Source code for grass.jupyter.map3d

# MODULE:    grass.jupyter.display
# AUTHOR(S): Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>
# PURPOSE:   This module contains functions for non-interactive display
#            in Jupyter Notebooks
# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2021-2022 Vaclav Petras, and by the GRASS Development Team
#           This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#           License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#           for details.

"""Render 3D visualizations"""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import tempfile
import weakref

import grass.script as gs

from .map import Map
from .region import RegionManagerFor3D

[docs]class Map3D: """Creates and displays 3D visualization using GRASS GIS 3D rendering engine NVIZ. The 3D image is created using the *render* function which uses the *m.nviz.image* module in the background. Additional images can be placed on the image using the *overlay* attribute which is the 2D renderer, i.e., has interface of the *Map* class. Basic usage:: >>> img = Map() >>> img.render(elevation_map="elevation", color_map="elevation", perspective=20) >>> img.overlay.d_legend(raster="elevation", at=(60, 97, 87, 92)) >>> For the OpenGL rendering with *m.nviz.image* to work, a display (screen) is needed. This is not guaranteed on headless systems such as continuous integration (CI) or Binder service(s). This class uses Xvfb and PyVirtualDisplay to support rendering in these environments. """ def __init__( self, width: int = 600, height: int = 400, filename: str | None = None, mode: str = "fine", resolution_fine: int = 1, screen_backend: str = "auto", font: str = "sans", text_size: float = 12, renderer2d: str = "cairo", use_region: bool = False, saved_region: str | None = None, ): """Checks screen_backend and creates a temporary directory for rendering. :param width: width of image in pixels :param height: height of image in pixels :param filename: filename or path to save the resulting PNG image :param mode: 3D rendering mode (options: fine, coarse, both) :param resolution_fine: resolution multiplier for the fine mode :param screen_backend: backend for running the 3D rendering :param font: font to use in 2D rendering :param text_size: default text size in 2D rendering, usually overwritten :param renderer2d: GRASS 2D renderer driver (options: cairo, png) :param use_region: if True, use either current or provided saved region, else derive region from rendered layers :param saved_region: if name of saved_region is provided, this region is then used for rendering When *resolution_fine* is 1, rasters are used in the resolution according to the computational region as usual in GRASS GIS. Setting *resolution_fine* to values higher than one, causes rasters to be resampled to a coarser resolution (2 for twice as coarse than computational region resolution). This allows for fast rendering of large rasters without changing the computational region. By default (``screen_backend="auto"``), when pyvirtualdisplay Python package is present, the class assumes that it is running in a headless environment, so pyvirtualdisplay is used. When the package is not present, *m.nviz.image* is executed directly. When *screen_backend* is set to ``"pyvirtualdisplay"`` and the package cannot be imported, ValueError is raised. When *screen_backend* is set to ``"simple"``, *m.nviz.image* is executed directly. For other values of *screen_backend*, ValueError is raised. """ self._width = width self._height = height self._mode = mode self._resolution_fine = resolution_fine # Temporary dir and files # Resource managed by weakref.finalize. self._tmpdir = ( tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # pylint: disable=consider-using-with ) def cleanup(tmpdir): tmpdir.cleanup() weakref.finalize(self, cleanup, self._tmpdir) if filename: self._filename = filename else: self._filename = os.path.join(, "map.png") # Screen backend try: # This tests availability of the module and needs to work even # when the package is not installed. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,unused-import import pyvirtualdisplay # noqa: F401 pyvirtualdisplay_available = True except ImportError: pyvirtualdisplay_available = False if screen_backend == "auto" and pyvirtualdisplay_available: self._screen_backend = "pyvirtualdisplay" elif screen_backend == "auto": self._screen_backend = "simple" elif screen_backend == "pyvirtualdisplay" and not pyvirtualdisplay_available: raise ValueError( _( "Screen backend '{}' cannot be used " "because pyvirtualdisplay cannot be imported" ).format(screen_backend) ) elif screen_backend in {"simple", "pyvirtualdisplay"}: self._screen_backend = screen_backend else: raise ValueError( _( "Screen backend '{}' does not exist. " "See documentation for the list of supported backends." ).format(screen_backend) ) self.overlay = Map( height=height, width=width, filename=self._filename, font=font, text_size=text_size, renderer=renderer2d, use_region=use_region, saved_region=saved_region, ) # rendering region setting self._region_manager = RegionManagerFor3D(use_region, saved_region) @property def filename(self): """Filename or full path to the file with the resulting image. The value can be set during initialization. When the filename was not provided during initialization, a path to temporary file is returned. In that case, the file is guaranteed to exist as long as the object exists. """ return self._filename @property def region_manager(self): """Region manager object""" return self._region_manager
[docs] def render(self, **kwargs): """Run rendering using *m.nviz.image*. Keyword arguments are passed as parameters to the *m.nviz.image* module. Parameters set in constructor such as *mode* are used here unless another value is provided. Parameters related to size, file, and format are handled internally and will be ignored when passed here. Calling this function again, overwrites the previously rendered image, so typically, it is called only once. """ module = "m.nviz.image" name = os.path.join(, "nviz") ext = "tif" full_name = f"{name}.{ext}" kwargs["output"] = name kwargs["format"] = ext kwargs["size"] = (self._width, self._height) if "mode" not in kwargs: kwargs["mode"] = self._mode if "resolution_fine" not in kwargs: kwargs["resolution_fine"] = self._resolution_fine if self._screen_backend == "pyvirtualdisplay": import inspect # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # This is imported only when needed and when the package is available, # but generally, it may not be available. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,import-error from pyvirtualdisplay import Display additional_kwargs = {} has_env_copy = False if "manage_global_env" in inspect.signature(Display).parameters: additional_kwargs["manage_global_env"] = False has_env_copy = True with Display( size=(self._width, self._height), **additional_kwargs ) as display: if has_env_copy: env = display.env() else: env = os.environ.copy() self._region_manager.set_region_from_command(env=env, **kwargs) self.overlay.region_manager.set_region_from_env(env) gs.run_command(module, env=env, **kwargs) else: env = os.environ.copy() self._region_manager.set_region_from_command(env=env, **kwargs) self.overlay.region_manager.set_region_from_env(env) gs.run_command(module, env=env, **kwargs) # Lazy import to avoid an import-time dependency on PIL. from PIL import Image # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel img =
[docs] def show(self): """Displays a PNG image of map""" # Lazy import to avoid an import-time dependency on IPython. from IPython.display import Image # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return Image(self._filename)