Source code for grass.benchmark.runners

# MODULE:    grass.benchmark
# AUTHOR(S): Aaron Saw Min Sern <aaronsms u nus edu>
#            Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>
# PURPOSE:   Benchmarking for GRASS GIS modules
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2021 Vaclav Petras, and by the GRASS Development Team
#            This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#            License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#            for details.

"""Basic functions for benchmarking modules"""

import random
import shutil
from types import SimpleNamespace

import grass.script as gs

[docs]def benchmark_single(module, label, repeat=5): """Benchmark module as is without changing anything. *module* is an instance of PyGRASS Module class or any object which has a *run* method which takes no arguments and executes the benchmarked code, and attribute *time* which is set to execution time after the *run* function returned. Additionally, the object should be convertible to *str* for printing. *repeat* sets how many times the each run is repeated. *label* is a text to add to the result (for user-facing display). Returns an object with attributes *time* (an average execution time), *all_times* (list of measured execution times), and *label* (the provided parameter as is). """ term_size = shutil.get_terminal_size() if hasattr(module, "get_bash"): print(module.get_bash()) else: print(module) min_avg = float("inf") print("\u2500" * term_size.columns) time_sum = 0 measured_times = [] for _ in range(repeat): print(f"{module.time}s") time_sum += module.time measured_times.append(module.time) avg = time_sum / repeat min_avg = min(avg, min_avg) print(f"\nResult - {avg}s") print("\u2500" * term_size.columns) print(f"Best average time - {min_avg}s\n") return SimpleNamespace( all_times=measured_times, time=avg, label=label, )
[docs]def benchmark_nprocs(module, label, max_nprocs, repeat=5, shuffle=True): """Benchmark module using values of nprocs up to *max_nprocs*. *module* is an instance of PyGRASS Module class or any object which has a *update* method taking *nprocs* as a keyword argument, a *run* which takes no arguments and executes the benchmarked code, and attribute *time* which is set to execution time after the *run* function returned. Additionally, the object should be convertible to *str* for printing. The module is executed for each generated value of nprocs. *max_nprocs* is used to generate a continuous range of integer values from 1 up to *max_nprocs*. *repeat* sets how many times the each run is repeated. So, the module will run ``max_nprocs * repeat`` times. Runs are executed in random order, set *shuffle* to false if they need to be executed in order based on number of threads. *label* is a text to add to the result (for user-facing display). Optional *nprocs* is passed to the module if present. Returns an object with attributes *times* (list of average execution times), *all_times* (list of lists of measured execution times), *efficiency* (parallel efficiency), *nprocs* (list of *nprocs* values used), and *label* (the provided parameter as is). """ term_size = shutil.get_terminal_size() if hasattr(module, "get_bash"): print(module.get_bash()) else: print(module) min_avg = float("inf") min_time = None serial_avg = None result = SimpleNamespace(times=[], all_times=[], speedup=[], efficiency=[]) result.nprocs = list(range(1, max_nprocs + 1)) result.label = label nprocs_list_shuffled = sorted(result.nprocs * repeat) if shuffle: random.shuffle(nprocs_list_shuffled) times = {} print("\u2500" * term_size.columns) for nprocs in nprocs_list_shuffled: module.update(nprocs=nprocs) print(f"Run with {nprocs} thread(s) took {module.time}s\n") if nprocs in times: times[nprocs] += [module.time] else: times[nprocs] = [module.time] for nprocs in sorted(times): avg = sum(times[nprocs]) / repeat result.times.append(avg) result.all_times.append(times[nprocs]) if nprocs == 1: serial_avg = avg if avg < min_avg: min_avg = avg min_time = nprocs result.speedup.append(serial_avg / avg) result.efficiency.append(serial_avg / (nprocs * avg)) print("\u2500" * term_size.columns) if serial_avg is not None: print(f"\nSerial average time - {serial_avg}s") print(f"Best average time - {min_avg}s ({min_time} threads)\n") return result
[docs]def benchmark_resolutions(module, resolutions, label, repeat=5, nprocs=None): """Benchmark module using different resolutions. *module* is an instance of PyGRASS Module class or any object with attributes as specified in :func:`benchmark_nprocs` except that the *update* method is required only when *nprocs* is set. *resolutions* is a list of resolutions to set (current region is currently used and changed but that may change in the future). *repeat* sets how many times the each run is repeated. So, the module will run ``len(resolutions) * repeat`` times. *label* is a text to add to the result (for user-facing display). Optional *nprocs* is passed to the module if present (the called module does not have to support nprocs parameter). Returns an object with attributes *times* (list of average execution times), *all_times* (list of lists of measured execution times), *resolutions* (the provided parameter as is), *cells* (number of cells in the region), and *label* (the provided parameter as is). """ term_size = shutil.get_terminal_size() if hasattr(module, "get_bash"): print(module.get_bash()) else: print(module) avg_times = [] all_times = [] n_cells = [] for resolution in resolutions: gs.run_command("g.region", res=resolution) region = gs.region() n_cells.append(region["cells"]) print("\u2500" * term_size.columns) print(f"Benchmark with {resolution} resolution...\n") time_sum = 0 measured_times = [] for _ in range(repeat): if nprocs: module.update(nprocs=nprocs) print(f"{module.time}s") time_sum += module.time measured_times.append(module.time) avg = time_sum / repeat avg_times.append(avg) all_times.append(measured_times) print(f"\nResult - {avg}s") return SimpleNamespace( all_times=all_times, times=avg_times, resolutions=resolutions, cells=n_cells, label=label, )