Source code for grass.temporal.temporal_granularity

Functions to compute the temporal granularity of a map list


.. code-block:: python

    import grass.temporal as tgis


(C) 2012-2024 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Soeren Gebbert

import ast
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce

from .abstract_map_dataset import AbstractMapDataset
from .datetime_math import compute_datetime_delta

SINGULAR_GRAN = ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year"]
PLURAL_GRAN = ["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"]
CONVERT_GRAN = OrderedDict()
CONVERT_GRAN["year"] = "12 month"
CONVERT_GRAN["month"] = "30.436875 day"
CONVERT_GRAN["day"] = "24 hour"
CONVERT_GRAN["hour"] = "60 minute"
CONVERT_GRAN["minute"] = "60 second"

[docs]def check_granularity_string(granularity, temporal_type): """Check if the granularity string is valid :param granularity: The granularity string :param temporal_type: The temporal type of the granularity relative or absolute :return: True if valid, False if invalid .. code-block:: python >>> check_granularity_string("1 year", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 month", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 day", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 minute", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 hour", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 second", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("5 months", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("5 days", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("5 minutes", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("5 years", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("5 hours", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("2 seconds", "absolute") True >>> check_granularity_string("1 secondo", "absolute") False >>> check_granularity_string("bla second", "absolute") False >>> check_granularity_string("bla", "absolute") False >>> check_granularity_string(1, "relative") True >>> check_granularity_string("bla", "relative") False """ if granularity is None: return False if temporal_type == "absolute": try: num, unit = granularity.split(" ") except: return False if unit not in SUPPORTED_GRAN: return False try: int(num) except: return False elif temporal_type == "relative": try: int(granularity) except: return False else: return False return True
[docs]def get_time_tuple_function(maps): """Helper function to return the appropriate function to get time tuple from either TGIS DB rows or AbstractDataset object :param maps: a list of AbstractDataset objects or database rows :return: A function .. code-block:: python >>> from grass.temporal.abstract_map_dataset import AbstractMapDataset >>> maps = AbstractMapDataset() >>> get_time_tuple_function(maps).__name__ '_get_map_time_tuple' """ def _get_map_time_tuple(map_object): """Sub-function to return time tuple from AbstractDataset object""" if map_object.is_time_absolute(): time_tuple = map_object.get_absolute_time() if map_object.is_time_relative(): time_tuple = map_object.get_relative_time() return time_tuple[0:2] def _get_row_time_tuple(db_table_row): """Sub-function to return time tuple from database row""" return db_table_row["start_time"], db_table_row["end_time"] # Check if input is list of MapDataset objects or SQLite rows if issubclass(maps[0].__class__, AbstractMapDataset): return _get_map_time_tuple return _get_row_time_tuple
def _is_after(start, start1, end1) -> bool: """Helper function that checks if start timestamp is temporally after the start1 and end1, where start1 and end1 represent a temporal extent. :param start: datetime object to check if it is after start1 and end1 :param start1: datetime object for comparison :param end1: datetime object (>= start1) or None for comparison :return: bool .. code-block:: python >>> from datetime import datetime >>> start = datetime(2024, 1, 1) >>> start1 = datetime(2023, 12, 12) >>> end1 = None >>> _is_after(start, start1, end1) True >>> start = datetime(2023, 12, 14) >>> start1 = datetime(2023, 12, 12) >>> end1 = datetime(2023, 12, 24) >>> _is_after(start, start1, end1) False """ if end1 is None: return start > start1 return start > end1
[docs]def compute_relative_time_granularity(maps): """Compute the relative time granularity Attention: The computation of the granularity is only correct in case of not overlapping intervals. Hence a correct temporal topology is required for computation. :param maps: a ordered by start_time list of map objects :return: An integer .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> maps = [] >>> for i in range(5): ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % i) ... check = map.set_relative_time(i, i + 1, "seconds") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 1 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, 3), (3, 6), (6, 9)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "years") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 3 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, 3), (4, 6), (8, 11)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "years") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 1 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, 8), (2, 6), (5, 9)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "months") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 4 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, 8), (8, 12), (12, 18)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "days") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 2 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, None), (8, None), (12, None), (24, None)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "minutes") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 4 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, None), (8, 14), (18, None), (24, None)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "hours") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 2 >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((0, 21),) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_relative_time(t[0], t[1], "hours") ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_relative_time_granularity(maps) 21 """ if not maps: return None get_time_tuple = get_time_tuple_function(maps) # The interval time must be scaled to days resolution granularity = None delta = set() previous_start, previous_end = get_time_tuple(maps[0]) # First we compute the timedelta of the intervals for stds_map in maps: start, end = get_time_tuple(stds_map) if (start == 0 or start) and end: t = abs(end - start) delta.add(int(t)) # Compute the timedelta of the gaps if _is_after(start, previous_start, previous_end): # Gaps are between intervals, intervals and # points, points and points # start time is required in TGIS and expected to be present if previous_end: # Gap between previous end and current start t = abs(start - previous_end) delta.add(int(t)) else: # Gap between previous start and current start t = abs(start - previous_start) delta.add(int(t)) previous_start, previous_end = start, end if len(delta) > 1: # Find greatest common divisor granularity = gcd_list(delta) elif len(delta) == 1: granularity = delta.pop() else: granularity = 0 return granularity
[docs]def compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps): """Compute the absolute time granularity Attention: The computation of the granularity is only correct in case of not overlapping intervals. Hence a correct temporal topology is required for computation. The computed granularity is returned as number of seconds or minutes or hours or days or months or years. :param maps: a ordered by start_time list of map objects or database rows :return: The temporal topology as string "integer unit" .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> import datetime >>> dt = datetime.datetime >>> tgis.init() >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((dt(2000, 1, 1), None), (dt(2000, 2, 1), None)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_absolute_time(t[0], t[1]) ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps) '1 month' >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ( ... (dt(2000, 1, 1), None), ... (dt(2000, 1, 2), None), ... (dt(2000, 1, 3), None), ... ) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_absolute_time(t[0], t[1]) ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps) '1 day' >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ( ... (dt(2000, 1, 1), None), ... (dt(2000, 1, 2), None), ... (dt(2000, 5, 4, 0, 5, 30), None), ... ) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_absolute_time(t[0], t[1]) ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps) '30 seconds' >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ((dt(2000, 1, 1), dt(2000, 5, 2)), (dt(2000, 5, 4, 2), None)) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_absolute_time(t[0], t[1]) ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps) '2 hours' >>> maps = [] >>> count = 0 >>> timelist = ( ... (dt(2000, 1, 1), dt(2000, 2, 1)), ... (dt(2005, 5, 4, 12), dt(2007, 5, 20, 6)), ... ) >>> for t in timelist: ... map = tgis.RasterDataset("a%i@P" % count) ... check = map.set_absolute_time(t[0], t[1]) ... if check: ... maps.append(map) ... count += 1 ... >>> tgis.compute_absolute_time_granularity(maps) '6 hours' """ # Create a granularity dict with time units of increasing length # that covers all possible keys in the result of compute_datetime_delta # The order of the keys is important so that loops over the dictionary # can be aborted as soon as a non-zero value is encountered granularity_units = { "second": set(), "minute": set(), "hour": set(), "max_days": set(), "day": set(), "month": set(), "year": set(), } get_time_tuple = get_time_tuple_function(maps) previous_start, previous_end = get_time_tuple(maps[0]) # First we compute the timedelta of the intervals for stds_map in maps: start, end = get_time_tuple(stds_map) # start time is required in TGIS and expected to be present if end: map_datetime_delta = compute_datetime_delta(start, end) for time_unit in granularity_units.keys(): # noqa: PLC0206 if ( time_unit in map_datetime_delta and map_datetime_delta[time_unit] > 0 ): granularity_units[time_unit].add(map_datetime_delta[time_unit]) if time_unit != "max_days": break # Compute the timedelta of the gaps if _is_after(start, previous_start, previous_end): # Gaps are between intervals, intervals and # points, points and points # start time is required in TGIS and expected to be present if previous_end: gap_datetime_delta = compute_datetime_delta(previous_end, start) else: gap_datetime_delta = compute_datetime_delta(previous_start, start) # Add to the set of the smallest granularity in the granularity_units dict for time_unit in granularity_units.keys(): # noqa: PLC0206 if ( time_unit in gap_datetime_delta and gap_datetime_delta[time_unit] > 0 ): granularity_units[time_unit].add(gap_datetime_delta[time_unit]) if time_unit != "max_days": break # Keep the temporal extent to compare to the following/next map previous_start, previous_end = start, end # Create a list with a single time unit only dlist = set() assigned_time_unit = None time_unit_multipliers = { "second": {"minute": 60, "hour": 3600, "day": 24 * 3600, "max_days": 24 * 3600}, "minute": {"hour": 60, "day": 24 * 60, "max_days": 24 * 60}, "hour": {"day": 24, "max_days": 24}, "day": {"max_days": 1}, "month": {"year": 12}, } for time_unit, granularity_set in granularity_units.items(): # The smallest granularity unit is used so as soon as a non-zero # value / set is encountered, the loop can be aborted if granularity_set: # Skip max_days if time_unit == "max_days": continue assigned_time_unit = time_unit break if assigned_time_unit is None: return None dlist.update(granularity_units[assigned_time_unit]) if assigned_time_unit in time_unit_multipliers: for unit, unit_factor in time_unit_multipliers[assigned_time_unit].items(): if granularity_units[unit]: dlist.update( {time_value * unit_factor for time_value in granularity_units[unit]} ) if not dlist: return None if len(dlist) > 1: # Find greatest common divisor granularity = gcd_list(dlist) else: granularity = dlist.pop() if granularity is None: return None plural = "" if granularity > 1: plural = "s" return f"{granularity} {assigned_time_unit}{plural}"
[docs]def compute_common_relative_time_granularity(gran_list): """Compute the greatest common granule from a list of relative time granules .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> grans = [1, 2, 30] >>> tgis.compute_common_relative_time_granularity(grans) 1 >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> grans = [10, 20, 30] >>> tgis.compute_common_relative_time_granularity(grans) 10 """ return gcd_list(gran_list)
[docs]def compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(gran_list, start_date_list=None): """Compute the greatest common granule from a list of absolute time granules, considering the start times of the related space time datasets in the common granularity computation. The list of start dates is optional. If you use this function to compute a common granularity between space time datasets, then you should provide their start times to avoid wrong synchronization. :param gran_list: List of granularities :param start_date_list: List of the start times of related space time datasets :return: The common granularity .. code-block:: python >>> from datetime import datetime >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> grans = ["20 second", "10 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '20 seconds' >>> grans = ["20 second", "10 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 20), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 second' >>> grans = ["7200 second", "240 minutes", "1 year"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 second' >>> grans = ["7200 second", "89 minutes", "1 year"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '60 seconds' >>> grans = ["120 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '60 minutes' >>> grans = ["120 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 30, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 minute' >>> grans = ["360 minutes", "3 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '60 minutes' >>> grans = ["2 hours", "4 hours", "8 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '2 hours' >>> grans = ["2 hours", "4 hours", "8 hours"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 hour' >>> grans = ["8 hours", "2 days"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '8 hours' >>> grans = ["8 hours", "2 days"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 hour' >>> grans = ["120 months", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '12 months' >>> grans = ["30 days", "10 days", "5 days"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '5 days' >>> grans = ["30 days", "10 days", "5 days"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 day' >>> grans = ["2 days", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '2 days' >>> grans = ["2 days", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 day' >>> grans = ["120 months", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 month' >>> grans = ["120 months", "361 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '1 month' >>> grans = ["120 months", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> dates = [ ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ... ] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans, dates) '12 months' .. """ common_granule = compute_common_absolute_time_granularity_simple(gran_list) if start_date_list is None: return common_granule num, granule = common_granule.split() if granule in {"seconds", "second"}: # If the start seconds are different between the start dates # set the granularity to one second for start_time in start_date_list: if start_time.second != start_date_list[0].second: return "1 second" # Make sure the granule does not exceed the hierarchy limit if int(num) > 60: if int(num) % 60 == 0: return "60 seconds" return "1 second" if granule in {"minutes", "minute"}: # If the start minutes are different between the start dates # set the granularity to one minute for start_time in start_date_list: if start_time.minute != start_date_list[0].minute: return "1 minute" # Make sure the granule does not exceed the hierarchy limit if int(num) > 60: if int(num) % 60 == 0: return "60 minutes" return "1 minute" if granule in {"hours", "hour"}: # If the start hours are different between the start dates # set the granularity to one hour for start_time in start_date_list: if start_time.hour != start_date_list[0].hour: return "1 hour" # Make sure the granule does not exceed the hierarchy limit if int(num) > 24: if int(num) % 24 == 0: return "24 hours" return "1 hour" if granule in {"days", "day"}: # If the start days are different between the start dates # set the granularity to one day for start_time in start_date_list: if != start_date_list[0].day: return "1 day" # Make sure the granule does not exceed the hierarchy limit if int(num) > 365: if int(num) % 365 == 0: return "365 days" return "1 day" if granule in {"months", "month"}: # If the start months are different between the start dates # set the granularity to one month for start_time in start_date_list: if start_time.month != start_date_list[0].month: return "1 month" # Make sure the granule does not exceed the hierarchy limit if int(num) > 12: if int(num) % 12 == 0: return "12 months" return "1 month" return common_granule
[docs]def compute_common_absolute_time_granularity_simple(gran_list): """Compute the greatest common granule from a list of absolute time granules :param gran_list: List of granularities :return: The common granularity .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> grans = ["1 second", "2 seconds", "30 seconds"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '1 second' >>> grans = ["3 second", "6 seconds", "30 seconds"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '3 seconds' >>> grans = ["12 second", "18 seconds", "30 seconds", "10 minutes"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '6 seconds' >>> grans = ["20 second", "10 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '20 seconds' >>> grans = ["7200 second", "240 minutes", "1 year"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '7200 seconds' >>> grans = ["7200 second", "89 minutes", "1 year"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '60 seconds' >>> grans = ["10 minutes", "20 minutes", "30 minutes", "40 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '10 minutes' >>> grans = ["120 minutes", "2 hours"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '120 minutes' >>> grans = ["360 minutes", "3 hours"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '180 minutes' >>> grans = ["2 hours", "4 hours", "8 hours"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '2 hours' >>> grans = ["8 hours", "2 days"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '8 hours' >>> grans = ["48 hours", "1 month"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '24 hours' >>> grans = ["48 hours", "1 year"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '24 hours' >>> grans = ["2 months", "4 months", "1 year"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '2 months' >>> grans = ["120 months", "360 months", "4 years"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '24 months' >>> grans = ["120 months", "361 months", "4 years"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '1 month' >>> grans = ["2 years", "3 years", "4 years"] >>> tgis.compute_common_absolute_time_granularity(grans) '1 year' """ has_seconds = False # 0 has_minutes = False # 1 has_hours = False # 2 has_days = False # 3 has_months = False # 4 has_years = False # 5 seconds = [] minutes = [] hours = [] days = [] months = [] years = [] min_gran = 6 max_gran = -1 for entry in gran_list: if not check_granularity_string(entry, "absolute"): return False num, gran = entry.split() if gran in {"seconds", "second"}: has_seconds = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 0) max_gran = max(max_gran, 0) seconds.append(int(num)) if gran in {"minutes", "minute"}: has_minutes = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 1) max_gran = max(max_gran, 1) minutes.append(int(num)) if gran in {"hours", "hour"}: has_hours = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 2) max_gran = max(max_gran, 2) hours.append(int(num)) if gran in {"days", "day"}: has_days = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 3) max_gran = max(max_gran, 3) days.append(int(num)) if gran in {"months", "month"}: has_months = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 4) max_gran = max(max_gran, 4) months.append(int(num)) if gran in {"years", "year"}: has_years = True min_gran = min(min_gran, 5) max_gran = max(max_gran, 5) years.append(int(num)) if has_seconds: if has_minutes: minutes.sort() seconds.append(minutes[0] * 60) if has_hours: hours.sort() seconds.append(hours[0] * 60 * 60) if has_days: days.sort() seconds.append(days[0] * 60 * 60 * 24) if has_months: months.sort() seconds.extend( ( months[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 28, months[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 29, months[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, months[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 31, ) ) if has_years: years.sort() seconds.extend( (years[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, years[0] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 366) ) num = gcd_list(seconds) gran = "second" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}" if has_minutes: if has_hours: hours.sort() minutes.append(hours[0] * 60) if has_days: days.sort() minutes.append(days[0] * 60 * 24) if has_months: months.sort() minutes.extend( ( months[0] * 60 * 24 * 28, months[0] * 60 * 24 * 29, months[0] * 60 * 24 * 30, months[0] * 60 * 24 * 31, ) ) if has_years: years.sort() minutes.extend((years[0] * 60 * 24 * 365, years[0] * 60 * 24 * 366)) num = gcd_list(minutes) gran = "minute" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}" if has_hours: if has_days: days.sort() hours.append(days[0] * 24) if has_months: months.sort() hours.extend( ( months[0] * 24 * 28, months[0] * 24 * 29, months[0] * 24 * 30, months[0] * 24 * 31, ) ) if has_years: years.sort() hours.extend((years[0] * 24 * 365, years[0] * 24 * 366)) num = gcd_list(hours) gran = "hour" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}" if has_days: if has_months: months.sort() days.extend( (months[0] * 28, months[0] * 29, months[0] * 30, months[0] * 31) ) if has_years: years.sort() days.extend((years[0] * 365, years[0] * 366)) num = gcd_list(days) gran = "day" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}" if has_months: if has_years: years.sort() months.append(years[0] * 12) num = gcd_list(months) gran = "month" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}" if has_years: num = gcd_list(years) gran = "year" if num > 1: gran += "s" return f"{num} {gran}"
[docs]def gran_singular_unit(gran): """Return the absolute granularity unit in its singular term :param gran: input granularity :return: granularity unit .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("1 month") 'month' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("2 months") 'month' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("6 seconds") 'second' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("1 year") 'year' """ if check_granularity_string(gran, "absolute"): output, unit = gran.split(" ") if unit in PLURAL_GRAN: return unit[:-1] if unit in SINGULAR_GRAN: return unit lists = "{gr}".format(gr=SUPPORTED_GRAN).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") print( _( "Output granularity seems not to be valid. Please use " "one of the following values : {gr}" ).format(gr=lists) ) return False print(_("Invalid absolute granularity")) return False
[docs]def gran_plural_unit(gran): """Return the absolute granularity unit in its singular term :param gran: input granularity :return: granularity unit .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("1 month") 'month' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("2 months") 'month' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("6 seconds") 'second' >>> tgis.gran_singular_unit("1 year") 'year' """ if check_granularity_string(gran, "absolute"): output, unit = gran.split(" ") if unit in PLURAL_GRAN: return unit if unit in SINGULAR_GRAN: return f"{unit}s" lists = ", ".join(SUPPORTED_GRAN) print( _( "Output granularity seems not to be valid. Please use " "one of the following values : {gr}" ).format(gr=lists) ) else: print(_("Invalid absolute granularity")) return False
[docs]def gran_to_gran(from_gran, to_gran="days", shell=False): """Converts the computed absolute granularity of a STDS to a smaller granularity based on the Gregorian calendar hierarchy that 1 year equals 12 months or 365.2425 days or 24 * 365.2425 hours or 86400 * 365.2425 seconds. :param from_gran: input granularity, this should be bigger than to_gran :param to_gran: output granularity :return: The output granularity .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("1 month", "1 day") '30.436875 days' >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("1 month", "1 day", True) 30.436875 >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("10 year", "1 hour") '87658.2 hours' >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("10 year", "1 minute") '5259492.0 minutes' >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("6 months", "1 day") '182.62125 days' >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("1 months", "1 second") '2629746.0 seconds' >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("1 month", "1 second", True) 2629746.0 >>> tgis.gran_to_gran("30 month", "1 month", True) 30 """ def _return(output, tounit, shell): """Function to return the output""" if shell: return output if output == 1: return f"{output} {tounit}" return f"{output} {tounit}s" # TODO check the leap second if check_granularity_string(from_gran, "absolute"): output, unit = from_gran.split(" ") if unit in PLURAL_GRAN: unit = unit[:-1] myunit = unit tounit = gran_singular_unit(to_gran) output = ast.literal_eval(output) for k, v in CONVERT_GRAN.items(): if myunit == tounit: return _return(output, tounit, shell) if k == myunit: num, myunit = v.split(" ") output *= ast.literal_eval(num) if tounit == "second" and myunit == tounit: return _return(output, tounit, shell) print(_("Probably you need to invert 'from_gran' and 'to_gran'")) return False print(_("Invalid absolute granularity")) return False
############################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2010 Stephen Akiki # MIT License (Means you can do whatever you want with this) # See # Error Codes: # None
[docs]def gcd(a, b): """The Euclidean Algorithm""" a = abs(a) b = abs(b) while a: a, b = b % a, a return b
[docs]def gcd_list(list): """Finds the GCD of numbers in a list. :param list: List of numbers you want to find the GCD of E.g. [8, 24, 12] :return: GCD of all numbers """ return reduce(gcd, list)
############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()