i.svm.predict predicts values with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) and stores them in a raster file. Predictions are based on a signature file generated with i.svm.train.
Internally the module performs input value rescaling of each of imagery group rasters by minimum and maximum range determined during training.
i.svm.train internally is using the LIBSVM. For introduction into value prediction or estimation with LIBSVM, see a Practical Guide to Support Vector Classification by Chih-Wei Hsu, Chih-Chung Chang, and Chih-Jen Lin.
It is strongly suggested to have semantic labels set for each raster map in the training data (feature value) and in value prediction imagery groups. Use r.support to set semantic labels.
Value prediction is done cell by cell and thus memory consumption should be constant.
The cache parameter determines the maximum memory allocated for kernel caching to enhance computational speed. It's important to note that the actual module's memory consumption may vary from this setting, as it solely impacts LIBSVM's internal caching. The cache is utilized on an as-needed basis, so it's unlikely to reach the specified value.
This is the second part of classification process. See i.svm.train for the first part.
Predict land use classes form a LANDSAT scene from October of 2002 with a SVM trained on a 1996 land use map landuse96_28m.
i.svm.predict group=lsat7_2002 subgroup=res_30m \ signaturefile=landuse96_rnd_points output=pred_landuse_2002
Please cite both - LIBSVM and i.svm.
Available at: i.svm.predict source code (history)
Latest change: Tuesday Dec 17 20:17:20 2024 in commit: d962e90c026708a4815ea2b9f46c0e84c17de22d
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