Source code for grass.grassdb.manage

Managing existing objects in a GRASS GIS Spatial Database

(C) 2020 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

.. sectionauthor:: Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>

import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import grass.grassdb.config

[docs]def delete_mapset(database, location, mapset): """Deletes a specified mapset""" if mapset == "PERMANENT": raise ValueError( _("Mapset PERMANENT cannot be deleted (a whole location can be)") ) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(database, location, mapset))
[docs]def delete_location(database, location): """Deletes a specified location""" shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(database, location))
[docs]def delete_grassdb(database): """Deletes a specified GRASS database""" shutil.rmtree(database)
[docs]def rename_mapset(database, location, old_name, new_name): """Rename mapset from *old_name* to *new_name*""" if old_name == "PERMANENT": raise ValueError(_("Mapset PERMANENT cannot be renamed")) location_path = os.path.join(database, location) os.rename( os.path.join(location_path, old_name), os.path.join(location_path, new_name) )
[docs]def rename_location(database, old_name, new_name): """Rename location from *old_name* to *new_name*""" os.rename(os.path.join(database, old_name), os.path.join(database, new_name))
[docs]class MapsetPath: """This is a representation of a path to mapset. Individual components are accessible through read-only properties and objects have an os.PathLike interface. Paths are currently stored as is (not resolved, not expanded), but that may change in the future. """ def __init__(self, path, directory, location, mapset): # Path as an attribute. Inheriting from Path would be something to consider # here, however the Path inheritance is somewhat complex at this point. self._path = Path(path) self._directory = str(directory) self._location = location self._mapset = mapset def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"{self._path!r}, " f"{self._directory!r}, {self._location!r}, {self._mapset!r})" ) def __str__(self): return str(self._path) def __fspath__(self): return os.fspath(self._path) @property def path(self): """Full path to the mapset as a pathlib.Path object""" return self._path @property def directory(self): """Location name""" return self._directory @property def location(self): """Location name""" return self._location @property def mapset(self): """Mapset name""" return self._mapset
[docs]def split_mapset_path(mapset_path): """Split mapset path to three parts - grassdb, location, mapset""" mapset_path = Path(mapset_path) if len( < 3: raise ValueError( _("Mapset path '{}' needs at least three components").format(mapset_path) ) mapset = location_path = mapset_path.parent location = grassdb = location_path.parent return os.fspath(grassdb), location, mapset
[docs]def resolve_mapset_path(path, location=None, mapset=None) -> MapsetPath: """Resolve full path to mapset from given combination of parameters. Full or relative path to mapset can be provided as *path*. If the *path* points to a valid location instead of a valid mapset, the mapset defaults to PERMANENT. Alternatively, location and mapset can be provided separately. In that case, location and mapset are added to the path. If location is provided and mapset is not, mapset defaults to PERMANENT. Home represented by ``~`` (tilde) and relative paths are resolved and the result contains absolute paths. The function does not enforce the existence of the directory or that it is a mapset. It only manipulates the paths except for internal checks which help to determine the result in some cases. On Windows, if the path does not exist and ``..`` is present in the path, it will be not be resolved due to path resolution limitation in the Python pathlib package. Returns a MapsetPath object. """ # We reduce the top-level imports because this is initialization code. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel path = Path(path).expanduser() if not sys.platform.startswith("win") or path.exists(): # The resolve function works just fine on Windows when the path exists # and everywhere even if it does not. # This also resolves symlinks which may or may not be desired. path = path.resolve() else: # On Windows when the path does not exist, resolve does not work. # This does not resolve `..` which is not desired. path = Path.cwd() / path default_mapset = grass.grassdb.config.permanent_mapset if location and mapset: directory = str(path) path = path / location / mapset elif location: mapset = default_mapset directory = str(path) path = path / location / mapset elif mapset: # mapset, but not location raise ValueError( _( "Provide only path, or path and location, " "or path, location, and mapset, but not mapset without location" ) ) else: from grass.grassdb.checks import is_mapset_valid if not is_mapset_valid(path) and is_mapset_valid(path / default_mapset): path /= default_mapset parts = if len(parts) < 3: raise ValueError( _( "Parameter path needs to be 'path/to/location/mapset' " "or location and mapset need to be set" ) ) directory, location, mapset = split_mapset_path(path) return MapsetPath(path=path, directory=directory, location=location, mapset=mapset)