Source code for grass.temporal.abstract_map_dataset

The abstract_map_dataset module provides the AbstractMapDataset class
that is the base class for all map layer.

(C) 2011-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Soeren Gebbert

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime

import grass.script as gs
from grass.exceptions import ImplementationError

from .abstract_dataset import AbstractDataset
from .core import (
from .datetime_math import (
from .temporal_extent import AbsoluteTemporalExtent, RelativeTemporalExtent

[docs]class AbstractMapDataset(AbstractDataset): """This is the base class for all maps (raster, vector, raster3d). The temporal extent, the spatial extent and the metadata of maps are stored in the temporal database. Maps can be registered in the temporal database, updated and deleted. This class provides all functionalities that are needed to manage maps in the temporal database. That are: - insert() to register the map and therefore its spatio-temporal extent and metadata in the temporal database - update() to update the map spatio-temporal extent and metadata in the temporal database - unregister() to unregister the map from each space time dataset in which this map is registered - delete() to remove the map from the temporal database - Methods to set relative and absolute time stamps - Abstract methods that must be implemented in the map specific subclasses """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): AbstractDataset.__init__(self) self.ciface = get_tgis_c_library_interface()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_new_stds_instance(self, ident): """Return a new space time dataset instance that store maps with the type of this map object (raster, raster_3d or vector) :param ident The identifier of the space time dataset :return: The new space time dataset instance """
[docs] def check_resolution_with_current_region(self): """Check if the raster or voxel resolution is finer than the current resolution - Return "finer" in case the raster/voxel resolution is finer than the current region - Return "coarser" in case the raster/voxel resolution is coarser than the current region Vector maps have no resolution, since they store the coordinates directly. :return: "finer" or "coarser" """ raise ImplementationError("This method must be implemented in the subclasses")
[docs] @abstractmethod def has_grass_timestamp(self): """Check if a grass file based time stamp exists for this map. :return: True is the grass file based time stamped exists for this map """
[docs] @abstractmethod def write_timestamp_to_grass(self): """Write the timestamp of this map into the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def read_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Read the timestamp of this map from the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database and set the internal time stamp that should be insert/updated in the temporal database. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def remove_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Remove the timestamp from the grass file system based spatial database """
[docs] @abstractmethod def map_exists(self): """Return True in case the map exists in the grass spatial database :return: True if map exists, False otherwise """
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self): """Load the content of this object from the grass file system based database"""
def _convert_timestamp(self): """Convert the valid time into a grass datetime library compatible timestamp string This methods works for relative and absolute time :return: the grass timestamp string """ start = "" if self.is_time_absolute(): start_time, end_time = self.get_absolute_time() start = datetime_to_grass_datetime_string(start_time) if end_time is not None: end = datetime_to_grass_datetime_string(end_time) start += " / %s" % (end) else: start_time, end_time, unit = self.get_relative_time() start = "%i %s" % (int(start_time), unit) if end_time is not None: end = "%i %s" % (int(end_time), unit) start += " / %s" % (end) return start
[docs] def get_map_id(self): """Return the map id. The map id is the unique identifier in grass and must not be equal to the primary key identifier (id) of the map in the database. Since vector maps may have layer information, the unique id is a combination of name, layer and mapset. Use get_map_id() every time your need to access the grass map in the file system but not to identify map information in the temporal database. :return: The map id "name@mapset" """ return self.base.get_map_id()
[docs] @staticmethod def split_name(name, layer=None, mapset=None): """Convenient method to split a map name into three potentially contained parts: map name, map layer and mapset. For the layer and mapset, default keyword arguments can be given if not present in the name. Layer and mapset present in the name will overwrite the keyword arguments. :param name: The name of the map :param layer: The layer of the vector map, use None in case no layer exists :param mapset: The mapset in which the map is located :return: tuple of three elements name, layer, mapset e(:layer)@mapset" while layer is optional """ # Check if the name includes any mapset if name.find("@") >= 0: name, mapset = name.split("@")[0:2] # Check for layer number in map name if name.find(":") >= 0: name, layer = name.split(":")[0:2] return name, layer, mapset
[docs] @staticmethod def build_id_from_search_path(name, element): """Convenient method to build the unique identifier while checking the current seach path for the correct mapset. Existing mapset definitions in the name string will be reused. If an element type is given and the mapset is not specified in the name, the function will try to get the correct mapset by searching for a map with the given name and of the given element type on the current search path. If the combination is not found on the current search path, it will fail and throw an error. :param name: The name of the map :param element: A mapset element type to be passed to g.findfile, e.g. "cell", "vector", "raster3d" :return: the id of the map as "name(:layer)@mapset" where layer is optional """ # Split given name into relevant parts name, layer, mapset = AbstractMapDataset.split_name(name) # Identify mapset of map with the given name of given element type if element and not mapset: result = gs.find_file(element=element, name=name) if result["mapset"]: mapset = result["mapset"] else: gs.fatal( _( "Map <{map_name}> of element tpye '{element}' not found on \ search path" ).format(element=element, map_name=name) ) if layer is not None: return f"{name}:{layer}@{mapset}" return f"{name}@{mapset}"
[docs] @staticmethod def build_id(name, mapset, layer=None): """Convenient method to build the unique identifier Existing layer and mapset definitions in the name string will be reused :param name: The name of the map :param mapset: The mapset in which the map is located :param layer: The layer of the vector map, use None in case no layer exists :return: the id of the map as "name(:layer)@mapset" where layer is optional """ # Split given name into relevant parts name, layer, mapset = AbstractMapDataset.split_name( name, layer=layer, mapset=mapset ) if layer is not None: return f"{name}:{layer}@{mapset}" return f"{name}@{mapset}"
[docs] def get_layer(self): """Return the layer of the map :return: the layer of the map or None in case no layer is defined """ return self.base.get_layer()
[docs] def print_self(self): """Print the content of the internal structure to stdout""" self.base.print_self() self.temporal_extent.print_self() self.spatial_extent.print_self() self.metadata.print_self() self.stds_register.print_self()
[docs] def print_info(self): """Print information about this object in human readable style""" if self.get_type() == "raster": # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # noqa: E501 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # noqa: E501 print( " +-------------------- Raster Dataset ----------------------------------------+" # noqa: E501 ) if self.get_type() == "raster3d": # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # noqa: E501 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # noqa: E501 print( " +-------------------- 3D Raster Dataset -------------------------------------+" # noqa: E501 ) if self.get_type() == "vector": # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # noqa: E501 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 # noqa: E501 print( " +-------------------- Vector Dataset ----------------------------------------+" # noqa: E501 ) print( " | |" # noqa: E501 ) self.base.print_info() self.temporal_extent.print_info() if self.is_topology_build(): self.print_topology_info() self.spatial_extent.print_info() self.metadata.print_info() datasets = self.get_registered_stds() count = 0 string = "" if datasets is not None: for ds in datasets: if count > 0 and count % 3 == 0: string += "\n | ............................ " count = 0 if count == 0: string += ds else: string += ",%s" % ds count += 1 print(" | Registered datasets ........ " + string) print( " +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+" # noqa: E501 )
[docs] def print_shell_info(self): """Print information about this object in shell style""" self.base.print_shell_info() self.temporal_extent.print_shell_info() self.spatial_extent.print_shell_info() self.metadata.print_shell_info() datasets = self.get_registered_stds() count = 0 string = "" if datasets is not None: for ds in datasets: if count == 0: string += ds else: string += ",%s" % ds count += 1 print("registered_datasets=" + string) if self.is_topology_build(): self.print_topology_shell_info()
[docs] def insert(self, dbif=None, execute=True): """Insert the map content into the database from the internal structure This functions assures that the timestamp is written to the grass file system based database in addition to the temporal database entry. The stds register table will be created as well. Hence maps can only be registered in a space time dataset, when they were inserted in the temporal database beforehand. :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param execute: If True the SQL statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL insert statement in case execute=False, or an empty string otherwise """ if get_enable_timestamp_write(): self.write_timestamp_to_grass() return AbstractDataset.insert(self, dbif=dbif, execute=execute)
[docs] def update(self, dbif=None, execute=True): """Update the map content in the database from the internal structure excluding None variables This functions assures that the timestamp is written to the grass file system based database in addition to the temporal database entry. :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param execute: If True the SQL statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL insert statement in case execute=False, or an empty string otherwise """ if get_enable_timestamp_write(): self.write_timestamp_to_grass() return AbstractDataset.update(self, dbif, execute)
[docs] def update_all(self, dbif=None, execute=True): """Update the map content in the database from the internal structure including None variables This functions assures that the timestamp is written to the grass file system based database in addition to the temporal database entry. :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param execute: If True the SQL statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL insert statement in case execute=False, or an empty string otherwise """ if get_enable_timestamp_write(): self.write_timestamp_to_grass() return AbstractDataset.update_all(self, dbif, execute)
[docs] def set_time_to_absolute(self): """Set the temporal type to absolute""" self.base.set_ttype("absolute")
[docs] def set_time_to_relative(self): """Set the temporal type to relative""" self.base.set_ttype("relative")
[docs] def set_absolute_time(self, start_time, end_time=None): """Set the absolute time with start time and end time The end time is optional and must be set to None in case of time instance. This method only modifies this object and does not commit the modifications to the temporal database. :param start_time: A datetime object specifying the start time of the map :param end_time: A datetime object specifying the end time of the map, None in case or time instance :return: True for success and False otherwise """ if start_time and not isinstance(start_time, datetime): if self.get_layer() is not None: self.msgr.error( _( "Start time must be of type datetime for " "%(type)s map <%(id)s> with layer: %(l)s" ) % { "type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id(), "l": self.get_layer(), } ) return False self.msgr.error( _("Start time must be of type datetime for %(type)s map <%(id)s>") % {"type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id()} ) return False if end_time and not isinstance(end_time, datetime): if self.get_layer(): self.msgr.error( _( "End time must be of type datetime for " "%(type)s map <%(id)s> with layer: %(l)s" ) % { "type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id(), "l": self.get_layer(), } ) return False self.msgr.error( _("End time must be of type datetime for %(type)s map <%(id)s>") % {"type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id()} ) return False if start_time is not None and end_time is not None: if start_time > end_time: if self.get_layer(): self.msgr.error( _( "End time must be greater than start " "time for %(type)s map <%(id)s> with " "layer: %(l)s" ) % { "type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id(), "l": self.get_layer(), } ) return False self.msgr.error( _( "End time must be greater than start " "time for %(type)s map <%(id)s>" ) % {"type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_map_id()} ) return False # Do not create an interval in case start and end time are equal if start_time == end_time: end_time = None self.base.set_ttype("absolute") self.absolute_time.set_start_time(start_time) self.absolute_time.set_end_time(end_time) return True
[docs] def update_absolute_time(self, start_time, end_time=None, dbif=None): """Update the absolute time The end time is optional and must be set to None in case of time instance. This functions assures that the timestamp is written to the grass file system based database in addition to the temporal database entry. :param start_time: A datetime object specifying the start time of the map :param end_time: A datetime object specifying the end time of the map, None in case or time instance :param dbif: The database interface to be used """ if ( get_enable_mapset_check() is True and self.get_mapset() != get_current_mapset() ): self.msgr.fatal( _( "Unable to update dataset <%(ds)s> of type " "%(type)s in the temporal database. The mapset " "of the dataset does not match the current " "mapset" ) % {"ds": self.get_id(), "type": self.get_type()} ) if self.set_absolute_time(start_time, end_time): dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif) self.absolute_time.update_all(dbif) self.base.update(dbif) if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() if get_enable_timestamp_write(): self.write_timestamp_to_grass()
[docs] def set_relative_time(self, start_time, end_time, unit): """Set the relative time interval The end time is optional and must be set to None in case of time instance. This method only modifies this object and does not commit the modifications to the temporal database. :param start_time: An integer value :param end_time: An integer value, None in case or time instance :param unit: The unit of the relative time. Supported units: year(s), month(s), day(s), hour(s), minute(s), second(s) :return: True for success and False otherwise """ if not self.check_relative_time_unit(unit): if self.get_layer() is not None: self.msgr.error( _( "Unsupported relative time unit type for " "%(type)s map <%(id)s> with layer %(l)s: " "%(u)s" ) % { "type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_id(), "l": self.get_layer(), "u": unit, } ) else: self.msgr.error( _( "Unsupported relative time unit type for " "%(type)s map <%(id)s>: %(u)s" ) % {"type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_id(), "u": unit} ) return False if start_time is not None and end_time is not None: if int(start_time) > int(end_time): if self.get_layer() is not None: self.msgr.error( _( "End time must be greater than start " "time for %(typ)s map <%(id)s> with " "layer %(l)s" ) % { "typ": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_id(), "l": self.get_layer(), } ) else: self.msgr.error( _( "End time must be greater than start " "time for %(type)s map <%(id)s>" ) % {"type": self.get_type(), "id": self.get_id()} ) return False # Do not create an interval in case start and end time are equal if start_time == end_time: end_time = None self.base.set_ttype("relative") self.relative_time.set_unit(unit) self.relative_time.set_start_time(int(start_time)) if end_time is not None: self.relative_time.set_end_time(int(end_time)) else: self.relative_time.set_end_time(None) return True
[docs] def update_relative_time(self, start_time, end_time, unit, dbif=None): """Update the relative time interval The end time is optional and must be set to None in case of time instance. This functions assures that the timestamp is written to the grass file system based database in addition to the temporal database entry. :param start_time: An integer value :param end_time: An integer value, None in case or time instance :param unit: The relative time unit :param dbif: The database interface to be used """ if ( get_enable_mapset_check() is True and self.get_mapset() != get_current_mapset() ): self.msgr.fatal( _( "Unable to update dataset <%(ds)s> of type " "%(type)s in the temporal database. The mapset " "of the dataset does not match the current " "mapset" ) % {"ds": self.get_id(), "type": self.get_type()} ) if self.set_relative_time(start_time, end_time, unit): dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif) self.relative_time.update_all(dbif) self.base.update(dbif) if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() if get_enable_timestamp_write(): self.write_timestamp_to_grass()
[docs] def set_temporal_extent(self, extent): """Convenient method to set the temporal extent from a temporal extent object :param extent: The temporal extent that should be set for this object .. code-block: : python >>> import datetime >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) >>> temp_ext = tgis.RasterRelativeTime( ... start_time=1, end_time=2, unit="years" ... ) >>> map.set_temporal_extent(temp_ext) >>> print(map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()) (1, 2) >>> map = tgis.VectorDataset(None) >>> temp_ext = tgis.VectorAbsoluteTime( ... start_time=datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1), ... end_time=datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1), ... ) >>> map.set_temporal_extent(temp_ext) >>> print(map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()) (datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> map1 = tgis.VectorDataset("A@P") >>> check = map1.set_absolute_time( ... datetime.datetime(2000, 5, 5), datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 6) ... ) >>> print(map1.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()) (datetime.datetime(2000, 5, 5, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 6, 0, 0)) >>> map2 = tgis.RasterDataset("B@P") >>> check = map2.set_absolute_time( ... datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(1999, 8, 1) ... ) >>> print(map2.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()) (datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1999, 8, 1, 0, 0)) >>> map2.set_temporal_extent(map1.get_temporal_extent()) >>> print(map2.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()) (datetime.datetime(2000, 5, 5, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 6, 0, 0)) """ if issubclass(type(extent), RelativeTemporalExtent): start = extent.get_start_time() end = extent.get_end_time() unit = extent.get_unit() self.set_relative_time(start, end, unit) elif issubclass(type(extent), AbsoluteTemporalExtent): start = extent.get_start_time() end = extent.get_end_time() self.set_absolute_time(start, end)
[docs] def temporal_buffer(self, increment, update=False, dbif=None): """Create a temporal buffer based on an increment For absolute time the increment must be a string of type "integer unit" Unit can be year, years, month, months, day, days, hour, hours, minute, minutes, day or days. :param increment: This is the increment, a string in case of absolute time or an integer in case of relative time :param update: Perform an immediate database update to store the modified temporal extent, otherwise only this object will be modified Usage: .. code-block: : python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> maps = [] >>> for i in range(5): ... map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) ... if i % 2 == 0: ... check = map.set_relative_time(i, i + 1, "years") ... else: ... check = map.set_relative_time(i, None, "years") ... map.temporal_buffer(3) ... maps.append(map) ... >>> for map in maps: ... map.temporal_extent.print_info() ... +-------------------- Relative time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. -3 | End time:................... 4 | Relative time unit:......... years +-------------------- Relative time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. -2 | End time:................... 4 | Relative time unit:......... years +-------------------- Relative time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. -1 | End time:................... 6 | Relative time unit:......... years +-------------------- Relative time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 0 | End time:................... 6 | Relative time unit:......... years +-------------------- Relative time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 1 | End time:................... 8 | Relative time unit:......... years >>> maps = [] >>> for i in range(1, 5): ... map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) ... if i % 2 == 0: ... check = map.set_absolute_time( ... datetime(2001, i, 1), datetime(2001, i + 1, 1) ... ) ... else: ... check = map.set_absolute_time(datetime(2001, i, 1), None) ... map.temporal_buffer("7 days") ... maps.append(map) ... >>> for map in maps: ... map.temporal_extent.print_info() ... +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 2000-12-25 00:00:00 | End time:................... 2001-01-08 00:00:00 +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 2001-01-25 00:00:00 | End time:................... 2001-03-08 00:00:00 +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 2001-02-22 00:00:00 | End time:................... 2001-03-08 00:00:00 +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 2001-03-25 00:00:00 | End time:................... 2001-05-08 00:00:00 """ # noqa: E501 if self.is_time_absolute(): start, end = self.get_absolute_time() new_start = decrement_datetime_by_string(start, increment) if end is None: new_end = increment_datetime_by_string(start, increment) else: new_end = increment_datetime_by_string(end, increment) if update: self.update_absolute_time(new_start, new_end, dbif=dbif) else: self.set_absolute_time(new_start, new_end) else: start, end, unit = self.get_relative_time() new_start = start - increment if end is None: new_end = start + increment else: new_end = end + increment if update: self.update_relative_time(new_start, new_end, unit, dbif=dbif) else: self.set_relative_time(new_start, new_end, unit)
[docs] def set_spatial_extent_from_values(self, north, south, east, west, top=0, bottom=0): """Set the spatial extent of the map from values This method only modifies this object and does not commit the modifications to the temporal database. :param north: The northern edge :param south: The southern edge :param east: The eastern edge :param west: The western edge :param top: The top edge :param bottom: The bottom edge """ self.spatial_extent.set_spatial_extent_from_values( north, south, east, west, top, bottom )
[docs] def set_spatial_extent(self, spatial_extent): """Set the spatial extent of the map This method only modifies this object and does not commit the modifications to the temporal database. :param spatial_extent: An object of type SpatialExtent or its subclasses .. code-block: : python >>> import datetime >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) >>> spat_ext = tgis.SpatialExtent( ... north=10, south=-10, east=20, west=-20, top=5, bottom=-5 ... ) >>> map.set_spatial_extent(spat_ext) >>> print(map.get_spatial_extent_as_tuple()) (10.0, -10.0, 20.0, -20.0, 5.0, -5.0) """ self.spatial_extent.set_spatial_extent(spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_buffer(self, size, update=False, dbif=None): """Buffer the spatial extent by a given size in all spatial directions. :param size: The buffer size, using the unit of the grass region :param update: If True perform an immediate database update, otherwise only the internal variables are set :param dbif: The database interface to be used .. code-block: : python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) >>> spat_ext = tgis.SpatialExtent( ... north=10, south=-10, east=20, west=-20, top=5, bottom=-5 ... ) >>> map.set_spatial_extent(spat_ext) >>> map.spatial_buffer(10) >>> print(map.get_spatial_extent_as_tuple()) (20.0, -20.0, 30.0, -30.0, 15.0, -15.0) """ self.spatial_extent.north += size self.spatial_extent.south -= size self.spatial_extent.east += size self.spatial_extent.west -= size += size self.spatial_extent.bottom -= size if update: self.spatial_extent.update(dbif)
[docs] def spatial_buffer_2d(self, size, update=False, dbif=None): """Buffer the spatial extent by a given size in 2d spatial directions. :param size: The buffer size, using the unit of the grass region :param update: If True perform an immediate database update, otherwise only the internal variables are set :param dbif: The database interface to be used .. code-block: : python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> map = tgis.RasterDataset(None) >>> spat_ext = tgis.SpatialExtent( ... north=10, south=-10, east=20, west=-20, top=5, bottom=-5 ... ) >>> map.set_spatial_extent(spat_ext) >>> map.spatial_buffer_2d(10) >>> print(map.get_spatial_extent_as_tuple()) (20.0, -20.0, 30.0, -30.0, 5.0, -5.0) """ self.spatial_extent.north += size self.spatial_extent.south -= size self.spatial_extent.east += size self.spatial_extent.west -= size if update: self.spatial_extent.update(dbif)
[docs] def check_for_correct_time(self): """Check for correct time :return: True in case of success, False otherwise """ if self.is_time_absolute(): start, end = self.get_absolute_time() else: start, end, unit = self.get_relative_time() if start is not None: if end is not None: if start >= end: if self.get_layer() is not None: self.msgr.error( _( "Map <%(id)s> with layer %(layer)s " "has incorrect time interval, start " "time is greater than end time" ) % {"id": self.get_map_id(), "layer": self.get_layer()} ) else: self.msgr.error( _( "Map <%s> has incorrect time " "interval, start time is greater " "than end time" ) % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False else: self.msgr.error( _("Map <%s> has incorrect start time") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False return True
[docs] def delete(self, dbif=None, update=True, execute=True): """Delete a map entry from database if it exists Remove dependent entries: - Remove the map entry in each space time dataset in which this map is registered - Remove the space time dataset register table :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param update: Call for each unregister statement the update from registered maps of the space time dataset. This can slow down the un-registration process significantly. :param execute: If True the SQL DELETE and DROP table statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL statements if execute=False, else an empty string, None in case of a failure """ # TODO: it must be possible to delete a map from a temporal # database even if the map is in a different mapset, # as long as the temporal database of the current mapset is used mapset = get_current_mapset() dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif) statement = "" if self.is_in_db(dbif, mapset=mapset): # SELECT all needed information from the database # First we unregister from all dependent space time datasets statement += self.unregister(dbif=dbif, update=update, execute=False) self.msgr.verbose( _("Delete %s dataset <%s> from temporal database") % (self.get_type(), self.get_id()) ) # Delete yourself from the database, trigger functions will # take care of dependencies statement += self.base.get_delete_statement() if execute: dbif.execute_transaction(statement, mapset=mapset) statement = "" # Remove the timestamp from the file system self.remove_timestamp_from_grass() self.reset(None) if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return statement
[docs] def unregister(self, dbif=None, update=True, execute=True): """Remove the map entry in each space time dataset in which this map is registered :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param update: Call for each unregister statement the update from registered maps of the space time dataset. This can slow down the un-registration process significantly. :param execute: If True the SQL DELETE and DROP table statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL statements if execute=False, else an empty string """ if self.get_layer() is not None: self.msgr.debug( 1, "Unregister %(type)s map <%(map)s> with " "layer %(layer)s from space time datasets" % { "type": self.get_type(), "map": self.get_map_id(), "layer": self.get_layer(), }, ) else: self.msgr.debug( 1, "Unregister %(type)s map <%(map)s> " "from space time datasets" % {"type": self.get_type(), "map": self.get_map_id()}, ) mapset = get_current_mapset() statement = "" dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif) # Get all datasets in which this map is registered datasets = self.get_registered_stds(dbif, mapset=mapset) # For each stds in which the map is registered if datasets is not None: for dataset in datasets: # Create a space time dataset object to remove the map # from its register stds = self.get_new_stds_instance(dataset) statement += stds.unregister_map(self, dbif, False) # Take care to update the space time dataset after # the map has been unregistered if update is True and execute is True: stds.update_from_registered_maps(dbif) if execute: dbif.execute_transaction(statement, mapset=mapset) statement = "" if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return statement
[docs] def get_registered_stds(self, dbif=None, mapset=None): """Return all space time dataset ids in which this map is registered as as a list of strings, or None if this map is not registered in any space time dataset. :param dbif: The database interface to be used :return: A list of ids of all space time datasets in which this map is registered """ dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif), mapset) datasets = self.stds_register.get_registered_stds() if datasets is not None and datasets != "" and datasets.find("@") >= 0: datasets = datasets.split(",") else: datasets = None if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return datasets
# this fn should not be in a class for maps, # but instead in a class for stds: AbstractSpaceTimeDataset ?
[docs] def add_stds_to_register(self, stds_id, dbif=None, execute=True): """Add a new space time dataset to the register :param stds_id: The id of the space time dataset to be registered :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param execute: If True the SQL INSERT table statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL statements if execute=False, else an empty string """ self.msgr.debug(2, "AbstractMapDataset.add_stds_to_register") dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif=dbif) # only modify database in current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() datasets = self.get_registered_stds(dbif=dbif, mapset=mapset) if stds_id is None or stds_id == "": return "" # Check if no datasets are present if datasets is None: datasets = [] # Check if the dataset is already present if stds_id in datasets: if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return "" datasets.append(stds_id) self.stds_register.set_registered_stds(",".join(datasets)) statement = "" if execute is True: self.stds_register.update(dbif=dbif) else: statement = self.stds_register.get_update_statement_mogrified(dbif=dbif) if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return statement
[docs] def remove_stds_from_register(self, stds_id, dbif=None, execute=True): """Remove a space time dataset from the register :param stds_id: The id of the space time dataset to removed from the registered :param dbif: The database interface to be used :param execute: If True the SQL INSERT table statements will be executed. If False the prepared SQL statements are returned and must be executed by the caller. :return: The SQL statements if execute=False, else an empty string """ self.msgr.debug(2, "AbstractMapDataset.remove_stds_from_register") dbif, connection_state_changed = init_dbif(dbif) # only modify database in current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() datasets = self.get_registered_stds(dbif=dbif, mapset=mapset) # Check if no datasets are present if datasets is None: if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return "" # Check if the dataset is already present if stds_id not in datasets: if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return "" datasets.remove(stds_id) self.stds_register.set_registered_stds(",".join(datasets)) statement = "" if execute is True: self.stds_register.update(dbif=dbif) else: statement = self.stds_register.get_update_statement_mogrified(dbif=dbif) if connection_state_changed: dbif.close() return statement
[docs] def read_semantic_label_from_grass(self): """Read the band identifier of this map from the map metadata in the GRASS file system based spatial database and set the internal band identifier that should be insert/updated in the temporal database. Currently only implemented in RasterDataset. Otherwise silently pass. """
[docs] def set_semantic_label(self, semantic_label): """Set semantic label identifier Currently only implemented in RasterDataset. Otherwise report a warning. """ self.msgr.warning(_("semantic labels can only be assigned to raster maps"))
############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()