map, since r.patch is parallelized. :param raster: the name of output raster :type raster: str :param mset_str: :type mset_str: str :param bbox_list: a list of BBox object to convert :type bbox_list: list of BBox object :param overwrite: overwrite existing raster :type overwrite: bool :param start_row: the starting row of original raster :type start_row: int :param start_col: the starting column of original raster :type start_col: int :param prefix: the prefix of output raster :type prefix: str :param processes: number of parallel process for r.patch :type processes: int """ rasts = [] for row, rbbox in enumerate(bbox_list): for col in range(len(rbbox)): mapset = mset_str % (start_row + row, start_col + col) rasts.append(f"{raster}@{mapset}") Module( "r.patch", input=rasts, output=prefix + raster, overwrite=overwrite, nprocs=processes, )