Source code for gunittest.invoker

GRASS Python testing framework test files invoker (runner)

Copyright (C) 2014 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS GIS
for details.

:authors: Vaclav Petras

import collections
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys

from .checkers import text_to_keyvalue

from .loader import GrassTestLoader, discover_modules
from .reporters import (
from .utils import silent_rmtree, ensure_dir

import grass.script as gs
from grass.script.utils import decode, _get_encoding

maketrans = str.maketrans

# TODO: this might be more extend then update
[docs]def update_keyval_file(filename, module, returncode): if os.path.exists(filename): keyval = text_to_keyvalue(Path(filename).read_text(), sep="=") else: keyval = {} # this is for one file test_file_authors = get_svn_path_authors(module.abs_file_path) # in case that SVN is not available use empty authors if test_file_authors is None: test_file_authors = "" # always overwrite name and status keyval["name"] = keyval["tested_dir"] = module.tested_dir if "status" not in keyval.keys(): if returncode is None or returncode: status = "failed" else: status = "passed" keyval["status"] = status keyval["returncode"] = returncode keyval["test_file_authors"] = test_file_authors Path(filename).write_text(keyvalue_to_text(keyval)) return keyval
[docs]class GrassTestFilesInvoker: """A class used to invoke test files and create the main report""" # TODO: it is not clear what clean_outputs mean, if should be split # std stream, random outputs, saved results, profiling # not stdout and stderr if they contain test results # we can also save only failed tests, or generate only if assert fails def __init__( self, start_dir, clean_mapsets=True, clean_outputs=True, clean_before=True, testsuite_dir="testsuite", file_anonymizer=None, timeout=None, ): """ :param bool clean_mapsets: if the mapsets should be removed :param bool clean_outputs: meaning is unclear: random tests outputs, saved images from maps, profiling? :param bool clean_before: if mapsets, outputs, and results should be removed before the tests start (advantageous when the previous run left everything behind) :param float timeout: maximum duration of one test in seconds """ self.start_dir = start_dir self.clean_mapsets = clean_mapsets self.clean_outputs = clean_outputs self.clean_before = clean_before self.testsuite_dir = testsuite_dir # TODO: solve distribution of this constant # reporter is created for each call of run_in_location() self.reporter = None self.testsuite_dirs = None if file_anonymizer is None: self._file_anonymizer = NoopFileAnonymizer() else: self._file_anonymizer = file_anonymizer self.timeout = timeout def _create_mapset(self, gisdbase, location, module): """Create mapset according to information in module. :param loader.GrassTestPythonModule module: """ # TODO: use g.mapset -c, no need to duplicate functionality # All path characters such as slash, backslash and dot are replaced. dir_as_name = gs.legalize_vector_name(module.tested_dir, fallback_prefix=None) # Multiple processes can run the same test in the same location. mapset = gs.append_node_pid(f"{dir_as_name}_{}") # TODO: use grass module to do this? but we are not in the right gisdbase mapset_dir = os.path.join(gisdbase, location, mapset) if self.clean_before: silent_rmtree(mapset_dir) os.mkdir(mapset_dir) # TODO: default region in mapset will be what? # copy DEFAULT_WIND file from PERMANENT to WIND # TODO: this should be a function in grass.script (used also in, # PyGRASS also has its way with Mapset) shutil.copy( os.path.join(gisdbase, location, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND"), os.path.join(mapset_dir, "WIND"), ) return mapset, mapset_dir def _run_test_module(self, module, results_dir, gisdbase, location, timeout): """Run one test file.""" self.testsuite_dirs[module.tested_dir].append( cwd = os.path.join(results_dir, module.tested_dir, data_dir = os.path.join(module.file_dir, "data") if os.path.exists(data_dir): # TODO: link dir instead of copy tree and remove link afterwads # (removing is good because of testsuite dir in samplecode) # TODO: use different dir name in samplecode and test if it works shutil.copytree( data_dir, os.path.join(cwd, "data"), ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("*.svn*"), ) ensure_dir(os.path.abspath(cwd)) # TODO: put this to constructor and copy here again env = os.environ.copy() mapset, mapset_dir = self._create_mapset(gisdbase, location, module) gisrc = gs.setup.write_gisrc(gisdbase, location, mapset) # here is special setting of environmental variables for running tests # some of them might be set from outside in the future and if the list # will be long they should be stored somewhere separately # use custom gisrc, not current session gisrc env["GISRC"] = gisrc # percentage in plain format is 0...10...20... ...100 env["GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT"] = "plain" stdout_path = os.path.join(cwd, "stdout.txt") stderr_path = os.path.join(cwd, "stderr.txt") self.reporter.start_file_test(module) # TODO: we might clean the directory here before test if non-empty if module.file_type == "py": # ignoring shebang line to use current Python # and also pass parameters to it # add also '-Qwarn'? args = [sys.executable, "-tt", module.abs_file_path] elif module.file_type == "sh": # ignoring shebang line to pass parameters to shell # expecting system to have sh or something compatible # TODO: add some special checks for MS Windows # using -x to see commands in stderr # using -e to terminate fast # from dash manual: # -e errexit If not interactive, exit immediately if any # untested command fails. The exit status of a com‐ # mand is considered to be explicitly tested if the # command is used to control an if, elif, while, or # until; or if the command is the left hand operand # of an '&&' or '||' operator. args = ["sh", "-e", "-x", module.abs_file_path] else: args = [module.abs_file_path] try: p = args, cwd=cwd, env=env, capture_output=True, timeout=timeout, check=False, ) stdout = p.stdout stderr = p.stderr returncode = p.returncode # No timeout to report. Non-none time out values are used to indicate # the timeout case. timed_out = None except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as error: stdout = error.stdout stderr = error.stderr if stdout is None: stdout = "" if stderr is None: stderr = ( f"Process has timed out in {timeout}s and produced no error " "output.\n" ) # Return code is None if the process times out. # Rest of the code expects success to evaluate as False. # So, we assign a failing return code. # In any case, we treat the timeout case as a failure. returncode = 1 timed_out = timeout encodings = [_get_encoding(), "utf8", "latin-1", "ascii"] def try_decode(data, encodings): """Try to decode data (bytes) using one of encodings Falls back to decoding as UTF-8 with replacement for bytes. Strings are returned unmodified. """ for encoding in encodings: try: return decode(data, encoding=encoding) except UnicodeError: pass if isinstance(data, bytes): return data.decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") return data stdout = try_decode(stdout, encodings=encodings) stderr = try_decode(stderr, encodings=encodings) Path(stdout_path).write_text(stdout) with open(stderr_path, "w") as stderr_file: if type(stderr) == "bytes": stderr_file.write(decode(stderr)) elif isinstance(stderr, str): stderr_file.write(stderr) else: stderr_file.write(stderr.encode("utf8")) self._file_anonymizer.anonymize([stdout_path, stderr_path]) test_summary = update_keyval_file( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cwd), "test_keyvalue_result.txt"), module=module, returncode=returncode, ) self.reporter.end_file_test( module=module, cwd=cwd, returncode=returncode, stdout=stdout_path, stderr=stderr_path, test_summary=test_summary, timed_out=timed_out, ) # TODO: add some try-except or with for better error handling os.remove(gisrc) # TODO: only if clean up if self.clean_mapsets: try: shutil.rmtree(mapset_dir) except OSError: # If there are still running processes (e.g., in timeout case), # the cleaning may fail on non-empty directory. Although this does # not guarantee removal of the directory, try it again, but this # time ignore errors if something happens. (More file can appear # later on if the processes are still running.) shutil.rmtree(mapset_dir, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def run_in_location(self, gisdbase, location, location_type, results_dir, exclude): """Run tests in a given location Returns an object with counting attributes of GrassTestFilesCountingReporter, i.e., a file-oriented reporter as opposed to testsuite-oriented one. Use only the attributes related to the summary, such as file_pass_per, not to one file as these will simply contain the last executed file. """ if os.path.abspath(results_dir) == os.path.abspath(self.start_dir): raise RuntimeError( "Results root directory should not be the same" " as discovery start directory" ) self.reporter = GrassTestFilesMultiReporter( reporters=[ GrassTestFilesTextReporter(stream=sys.stderr), GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter( file_anonymizer=self._file_anonymizer, main_page_name="testfiles.html", ), GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter( info={"location": location, "location_type": location_type} ), ] ) self.testsuite_dirs = collections.defaultdict( list ) # reset list of dirs each time # TODO: move constants out of loader class or even module modules = discover_modules( start_dir=self.start_dir, grass_location=location_type, file_regexp=r".*\.(py|sh)$", skip_dirs=GrassTestLoader.skip_dirs, testsuite_dir=GrassTestLoader.testsuite_dir, all_locations_value=GrassTestLoader.all_tests_value, universal_location_value=GrassTestLoader.universal_tests_value, import_modules=False, exclude=exclude, ) self.reporter.start(results_dir) for module in modules: self._run_test_module( module=module, results_dir=results_dir, gisdbase=gisdbase, location=location, timeout=self.timeout, ) self.reporter.finish() # TODO: move this to some (new?) reporter # TODO: add basic summary of linked files so that the page is not empty Path(os.path.join(results_dir, "index.html")).write_text( "<html><body>" "<h1>Tests for &lt;{location}&gt;" " using &lt;{type}&gt; type tests</h1>" "<ul>" '<li><a href="testsuites.html">Results by testsuites</a>' " (testsuite directories)</li>" '<li><a href="testfiles.html">Results by test files</a></li>' "<ul>" "</body></html>".format(location=location, type=location_type) ) testsuite_dir_reporter = TestsuiteDirReporter( main_page_name="testsuites.html", testsuite_page_name="index.html", top_level_testsuite_page_name="testsuite_index.html", ) testsuite_dir_reporter.report_for_dirs( root=results_dir, directories=self.testsuite_dirs ) return self.reporter