Checking objects in a GRASS GIS Spatial Database
(C) 2020 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.
.. sectionauthor:: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import glob
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import grass.grassdb.config as cfg
import grass.script as gs
from grass.script import gisenv
[docs]def mapset_exists(path: str | os.PathLike[str], location=None, mapset=None) -> bool:
"""Returns True whether mapset path exists.
Either only *path* is provided or all three parameters need to be provided.
:param path: Path to a Mapset or to a GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location if not part of *path*
:param mapset: name of a Mapset if not part of *path*
if location and mapset:
path = Path(path, location, mapset)
elif location or mapset:
raise ValueError(_("Provide only path or all three parameters, not two"))
return Path(path).exists()
[docs]def location_exists(path: str | os.PathLike[str], location=None) -> bool:
"""Returns True whether location path exists.
:param path: Path to a Location or to a GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location if not part of *path*
if location:
path = Path(path, location)
return Path(path).exists()
# TODO: distinguish between valid for getting maps and usable as current
# https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2016-September/082317.html
# interface created according to the current usage
[docs]def is_mapset_valid(path: str | os.PathLike[str], location=None, mapset=None) -> bool:
"""Return True if GRASS Mapset is valid
Either only *path* is provided or all three parameters need to be provided.
:param path: Path to a Mapset or to a GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location if not part of *path*
:param mapset: name of a Mapset if not part of *path*
# WIND is created from DEFAULT_WIND by `g.region -d` and functions
# or modules which create a new mapset. Most modules will fail if
# WIND doesn't exist (assuming that neither GRASS_REGION nor
# WIND_OVERRIDE environmental variables are set).
if location and mapset:
path = Path(path, location, mapset)
elif location or mapset:
raise ValueError(_("Provide only path or all three parameters, not two"))
return os.access(Path(path, "WIND"), os.R_OK)
[docs]def is_location_valid(path: str | os.PathLike[str], location=None) -> bool:
"""Return True if GRASS Location is valid
:param path: Path to a Location or to a GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location if not part of *path*
# DEFAULT_WIND file should not be required until you do something
# that actually uses them. The check is just a heuristic; a directory
# containing a PERMANENT/DEFAULT_WIND file is probably a GRASS
# location, while a directory lacking it probably isn't.
if location:
path = Path(path, location)
return os.access(Path(path, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND"), os.F_OK)
[docs]def is_mapset_current(database, location, mapset) -> bool:
"""Return True if the given GRASS Mapset is the current mapset"""
genv = gisenv()
return bool(
database == genv["GISDBASE"]
and location == genv["LOCATION_NAME"]
and mapset == genv["MAPSET"]
[docs]def is_location_current(database, location) -> bool:
"""Return True if the given GRASS Location is the current location"""
genv = gisenv()
return bool(database == genv["GISDBASE"] and location == genv["LOCATION_NAME"])
[docs]def is_current_user_mapset_owner(mapset_path: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> bool:
"""Returns True if mapset owner is the current user.
On Windows it always returns True."""
# Note that this does account for libgis built with SKIP_MAPSET_OWN_CHK
# which disables the ownerships check, i.e., even if it was build with the
# skip, it still needs the env variable.
if os.environ.get("GRASS_SKIP_MAPSET_OWNER_CHECK", None):
# Mapset just needs to be accessible for writing.
return os.access(mapset_path, os.W_OK)
# Mapset needs to be owned by user.
if sys.platform == "win32":
return True
stat_info = Path(mapset_path).stat()
mapset_uid = stat_info.st_uid
return mapset_uid == os.getuid()
[docs]def is_different_mapset_owner(mapset_path: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> bool:
"""Returns True if mapset owner is different from the current user"""
return not is_current_user_mapset_owner(mapset_path)
[docs]def get_mapset_owner(mapset_path: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> str | None:
"""Returns mapset owner name or None if owner name unknown.
On Windows it always returns None."""
if sys.platform == "win32":
return None
path = Path(mapset_path)
return path.owner()
except KeyError:
return None
[docs]def is_fallback_session():
"""Checks if a user encounters a fallback GRASS session.
Returns True if a user encounters a fallback session.
It occurs when a last mapset is not usable and at the same time
a user is in a temporary location.
if "LAST_MAPSET_PATH" in gisenv().keys():
return is_mapset_current(
os.environ["TMPDIR"], cfg.temporary_location, cfg.permanent_mapset
return False
[docs]def is_first_time_user():
"""Check if a user is a first-time user.
Returns True if a user is a first-time user.
It occurs when a gisrc file has initial settings either in last used mapset
or in current mapset settings.
genv = gisenv()
if "LAST_MAPSET_PATH" in genv.keys():
return genv["LAST_MAPSET_PATH"] == os.path.join(
Path.cwd(), cfg.unknown_location, cfg.unknown_mapset
return False
[docs]def is_mapset_locked(mapset_path: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> bool:
"""Check if the mapset is locked"""
lock_name = ".gislock"
lockfile = Path(mapset_path, lock_name)
return lockfile.exists()
[docs]def get_lockfile_if_present(database, location, mapset) -> str | None:
"""Return path to lock if present, None otherwise
Returns the path as a string or None if nothing was found, so the
return value can be used to test if the lock is present.
lock_name = ".gislock"
lockfile = Path(database, location, mapset, lock_name)
if lockfile.is_file():
return str(lockfile)
return None
[docs]def get_mapset_lock_info(mapset_path: str | os.PathLike[str]):
"""Get information about .gislock file.
Assumes lock file exists, use is_mapset_locked to find out.
Returns information as a dictionary with keys
'owner' (None if unknown), 'lockpath', and 'timestamp'.
info = {}
lock_name = ".gislock"
info["lockpath"] = os.path.join(mapset_path, lock_name)
info["owner"] = Path(info["lockpath"]).owner()
except KeyError:
info["owner"] = None
info["timestamp"] = (
return info
[docs]def can_start_in_mapset(mapset_path, ignore_lock: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Check if a mapset from a gisrc file is usable for new session"""
return not (
(not is_mapset_valid(mapset_path))
or (not is_current_user_mapset_owner(mapset_path))
or (not ignore_lock and is_mapset_locked(mapset_path))
[docs]def get_reason_id_mapset_not_usable(mapset_path):
"""It finds a reason why mapset is not usable.
Returns a reason id as a string.
If mapset path is None or no reason found, returns None.
# Check whether mapset exists
if not os.path.exists(mapset_path):
return "non-existent"
# Check whether mapset is valid
if not is_mapset_valid(mapset_path):
return "invalid"
# Check whether mapset is owned by current user
if not is_current_user_mapset_owner(mapset_path):
return "different-owner"
# Check whether mapset is locked
if is_mapset_locked(mapset_path):
return "locked"
return None
[docs]def dir_contains_location(path: str | os.PathLike[str]) -> bool:
"""Return True if directory *path* contains a valid location"""
p = Path(path)
if not p.is_dir():
return False
for name in p.iterdir():
if name.is_dir():
if is_location_valid(name):
return True
return False
# basically checking location, possibly split into two functions
# (mapset one can call location one)
[docs]def get_mapset_invalid_reason(database, location, mapset, none_for_no_reason=False):
"""Returns a message describing what is wrong with the Mapset
The goal is to provide the most suitable error message
(rather than to do a quick check).
:param database: Path to GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location
:param mapset: name of a Mapset
:returns: translated message
# Since we are trying to get the one most likely message, we need all
# those return statements here.
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
location_path = Path(database, location)
mapset_path = location_path / mapset
# first checking the location validity
# perhaps a special set of checks with different messages mentioning mapset
# will be needed instead of the same set of messages used for location
location_msg = get_location_invalid_reason(
database, location, none_for_no_reason=True
if location_msg:
return location_msg
# if location is valid, check mapset
if not mapset_path.exists():
# TODO: remove the grass.py specific wording
return _(
"Mapset <{mapset}> doesn't exist in GRASS Location <{location}>"
).format(mapset=mapset, location=location)
if not mapset_path.is_dir():
return _("<%s> is not a GRASS Mapset because it is not a directory") % mapset
if not (mapset_path / "WIND").is_file():
return (
"<%s> is not a valid GRASS Mapset"
" because it does not have a WIND file"
% mapset
# based on the is_mapset_valid() function
if not os.access(mapset_path / "WIND", os.R_OK):
return (
"<%s> is not a valid GRASS Mapset"
" because its WIND file is not readable"
% mapset
# no reason for invalidity found (might be valid)
if none_for_no_reason:
return None
return _(
"Mapset <{mapset}> or Location <{location}> is invalid for an unknown reason"
).format(mapset=mapset, location=location)
[docs]def get_location_invalid_reason(
database, location, none_for_no_reason=False
) -> str | None:
"""Returns a message describing what is wrong with the Location
The goal is to provide the most suitable error message
(rather than to do a quick check).
By default, when no reason is found, a message about unknown reason is
returned. This applies also to the case when this function is called on
a valid location (e.g. as a part of larger investigation).
``none_for_no_reason=True`` allows the function to be used as part of other
diagnostic. When this function fails to find reason for invalidity, other
the caller can continue the investigation in their context.
:param database: Path to GRASS GIS database directory
:param location: name of a Location
:param none_for_no_reason: When True, return None when reason is unknown
:returns: translated message or None
location_path = Path(database, location)
permanent_path = location_path / "PERMANENT"
# directory
if not location_path.exists():
return _("Location <%s> doesn't exist") % location_path
# permanent mapset
if not permanent_path.exists():
return (
"<%s> is not a valid GRASS Location"
" because PERMANENT Mapset is missing"
% location_path
if not permanent_path.is_dir():
return (
"<%s> is not a valid GRASS Location"
" because PERMANENT is not a directory"
% location_path
# partially based on the is_location_valid() function
if not (permanent_path / "DEFAULT_WIND").is_file():
return (
"<%s> is not a valid GRASS Location"
" because PERMANENT Mapset does not have a DEFAULT_WIND file"
" (default computational region)"
% location_path
# no reason for invalidity found (might be valid)
if none_for_no_reason:
return None
return _("Location <{location_path}> is invalid for an unknown reason").format(
[docs]def get_location_invalid_suggestion(database, location) -> str | None:
"""Return suggestion what to do when specified location is not valid
It gives suggestion when:
* A mapset was specified instead of a location.
* A GRASS database was specified instead of a location.
location_path = Path(database, location)
# a common error is to use mapset instead of location,
# if that's the case, include that info into the message
if is_mapset_valid(location_path):
return _(
"<{location}> looks like a mapset, not a location."
" Did you mean just <{one_dir_up}>?"
).format(location=location, one_dir_up=database)
# confusion about what is database and what is location
if dir_contains_location(location_path):
return _(
"It looks like <{location}> contains locations."
" Did you mean to specify one of them?"
return None
[docs]def get_mapset_name_invalid_reason(database, location, mapset_name):
"""Get reasons why mapset name is not valid.
It gets reasons when:
* Name is not valid.
* Name is reserved for OGR layers.
* Mapset in the same path already exists.
Returns message as string if there was a reason, otherwise None.
message = None
mapset_path = os.path.join(database, location, mapset_name)
# Check if mapset name is valid
if not gs.legal_name(mapset_name):
message = _(
"Name '{}' is not a valid name for location or mapset. "
"Please use only ASCII characters excluding characters {} "
"and space."
).format(mapset_name, "/\"'@,=*~")
# Check reserved mapset name
elif mapset_name.lower() == "ogr":
message = _(
"Name '{}' is reserved for direct "
"read access to OGR layers. Please use "
"another name for your mapset."
# Check whether mapset exists
elif mapset_exists(database, location, mapset_name):
message = _(
"Mapset <{mapset}> already exists. Please consider using "
"another name for your mapset."
return message
[docs]def get_location_name_invalid_reason(grassdb, location_name):
"""Get reasons why location name is not valid.
It gets reasons when:
* Name is not valid.
* Location in the same path already exists.
Returns message as string if there was a reason, otherwise None.
message = None
location_path = os.path.join(grassdb, location_name)
# Check if mapset name is valid
if not gs.legal_name(location_name):
message = _(
"Name '{}' is not a valid name for location or mapset. "
"Please use only ASCII characters excluding characters {} "
"and space."
).format(location_name, "/\"'@,=*~")
# Check whether location exists
elif location_exists(grassdb, location_name):
message = _(
"Location <{location}> already exists. Please consider using "
"another name for your location."
return message
[docs]def is_mapset_name_valid(database, location, mapset_name):
"""Check if mapset name is valid.
Returns True if mapset name is valid, otherwise False.
return (
and mapset_name.lower() != "ogr"
and not mapset_exists(database, location, mapset_name)
[docs]def is_location_name_valid(database, location_name):
"""Check if location name is valid.
Returns True if location name is valid, otherwise False.
return gs.legal_name(location_name) and not location_exists(database, location_name)
[docs]def get_reasons_mapsets_not_removable(mapsets, check_permanent):
"""Get reasons why mapsets cannot be removed.
Parameter *mapsets* is a list of tuples (database, location, mapset).
Parameter *check_permanent* is True of False. It depends on whether
we want to check for permanent mapset or not.
Returns messages as list if there were any failed checks, otherwise empty list.
messages = []
for grassdb, location, mapset in mapsets:
message = get_reason_mapset_not_removable(
grassdb, location, mapset, check_permanent
if message:
return messages
[docs]def get_reason_mapset_not_removable(grassdb, location, mapset, check_permanent):
"""Get reason why one mapset cannot be removed.
Parameter *check_permanent* is True of False. It depends on whether
we want to check for permanent mapset or not.
Returns message as string if there was failed check, otherwise None.
message = None
mapset_path = os.path.join(grassdb, location, mapset)
# Check if mapset is permanent
if check_permanent and mapset == "PERMANENT":
message = _("Mapset <{mapset}> is required for a valid location.").format(
# Check if mapset is current
elif is_mapset_current(grassdb, location, mapset):
message = _("Mapset <{mapset}> is the current mapset.").format(
# Check whether mapset is in use
elif is_mapset_locked(mapset_path):
message = _("Mapset <{mapset}> is in use.").format(mapset=mapset_path)
# Check whether mapset is owned by different user
elif is_different_mapset_owner(mapset_path):
message = _("Mapset <{mapset}> is owned by a different user.").format(
return message
[docs]def get_reasons_locations_not_removable(locations):
"""Get reasons why locations cannot be removed.
Parameter *locations* is a list of tuples (database, location).
Returns messages as list if there were any failed checks, otherwise empty list.
messages = []
for grassdb, location in locations:
messages += get_reasons_location_not_removable(grassdb, location)
return messages
[docs]def get_reasons_location_not_removable(grassdb, location):
"""Get reasons why one location cannot be removed.
Returns messages as list if there were any failed checks, otherwise empty list.
messages = []
location_path = os.path.join(grassdb, location)
# Check if location is current
if is_location_current(grassdb, location):
_("Location <{location}> is the current location.").format(
return messages
# Find mapsets in particular location
tmp_gisrc_file, env = gs.create_environment(grassdb, location, "PERMANENT")
g_mapsets = (
gs.read_command("g.mapsets", flags="l", separator="comma", quiet=True, env=env)
# Append to the list of tuples
mapsets = []
for g_mapset in g_mapsets:
mapsets.append((grassdb, location, g_mapset))
# Concentenate both checks
messages += get_reasons_mapsets_not_removable(mapsets, check_permanent=False)
return messages
[docs]def get_reasons_grassdb_not_removable(grassdb):
"""Get reasons why one grassdb cannot be removed.
Returns messages as list if there were any failed checks, otherwise empty list.
messages = []
genv = gisenv()
# Check if grassdb is current
if grassdb == genv["GISDBASE"]:
_("GRASS database <{grassdb}> is the current database.").format(
return messages
g_locations = get_list_of_locations(grassdb)
# Append to the list of tuples
locations = []
for g_location in g_locations:
locations.append((grassdb, g_location))
return get_reasons_locations_not_removable(locations)
[docs]def get_list_of_locations(dbase):
"""Get list of GRASS locations in given dbase
:param dbase: GRASS database path
:return: list of locations (sorted)
locations = []
for location in glob.glob(os.path.join(dbase, "*")):
if os.path.join(location, "PERMANENT") in glob.glob(
os.path.join(location, "*")
locations.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
return locations