Source code for grass.temporal.base

This packages includes all base classes to store basic information
like id, name, mapset creation and modification time as well as sql
serialization and de-serialization and the sql database interface.


.. code-block:: python

    >>> import grass.temporal as tgis
    >>> tgis.init()
    >>> rbase = tgis.RasterBase(ident="soil@PERMANENT")
    >>> vbase = tgis.VectorBase(ident="soil:1@PERMANENT")
    >>> r3base = tgis.Raster3DBase(ident="soil@PERMANENT")
    >>> strdsbase = tgis.STRDSBase(ident="soil@PERMANENT")
    >>> stvdsbase = tgis.STVDSBase(ident="soil@PERMANENT")
    >>> str3dsbase = tgis.STR3DSBase(ident="soil@PERMANENT")

(C) 2011-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:author: Soeren Gebbert

from datetime import datetime

from .core import (


[docs]class DictSQLSerializer: def __init__(self): self.D = {} self.dbmi_paramstyle = get_tgis_dbmi_paramstyle()
[docs] def serialize(self, type, table, where=None): """Convert the internal dictionary into a string of semicolon separated SQL statements The keys are the column names and the values are the row entries Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> init() >>> t = DictSQLSerializer() >>> t.D["id"] = "soil@PERMANENT" >>> t.D["name"] = "soil" >>> t.D["mapset"] = "PERMANENT" >>> t.D["creator"] = "soeren" >>> t.D["creation_time"] = datetime(2001, 1, 1) >>> t.D["modification_time"] = datetime(2001, 1, 1) >>> t.serialize(type="SELECT", table="raster_base") ('SELECT name , creator , creation_time , modification_time , mapset , id FROM raster_base ;\\n', ()) >>> t.serialize(type="INSERT", table="raster_base") ('INSERT INTO raster_base ( name ,creator ,creation_time ,modification_time ,mapset ,id ) VALUES (? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?) ;\\n', ('soil', 'soeren', datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil@PERMANENT')) >>> t.serialize(type="UPDATE", table="raster_base") ('UPDATE raster_base SET name = ? ,creator = ? ,creation_time = ? ,modification_time = ? ,mapset = ? ,id = ? ;\\n', ('soil', 'soeren', datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil@PERMANENT')) >>> t.serialize(type="UPDATE ALL", table="raster_base") ('UPDATE raster_base SET name = ? ,creator = ? ,creation_time = ? ,modification_time = ? ,mapset = ? ,id = ? ;\\n', ('soil', 'soeren', datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil@PERMANENT')) :param type: must be SELECT. INSERT, UPDATE :param table: The name of the table to select, insert or update :param where: The optional where statement :return: a tuple containing the SQL string and the arguments """ # noqa: E501 sql = "" args = [] # Create ordered select statement if type == "SELECT": sql += "SELECT " count = 0 for key in self.D.keys(): if count == 0: sql += " %s " % key else: sql += " , %s " % key count += 1 sql += " FROM " + table + " " if where: sql += where sql += ";\n" # Create insert statement if type == "INSERT": count = 0 sql += "INSERT INTO " + table + " (" for key in self.D.keys(): if count == 0: sql += " %s " % key else: sql += " ,%s " % key count += 1 count = 0 sql += ") VALUES (" for key in self.D.keys(): if count == 0: if self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += "?" else: sql += "%s" elif self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += " ,?" else: sql += " ,%s" count += 1 args.append(self.D[key]) sql += ") " if where: sql += where sql += ";\n" # Create update statement for existing entries if type == "UPDATE": count = 0 sql += "UPDATE " + table + " SET " for key in self.D.keys(): # Update only entries which are not None if self.D[key] is not None: if count == 0: if self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += " %s = ? " % key else: sql += " %s " % key sql += "= %s " else: # noqa: PLR5501 if self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += " ,%s = ? " % key else: sql += " ,%s " % key sql += "= %s " count += 1 args.append(self.D[key]) if where: sql += where sql += ";\n" # Create update statement for all entries if type == "UPDATE ALL": count = 0 sql += "UPDATE " + table + " SET " for key in self.D.keys(): if count == 0: if self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += " %s = ? " % key else: sql += " %s " % key sql += "= %s " else: # noqa: PLR5501 if self.dbmi_paramstyle == "qmark": sql += " ,%s = ? " % key else: sql += " ,%s " % key sql += "= %s " count += 1 args.append(self.D[key]) if where: sql += where sql += ";\n" return sql, tuple(args)
[docs] def deserialize(self, row): """Convert the content of the dbmi dictionary like row into the internal dictionary :param row: The dictionary like row to store in the internal dict """ self.D = {} for key in row.keys(): self.D[key] = row[key]
[docs] def clear(self): """Initialize the internal storage""" self.D = {}
[docs] def print_self(self): """Print the content of the internal dictionary to stdout""" print(self.D)
[docs]class SQLDatabaseInterface(DictSQLSerializer): """This class represents the SQL database interface Functions to insert, select and update the internal structure of this class in the temporal database are implemented. This is the base class for raster, raster3d, vector and space time datasets data management classes: - Identification information (base) - Spatial extent - Temporal extent - Metadata Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> init() >>> t = SQLDatabaseInterface("raster", "soil@PERMANENT") >>> t.mapset = get_current_mapset() >>> t.D["name"] = "soil" >>> t.D["mapset"] = "PERMANENT" >>> t.D["creator"] = "soeren" >>> t.D["creation_time"] = datetime(2001, 1, 1) >>> t.get_delete_statement() "DELETE FROM raster WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n" >>> t.get_is_in_db_statement() "SELECT id FROM raster WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n" >>> t.get_select_statement() ("SELECT creation_time , mapset , name , creator FROM raster WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n", ()) >>> t.get_select_statement_mogrified() "SELECT creation_time , mapset , name , creator FROM raster WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n" >>> t.get_insert_statement() ('INSERT INTO raster ( creation_time ,mapset ,name ,creator ) VALUES (? ,? ,? ,?) ;\\n', (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil', 'soeren')) >>> t.get_insert_statement_mogrified() "INSERT INTO raster ( creation_time ,mapset ,name ,creator ) VALUES ('2001-01-01 00:00:00' ,'PERMANENT' ,'soil' ,'soeren') ;\\n" >>> t.get_update_statement() ("UPDATE raster SET creation_time = ? ,mapset = ? ,name = ? ,creator = ? WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n", (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil', 'soeren')) >>> t.get_update_statement_mogrified() "UPDATE raster SET creation_time = '2001-01-01 00:00:00' ,mapset = 'PERMANENT' ,name = 'soil' ,creator = 'soeren' WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n" >>> t.get_update_all_statement() ("UPDATE raster SET creation_time = ? ,mapset = ? ,name = ? ,creator = ? WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n", (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'PERMANENT', 'soil', 'soeren')) >>> t.get_update_all_statement_mogrified() "UPDATE raster SET creation_time = '2001-01-01 00:00:00' ,mapset = 'PERMANENT' ,name = 'soil' ,creator = 'soeren' WHERE id = 'soil@PERMANENT';\\n" """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, table=None, ident=None): """Constructor of this class :param table: The name of the table :param ident: The identifier (primary key) of this object in the database table """ DictSQLSerializer.__init__(self) self.table = table # Name of the table, set in the subclass self.ident = ident self.msgr = get_tgis_message_interface() if self.ident and self.ident.find("@") >= 0: self.mapset = self.ident.split("@")[1] else: self.mapset = None
[docs] def get_table_name(self): """Return the name of the table in which the internal data are inserted, updated or selected :return: The name of the table """ return self.table
[docs] def get_delete_statement(self): """Return the delete string :return: The DELETE string """ return ( "DELETE FROM " + self.get_table_name() + " WHERE id = '" + str(self.ident) + "';\n" )
[docs] def delete(self, dbif=None): """Delete the entry of this object from the temporal database :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established """ sql = self.get_delete_statement() # print(sql) # must use the temporal database of the current mapset, # also if the map to be deleted is in a different mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() if dbif: dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) dbif.close()
[docs] def get_is_in_db_statement(self): """Return the selection string that checks if this object is registered in the temporal database :return: The SELECT string """ return ( "SELECT id FROM " + self.get_table_name() + " WHERE id = '" + str(self.ident) + "';\n" )
[docs] def is_in_db(self, dbif=None, mapset=None) -> bool: """Check if this object is present in the temporal database :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :param mapset: The mapset with a temporal database to be used The mapset of the database can be different from the mapset of the map :return: True if this object is present in the temporal database, False otherwise """ sql = self.get_is_in_db_statement() # default: search temporal database in the mapset of the map if mapset is None: mapset = self.mapset if dbif: dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) row = dbif.fetchone(mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) row = dbif.fetchone(mapset=mapset) dbif.close() # Nothing found return row is not None
[docs] def get_select_statement(self): """Return the sql statement and the argument list in database specific style :return: The SELECT string """ return self.serialize( "SELECT", self.get_table_name(), "WHERE id = '" + str(self.ident) + "'" )
[docs] def get_select_statement_mogrified(self, dbif=None): """Return the select statement as mogrified string :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :return: The SELECT string """ if not dbif: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() return dbif.mogrify_sql_statement( self.get_select_statement(), mapset=self.mapset )
[docs] def select(self, dbif=None, mapset=None): """Select the content from the temporal database and store it in the internal dictionary structure :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established """ sql, args = self.get_select_statement() # print(sql) # print(args) # default: use the temporal database in the mapset of this map if mapset is None: mapset = self.mapset self.msgr.debug(2, " from mapset %s" % mapset) if dbif: if len(args) == 0: dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) else: dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) row = dbif.fetchone(mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() if len(args) == 0: dbif.execute(sql, mapset=mapset) else: dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) row = dbif.fetchone(mapset=mapset) dbif.close() # Nothing found if row is None: return False if len(row) > 0: self.deserialize(row) else: self.msgr.fatal(_("Object not found in the temporal database")) return True
[docs] def get_insert_statement(self): """Return the sql statement and the argument list in database specific style :return: The INSERT string""" return self.serialize("INSERT", self.get_table_name())
[docs] def get_insert_statement_mogrified(self, dbif=None): """Return the insert statement as mogrified string :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :return: The INSERT string """ if not dbif: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() # mapset must be the mapset of the temporal database # not of the map mapset = get_current_mapset() return dbif.mogrify_sql_statement(self.get_insert_statement(), mapset=mapset)
[docs] def insert(self, dbif=None): """Serialize the content of this object and store it in the temporal database using the internal identifier :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established """ sql, args = self.get_insert_statement() # print(sql) # print(args) # use the temporal database in the current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() if dbif: dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) dbif.close()
[docs] def get_update_statement(self, ident=None): """Return the sql statement and the argument list in database specific style :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming :return: The UPDATE string """ if ident: return self.serialize( "UPDATE", self.get_table_name(), "WHERE id = '" + str(ident) + "'" ) return self.serialize( "UPDATE", self.get_table_name(), "WHERE id = '" + str(self.ident) + "'" )
[docs] def get_update_statement_mogrified(self, dbif=None, ident=None): """Return the update statement as mogrified string :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming :return: The UPDATE string """ # use the temporal database in the current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() if not dbif: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() return dbif.mogrify_sql_statement( self.get_update_statement(ident), mapset=mapset )
[docs] def update(self, dbif=None, ident=None): """Serialize the content of this object and update it in the temporal database using the internal identifier Only object entries which are exists (not None) are updated :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming """ if self.ident is None: self.msgr.fatal(_("Missing identifier")) # use the temporal database in the current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() sql, args = self.get_update_statement(ident) # print(sql) # print(args) if dbif: dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) dbif.close()
[docs] def get_update_all_statement(self, ident=None): """Return the sql statement and the argument list in database specific style :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming :return: The UPDATE string """ if ident: return self.serialize( "UPDATE ALL", self.get_table_name(), "WHERE id = '" + str(ident) + "'" ) return self.serialize( "UPDATE ALL", self.get_table_name(), "WHERE id = '" + str(self.ident) + "'", )
[docs] def get_update_all_statement_mogrified(self, dbif=None, ident=None): """Return the update all statement as mogrified string :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming :return: The UPDATE string """ if not dbif: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() return dbif.mogrify_sql_statement(self.get_update_all_statement(ident))
[docs] def update_all(self, dbif=None, ident=None): """Serialize the content of this object, including None objects, and update it in the temporal database using the internal identifier :param dbif: The database interface to be used, if None a temporary connection will be established :param ident: The identifier to be updated, useful for renaming """ if self.ident is None: self.msgr.fatal(_("Missing identifier")) # use the temporal database in the current mapset mapset = get_current_mapset() sql, args = self.get_update_all_statement(ident) # print(sql) # print(args) if dbif: dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) else: dbif = SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection() dbif.connect() dbif.execute(sql, args, mapset=mapset) dbif.close()
[docs]class DatasetBase(SQLDatabaseInterface): """This is the base class for all maps and spacetime datasets storing basic identification information Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> init() >>> t = DatasetBase( ... "raster", ... "soil@PERMANENT", ... creator="soeren", ... ctime=datetime(2001, 1, 1), ... ttype="absolute", ... ) >>> 'soil@PERMANENT' >>> 'soil' >>> t.mapset 'PERMANENT' >>> t.creator 'soeren' >>> t.ctime datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0) >>> t.ttype 'absolute' >>> t.print_info() +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+ | Id: ........................ soil@PERMANENT | Name: ...................... soil | Mapset: .................... PERMANENT | Creator: ................... soeren | Temporal type: ............. absolute | Creation time: ............. 2001-01-01 00:00:00 >>> t.print_shell_info() id=soil@PERMANENT name=soil mapset=PERMANENT creator=soeren temporal_type=absolute creation_time='2001-01-01 00:00:00' """ def __init__( self, table=None, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, creator=None, ctime=None, ttype=None, ): """Constructor :param table: The name of the temporal database table that should be used to store the values :param ident: The unique identifier must be a combination of the dataset name, layer name and the mapset "name@mapset" or "name:layer@mapset" used as as primary key in the temporal database :param name: The name of the map or dataset :param mapset: The name of the mapset :param creator: The name of the creator :param ctime: The creation datetime object :param ttype: The temporal type - "absolute" Identifier for absolute time - "relative" Identifier for relative time """ SQLDatabaseInterface.__init__(self, table, ident) self.set_id(ident) if ident is not None and name is None and mapset is None: if ident.find("@") >= 0: name, mapset = ident.split("@") if name.find(":") >= 0: name, layer = ident.split(":") self.set_name(name) self.set_mapset(mapset) self.set_creator(creator) self.set_ctime(ctime) self.set_ttype(ttype)
[docs] def set_id(self, ident): """Convenient method to set the unique identifier (primary key) :param ident: The unique identifier must be a combination of the dataset name, layer name and the mapset "name@mapset" or "name:layer@mapset" """ self.ident = ident self.D["id"] = ident name = "" if ident is not None: if ident.find("@") >= 0: name, mapset = ident.split("@") self.set_mapset(mapset) self.set_name(name) else: self.msgr.fatal(_("Wrong identifier, the mapset is missing")) if name.find(":") >= 0: name, layer = ident.split(":") self.set_layer(layer) self.set_name(name)
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Set the name of the dataset :param name: The name of the dataset """ self.D["name"] = name
[docs] def set_mapset(self, mapset): """Set the mapset of the dataset :param mapset: The name of the mapset in which this dataset is stored """ self.D["mapset"] = mapset
[docs] def set_layer(self, layer): """Convenient method to set the layer of the map (part of primary key) Layer are supported for vector maps :param layer: The layer of the map """ self.D["layer"] = layer
[docs] def set_creator(self, creator): """Set the creator of the dataset :param creator: The name of the creator """ self.D["creator"] = creator
[docs] def set_ctime(self, ctime=None): """Set the creation time of the dataset, if nothing set the current time is used :param ctime: The current time of type datetime """ if ctime is None: self.D["creation_time"] = else: self.D["creation_time"] = ctime
[docs] def set_ttype(self, ttype): """Set the temporal type of the dataset: absolute or relative, if nothing set absolute time will assumed :param ttype: The temporal type of the dataset "absolute or relative" """ if ttype is None or (ttype not in {"absolute", "relative"}): self.D["temporal_type"] = "absolute" else: self.D["temporal_type"] = ttype
[docs] def get_id(self): """Convenient method to get the unique identifier (primary key) :return: None if not found """ if "id" in self.D: return self.D["id"] return None
[docs] def get_map_id(self): """Convenient method to get the unique map identifier without layer information :return: the name of the vector map as "name@mapset" or None in case the id was not set """ if if":") >= 0: # Remove the layer identifier from the id return"@")[0].split(":")[0] + "@" +"@")[1] return return None
[docs] def get_layer(self): """Convenient method to get the layer of the map (part of primary key) Layer are currently supported for vector maps :return: None if not found """ if "layer" in self.D: return self.D["layer"] return None
[docs] def get_name(self): """Get the name of the dataset :return: None if not found""" if "name" in self.D: return self.D["name"] return None
[docs] def get_mapset(self): """Get the name of mapset of this dataset :return: None if not found""" if "mapset" in self.D: return self.D["mapset"] return None
[docs] def get_creator(self): """Get the creator of the dataset :return: None if not found""" if "creator" in self.D: return self.D["creator"] return None
[docs] def get_ctime(self): """Get the creation time of the dataset, datatype is datetime :return: None if not found""" if "creation_time" in self.D: return self.D["creation_time"] return None
[docs] def get_ttype(self): """Get the temporal type of the map :return: None if not found""" if "temporal_type" in self.D: return self.D["temporal_type"] return None
# Properties of this class id = property(fget=get_id, fset=set_id) map_id = property(fget=get_map_id, fset=None) name = property(fget=get_name, fset=set_name) mapset = property(fget=get_mapset, fset=set_mapset) ctime = property(fget=get_ctime, fset=set_ctime) ttype = property(fget=get_ttype, fset=set_ttype) creator = property(fget=get_creator, fset=set_creator)
[docs] def print_info(self): """Print information about this class in human readable style""" # 0123456789012345678901234567890 print( " +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+" # noqa: E501 ) print(" | Id: ........................ " + str(self.get_id())) print(" | Name: ...................... " + str(self.get_name())) print(" | Mapset: .................... " + str(self.get_mapset())) if self.get_layer(): print(" | Layer:...................... " + str(self.get_layer())) print(" | Creator: ................... " + str(self.get_creator())) print(" | Temporal type: ............. " + str(self.get_ttype())) print(" | Creation time: ............. " + str(self.get_ctime()))
[docs] def print_shell_info(self): """Print information about this class in shell style""" print("id=" + str(self.get_id())) print("name=" + str(self.get_name())) print("mapset=" + str(self.get_mapset())) if self.get_layer(): print("layer=" + str(self.get_layer())) print("creator=" + str(self.get_creator())) print("temporal_type=" + str(self.get_ttype())) print("creation_time='{}'".format(str(self.get_ctime())))
[docs]class RasterBase(DatasetBase): """Time stamped raster map base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, creator=None, creation_time=None, temporal_type=None, ): DatasetBase.__init__( self, "raster_base", ident, name, mapset, creator, creation_time, temporal_type, )
[docs]class Raster3DBase(DatasetBase): """Time stamped 3D raster map base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, creator=None, creation_time=None, temporal_type=None, ): DatasetBase.__init__( self, "raster3d_base", ident, name, mapset, creator, creation_time, temporal_type, )
[docs]class VectorBase(DatasetBase): """Time stamped vector map base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, layer=None, creator=None, creation_time=None, temporal_type=None, ): DatasetBase.__init__( self, "vector_base", ident, name, mapset, creator, creation_time, temporal_type, ) self.set_id(ident) if ident is not None and name is None and mapset is None: if ident.find("@") >= 0: name, mapset = ident.split("@") if layer is None: if name.find(":") >= 0: name, layer = name.split(":") self.set_name(name) self.set_mapset(mapset) # Layer currently only in use by vector maps self.set_layer(layer)
[docs]class STDSBase(DatasetBase): """Base class for space time datasets This class adds the semantic type member variable to the dataset base class. Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> init() >>> t = STDSBase( ... "stds", ... "soil@PERMANENT", ... semantic_type="average", ... creator="soeren", ... ctime=datetime(2001, 1, 1), ... ttype="absolute", ... mtime=datetime(2001, 1, 1), ... ) >>> t.semantic_type 'average' >>> t.print_info() +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+ | Id: ........................ soil@PERMANENT | Name: ...................... soil | Mapset: .................... PERMANENT | Creator: ................... soeren | Temporal type: ............. absolute | Creation time: ............. 2001-01-01 00:00:00 | Modification time:.......... 2001-01-01 00:00:00 | Semantic type:.............. average >>> t.print_shell_info() id=soil@PERMANENT name=soil mapset=PERMANENT creator=soeren temporal_type=absolute creation_time='2001-01-01 00:00:00' modification_time='2001-01-01 00:00:00' semantic_type=average """ def __init__( self, table=None, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, semantic_type=None, creator=None, ctime=None, ttype=None, mtime=None, ): DatasetBase.__init__(self, table, ident, name, mapset, creator, ctime, ttype) self.set_semantic_type(semantic_type) self.set_mtime(mtime)
[docs] def set_semantic_type(self, semantic_type): """Set the semantic type of the space time dataset""" self.D["semantic_type"] = semantic_type
[docs] def set_mtime(self, mtime=None): """Set the modification time of the space time dataset, if nothing set the current time is used """ if mtime is None: self.D["modification_time"] = else: self.D["modification_time"] = mtime
[docs] def get_semantic_type(self): """Get the semantic type of the space time dataset :return: None if not found """ if "semantic_type" in self.D: return self.D["semantic_type"] return None
[docs] def get_mtime(self): """Get the modification time of the space time dataset, datatype is datetime :return: None if not found """ if "modification_time" in self.D: return self.D["modification_time"] return None
semantic_type = property(fget=get_semantic_type, fset=set_semantic_type)
[docs] def print_info(self): """Print information about this class in human readable style""" DatasetBase.print_info(self) # 0123456789012345678901234567890 print(" | Modification time:.......... " + str(self.get_mtime())) print(" | Semantic type:.............. " + str(self.get_semantic_type()))
[docs] def print_shell_info(self): """Print information about this class in shell style""" DatasetBase.print_shell_info(self) print("modification_time='{}'".format(str(self.get_mtime()))) print("semantic_type=" + str(self.get_semantic_type()))
[docs]class STRDSBase(STDSBase): """Space time raster dataset base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, semantic_type=None, creator=None, ctime=None, ttype=None, ): STDSBase.__init__( self, "strds_base", ident, name, mapset, semantic_type, creator, ctime, ttype, )
[docs]class STR3DSBase(STDSBase): """Space time 3D raster dataset base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, semantic_type=None, creator=None, ctime=None, ttype=None, ): STDSBase.__init__( self, "str3ds_base", ident, name, mapset, semantic_type, creator, ctime, ttype, )
[docs]class STVDSBase(STDSBase): """Space time vector dataset base information class""" def __init__( self, ident=None, name=None, mapset=None, semantic_type=None, creator=None, ctime=None, ttype=None, ): STDSBase.__init__( self, "stvds_base", ident, name, mapset, semantic_type, creator, ctime, ttype, )
[docs]class AbstractSTDSRegister(SQLDatabaseInterface): """This is the base class for all maps to store the space time datasets as comma separated string in which they are registered Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> init() >>> t = AbstractSTDSRegister("raster", "soil@PERMANENT", "A@P,B@P,C@P") >>> 'soil@PERMANENT' >>> t.registered_stds 'A@P,B@P,C@P' """ def __init__(self, table=None, ident=None, registered_stds=None): """Constructor :param table: The name of the temporal database table that should be used to store the values :param ident: The unique identifier must be a combination of the dataset name, layer name and the mapset "name@mapset" or "name:layer@mapset" used as as primary key in the temporal database :param stds: A comma separated list of space time dataset ids """ SQLDatabaseInterface.__init__(self, table, ident) self.set_id(ident) self.set_registered_stds(registered_stds)
[docs] def set_id(self, ident): """Convenient method to set the unique identifier (primary key) :param ident: The unique identifier must be a combination of the dataset name, layer name and the mapset "name@mapset" or "name:layer@mapset" """ self.ident = ident self.D["id"] = ident
[docs] def set_registered_stds(self, registered_stds): """Get the comma separated list of space time datasets ids in which this map is registered :param registered_stds: A comma separated list of space time dataset ids in which this map is registered """ self.D["registered_stds"] = registered_stds
[docs] def get_id(self): """Convenient method to get the unique identifier (primary key) :return: None if not found """ if "id" in self.D: return self.D["id"] return None
[docs] def get_registered_stds(self): """Get the comma separated list of space time datasets ids in which this map is registered :return: None if not found """ if "registered_stds" in self.D: return self.D["registered_stds"] return None
# Properties of this class id = property(fget=get_id, fset=set_id) registered_stds = property(fget=get_registered_stds, fset=set_registered_stds)
[docs]class RasterSTDSRegister(AbstractSTDSRegister): """Time stamped raster map base information class""" def __init__(self, ident=None, registered_stds=None): AbstractSTDSRegister.__init__( self, "raster_stds_register", ident, registered_stds )
[docs]class Raster3DSTDSRegister(AbstractSTDSRegister): """Time stamped 3D raster map base information class""" def __init__(self, ident=None, registered_stds=None): AbstractSTDSRegister.__init__( self, "raster3d_stds_register", ident, registered_stds )
[docs]class VectorSTDSRegister(AbstractSTDSRegister): """Time stamped vector map base information class""" def __init__(self, ident=None, registered_stds=None): AbstractSTDSRegister.__init__( self, "vector_stds_register", ident, registered_stds )
############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()