Source code for grass.pygrass.raster.abstract

Created on Fri Aug 17 16:05:25 2012

@author: pietro

import ctypes

# import GRASS modules
from grass.script import fatal, gisenv
import grass.lib.gis as libgis
import grass.lib.raster as libraster

# import pygrass modules
from grass.pygrass import utils
from grass.pygrass.gis.region import Region
from grass.pygrass.errors import must_be_open, must_be_in_current_mapset
from import dict2html
from import raw_figure

# import raster classes
from grass.pygrass.raster.raster_type import TYPE as RTYPE, RTYPE_STR
from grass.pygrass.raster.category import Category
from grass.pygrass.raster.history import History

test_raster_name = "abstract_test_map"

# Define global variables to not exceed the 80 columns
INDXOUTRANGE = "The index (%d) is out of range, have you open the map?."
INFO = """{name}@{mapset}
rows: {rows}
cols: {cols}
north: {north} south: {south} nsres:{nsres}
east:  {east} west: {west} ewres:{ewres}
range: {min}, {max}
proj: {proj}

[docs]class Info: def __init__(self, name, mapset=""): """Read the information for a raster map. :: >>> info = Info(test_raster_name) >>> >>> info # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE abstract_test_map@ rows: 4 cols: 4 north: 40.0 south: 0.0 nsres:10.0 east: 40.0 west: 0.0 ewres:10.0 range: 11, 44 ... <BLANKLINE> """ = name self.mapset = mapset self.c_region = ctypes.pointer(libraster.struct_Cell_head()) self.c_range = None def _get_range(self): if self.mtype == "CELL": self.c_range = ctypes.pointer(libraster.Range()) libraster.Rast_read_range(, self.mapset, self.c_range) else: self.c_range = ctypes.pointer(libraster.FPRange()) libraster.Rast_read_fp_range(, self.mapset, self.c_range) def _get_raster_region(self): libraster.Rast_get_cellhd(, self.mapset, self.c_region)
[docs] def read(self): self._get_range() self._get_raster_region()
@property def north(self): return self.c_region.contents.north @property def south(self): return self.c_region.contents.south @property def east(self): return self.c_region.contents.east @property def west(self): return self.c_region.contents.west @property def top(self): return @property def bottom(self): return self.c_region.contents.bottom @property def rows(self): return self.c_region.contents.rows @property def cols(self): return self.c_region.contents.cols @property def nsres(self): return self.c_region.contents.ns_res @property def ewres(self): return self.c_region.contents.ew_res @property def tbres(self): return self.c_region.contents.tb_res @property def zone(self): return @property def proj(self): return self.c_region.contents.proj @property def min(self): if self.c_range is None: return None return self.c_range.contents.min @property def max(self): if self.c_range is None: return None return self.c_range.contents.max @property def range(self): if self.c_range is None: return None, None return self.c_range.contents.min, self.c_range.contents.max @property def mtype(self): return RTYPE_STR[libraster.Rast_map_type(, self.mapset)] def _get_semantic_label(self): """Get semantic label identifier. :return str: semantic label (eg. S2_1) or None """ semantic_label = libraster.Rast_read_semantic_label(, self.mapset) if semantic_label: return utils.decode(semantic_label) return None @must_be_in_current_mapset def _set_semantic_label(self, semantic_label): """Set/Unset semantic label identifier. :param str semantic_label: semantic label to assign or None to remove (unset) """ if semantic_label: if libraster.Rast_legal_semantic_label(semantic_label) is False: raise ValueError(_("Invalid semantic label")) libraster.Rast_write_semantic_label(, semantic_label) else: libgis.G_remove_misc("cell_misc", "semantic_label", semantic_label = property(_get_semantic_label, _set_semantic_label) def _get_units(self): units = libraster.Rast_read_units(, self.mapset) if units: return utils.decode(units) return None @must_be_in_current_mapset def _set_units(self, units): libraster.Rast_write_units(, units) units = property(_get_units, _set_units) def _get_vdatum(self): vdatum = libraster.Rast_read_vdatum(, self.mapset) if vdatum: return utils.decode(vdatum) return None @must_be_in_current_mapset def _set_vdatum(self, vdatum): libraster.Rast_write_vdatum(, vdatum) vdatum = property(_get_vdatum, _set_vdatum) def __repr__(self): return INFO.format(, mapset=self.mapset, rows=self.rows, cols=self.cols, north=self.north, south=self.south, east=self.east, west=self.west,, bottom=self.bottom, nsres=self.nsres, ewres=self.ewres, tbres=self.tbres,, proj=self.proj, min=self.min, max=self.max, )
[docs] def keys(self): return [ "name", "mapset", "rows", "cols", "north", "south", "east", "west", "top", "bottom", "nsres", "ewres", "tbres", "zone", "proj", "min", "max", ]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.keys()]
def __iter__(self): return ((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.keys()) def _repr_html_(self): return dict2html(dict(self.items()), keys=self.keys(), border="1", kdec="b")
[docs]class RasterAbstractBase: """Raster_abstract_base: The base class from which all sub-classes inherit. It does not implement any row or map access methods: * Implements raster metadata information access (Type, ...) * Implements an open method that will be overwritten by the sub-classes * Implements the close method that might be overwritten by sub-classes (should work for simple row access) * Implements get and set region methods * Implements color, history and category handling * Renaming, deletion, ... """ def __init__(self, name, mapset="", *aopen, **kwopen): """The constructor need at least the name of the map *optional* field is the `mapset`. >>> ele = RasterAbstractBase(test_raster_name) >>> 'abstract_test_map' >>> ele.exist() True .. """ self.mapset = mapset if not mapset: # note that @must_be_in_current_mapset requires mapset to be set mapset = libgis.G_find_raster(name, mapset) if mapset is not None: self.mapset = utils.decode(mapset) self._name = name # Private attribute `_fd` that return the file descriptor of the map self._fd = None # Private attribute `_rows` that return the number of rows # in active window, When the class is instanced is empty and it is set # when you open the file, using Rast_window_rows() self._rows = None # Private attribute `_cols` that return the number of rows # in active window, When the class is instanced is empty and it is set # when you open the file, using Rast_window_cols() self._cols = None # self.region = Region() self.hist = History(, self.mapset) self.cats = Category(, self.mapset) = Info(, self.mapset) self._aopen = aopen self._kwopen = kwopen self._mtype = "CELL" self._mode = "r" self._overwrite = False def __enter__(self):*self._aopen, **self._kwopen) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def _get_mtype(self): """Private method to get the Raster type""" return self._mtype def _set_mtype(self, mtype): """Private method to change the Raster type""" if mtype.upper() not in {"CELL", "FCELL", "DCELL"}: str_err = "Raster type: {0} not supported ('CELL','FCELL','DCELL')" raise ValueError(_(str_err).format(mtype)) self._mtype = mtype self._gtype = RTYPE[self.mtype]["grass type"] mtype = property(fget=_get_mtype, fset=_set_mtype) def _get_mode(self): return self._mode def _set_mode(self, mode): if mode.upper() not in {"R", "W"}: str_err = _("Mode type: {0} not supported ('r', 'w')") raise ValueError(str_err.format(mode)) self._mode = mode mode = property(fget=_get_mode, fset=_set_mode) def _get_overwrite(self): return self._overwrite def _set_overwrite(self, overwrite): if overwrite not in {True, False}: str_err = _("Overwrite type: {0} not supported (True/False)") raise ValueError(str_err.format(overwrite)) self._overwrite = overwrite overwrite = property(fget=_get_overwrite, fset=_set_overwrite) def _get_name(self): """Private method to return the Raster name""" return self._name def _set_name(self, newname): """Private method to change the Raster name""" if not utils.is_clean_name(newname): str_err = _("Map name {0} not valid") raise ValueError(str_err.format(newname)) if self.exist(): self.rename(newname) self._name = newname name = property(fget=_get_name, fset=_set_name) @must_be_open def _get_cats_title(self): return self.cats.title @must_be_open def _set_cats_title(self, newtitle): self.cats.title = newtitle cats_title = property(fget=_get_cats_title, fset=_set_cats_title) def __unicode__(self): return self.name_mapset() def __str__(self): """Return the string of the object""" return self.__unicode__() def __len__(self): return self._rows def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the row of Raster object, slice allowed.""" if isinstance(key, slice): # Get the start, stop, and step from the slice return (self.get_row(ii) for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))) if isinstance(key, tuple): x, y = key return self.get(x, y) if isinstance(key, int): if not self.is_open(): raise IndexError("Can not operate on a closed map. Call open() first.") if key < 0: # Handle negative indices key += self._rows if key >= self._rows: raise IndexError( "The row index {0} is out of range [0, {1}).".format( key, self._rows ) ) return self.get_row(key) fatal("Invalid argument type.") def __iter__(self): """Return a constructor of the class""" return (self.__getitem__(irow) for irow in range(self._rows)) def _repr_png_(self): return raw_figure(utils.r_export(self))
[docs] def exist(self): """Return True if the map already exist, and set the mapset if were not set. call the C function `G_find_raster`. >>> ele = RasterAbstractBase(test_raster_name) >>> ele.exist() True """ if if self.mapset == "": mapset = utils.get_mapset_raster(, self.mapset) self.mapset = mapset or "" return bool(mapset) return bool(utils.get_mapset_raster(, self.mapset)) return False
[docs] def is_open(self): """Return True if the map is open False otherwise. >>> ele = RasterAbstractBase(test_raster_name) >>> ele.is_open() False """ return bool(self._fd is not None and self._fd >= 0)
[docs] @must_be_open def close(self): """Close the map""" libraster.Rast_close(self._fd) # update rows and cols attributes self._rows = None self._cols = None self._fd = None
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the map""" if self.is_open(): self.close() utils.remove(, "rast")
[docs] def fullname(self): """Return the full name of a raster map: name@mapset""" return "{name}@{mapset}".format(, mapset=self.mapset)
[docs] def name_mapset(self, name=None, mapset=None): """Return the full name of the Raster. >>> ele = RasterAbstractBase(test_raster_name) >>> name = ele.name_mapset().split("@") >>> name ['abstract_test_map'] """ if name is None: name = if mapset is None: self.exist() mapset = self.mapset gis_env = gisenv() if mapset and mapset != gis_env["MAPSET"]: return "{name}@{mapset}".format(name=name, mapset=mapset) return name
[docs] def rename(self, newname): """Rename the map""" if self.exist(): utils.rename(, newname, "rast") self._name = newname
[docs] def set_region_from_rast(self, rastname="", mapset=""): """Set the computational region from a map, if rastername and mapset is not specify, use itself. This region will be used by all raster map layers that are opened in the same process. The GRASS region settings will not be modified. call C function `Rast_get_cellhd`, `Rast_set_window` """ if self.is_open(): fatal("You cannot change the region if map is open") raise region = Region() if rastname == "": rastname = if mapset == "": mapset = self.mapset libraster.Rast_get_cellhd(rastname, mapset, region.byref()) self._set_raster_window(region)
[docs] def set_region(self, region): """Set the computational region that can be different from the current region settings. This region will be used by all raster map layers that are opened in the same process. The GRASS region settings will not be modified. """ if self.is_open(): fatal("You cannot change the region if map is open") raise self._set_raster_window(region)
def _set_raster_window(self, region): libraster.Rast_set_window(region.byref()) # update rows and cols attributes self._rows = libraster.Rast_window_rows() self._cols = libraster.Rast_window_cols()
[docs] @must_be_open def get_value(self, point, region=None): """This method returns the pixel value of a given pair of coordinates: :param point: pair of coordinates in tuple object or class object with coords() method """ # Check for tuple if not isinstance(point, list) and not isinstance(point, tuple): point = point.coords() if not region: region = Region() row, col = utils.coor2pixel(point, region) if col < 0 or col > region.cols or row < 0 or row > region.rows: return None line = self.get_row(int(row)) return line[int(col)]
[docs] @must_be_open def has_cats(self): """Return True if the raster map has categories""" if self.exist(): if len(self.cats) != 0: return True return False
[docs] @must_be_open def num_cats(self): """Return the number of categories""" return len(self.cats)
[docs] @must_be_open def copy_cats(self, raster): """Copy categories from another raster map object""" self.cats.copy(raster.cats)
[docs] @must_be_open def sort_cats(self): """Sort categories order by range""" self.cats.sort()
[docs] @must_be_open def read_cats(self): """Read category from the raster map file"""
[docs] @must_be_open def write_cats(self): """Write category to the raster map file""" self.cats.write(self)
[docs] @must_be_open def read_cats_rules(self, filename, sep=":"): """Read category from the raster map file""" self.cats.read_rules(filename, sep)
[docs] @must_be_open def write_cats_rules(self, filename, sep=":"): """Write category to the raster map file""" self.cats.write_rules(filename, sep)
[docs] @must_be_open def get_cats(self): """Return a category object""" cat = Category(, mapset=self.mapset) return cat
[docs] @must_be_open def set_cats(self, category): """The internal categories are copied from this object.""" self.cats.copy(category)
[docs] @must_be_open def get_cat(self, label): """Return a category given an index or a label""" return self.cats[label]
[docs] @must_be_open def set_cat(self, label, min_cat, max_cat=None, index=None): """Set or update a category""" self.cats.set_cat(index, (label, min_cat, max_cat))
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest from grass.pygrass.modules import Module Module("g.region", n=40, s=0, e=40, w=0, res=10) Module( "r.mapcalc", expression="%s = row() + (10 * col())" % (test_raster_name), overwrite=True, ) doctest.testmod() """Remove the generated vector map, if exist""" mset = utils.get_mapset_raster(test_raster_name, mapset="") if mset: Module("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster", name=test_raster_name)