Source code for script.core

Core functions to be used in Python scripts.



    from grass.script import core as grass

(C) 2008-2024 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

.. sectionauthor:: Glynn Clements
.. sectionauthor:: Martin Landa <landa.martin>
.. sectionauthor:: Michael Barton <michael.barton>

import os
import sys
import atexit
import subprocess
import shutil
import codecs
import string
import random
import shlex
import json
import csv
import io
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from pathlib import Path

from .utils import KeyValue, parse_key_val, basename, encode, decode, try_remove
from grass.exceptions import ScriptError, CalledModuleError
from grass.grassdb.manage import resolve_mapset_path

# subprocess wrapper that uses shell on Windows
[docs]class Popen(subprocess.Popen): _builtin_exts = {".com", ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd"} @staticmethod def _escape_for_shell(arg): # TODO: what are cmd.exe's parsing rules? return arg def __init__(self, args, **kwargs): if ( sys.platform == "win32" and isinstance(args, list) and not kwargs.get("shell", False) and kwargs.get("executable") is None ): cmd = shutil.which(args[0]) if cmd is None: raise OSError(_("Cannot find the executable {0}").format(args[0])) args = [cmd] + args[1:] name, ext = os.path.splitext(cmd) if ext.lower() not in self._builtin_exts: kwargs["shell"] = True args = [self._escape_for_shell(arg) for arg in args] # hides the window on MS Windows - another window will be activated si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs["startupinfo"] = si subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, args, **kwargs)
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT raise_on_error = False # raise exception instead of calling fatal() _capture_stderr = False # capture stderr of subprocesses if possible
[docs]def call(*args, **kwargs): return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
# GRASS-oriented interface to subprocess module _popen_args = [ "bufsize", "executable", "stdin", "stdout", "stderr", "preexec_fn", "close_fds", "cwd", "env", "universal_newlines", "startupinfo", "creationflags", "encoding", ] def _make_val(val): """Convert value to a unicode string""" if isinstance(val, (bytes, str)): return decode(val) if isinstance(val, (int, float)): return str(val) try: return ",".join(map(_make_val, iter(val))) except TypeError: pass return str(val) def _make_unicode(val, enc): """Convert value to unicode with given encoding :param val: value to be converted :param enc: encoding to be used """ if val is None or enc is None: return val if enc == "default": return decode(val) return decode(val, encoding=enc)
[docs]def get_commands(*, env=None): """Create list of available GRASS commands to use when parsing string from the command line :return: list of commands (set) and directory of scripts (collected by extension - MS Windows only) >>> cmds = list(get_commands()[0]) >>> cmds.sort() >>> cmds[:5] ['d.barscale', 'd.colorlist', 'd.colortable', 'd.correlate', 'd.erase'] """ if not env: env = os.environ gisbase = env.get("GISBASE") # Lazy-importing to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if not gisbase: from grass.script.setup import get_install_path gisbase = get_install_path() cmd = [] scripts = {".py": []} if sys.platform == "win32" else {} def scan(gisbase, directory): dir_path = os.path.join(gisbase, directory) if os.path.exists(dir_path): for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(gisbase, directory)): if scripts: # win32 name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if ext != ".manifest": cmd.append(name) if ext in scripts.keys(): scripts[ext].append(name) else: cmd.append(fname) for directory in ("bin", "scripts"): scan(gisbase, directory) # scan gui/scripts/ gui_path = os.path.join(gisbase, "etc", "gui", "scripts") if os.path.exists(gui_path): os.environ["PATH"] = os.getenv("PATH") + os.pathsep + gui_path cmd += os.listdir(gui_path) return set(cmd), scripts
# Added because of scripts calling scripts on MS Windows. # Module name (here cmd) differs from the file name (does not have extension). # Additionally, we don't run scripts using system executable mechanism, # so we need the full path name. # However, scripts are on the PATH and '.PY' in in PATHEXT, so we can use # shutil.which to get the full file path. Addons are on PATH too. # An alternative to which function call would be to check the script path and # addons path. This is proposed improvement for the future. # Another alternative is to check some global list of scripts but this list # needs to be created first. The question is what is less expensive. # Note that getting the full path is only part of the solution, # the other part is to use the right Python as an executable and pass the full # script path as a parameter. # Nevertheless, it is unclear on which places which extensions are added. # This function also could skip the check for platform but depends # how will be used, this is most general but not most effective.
[docs]def get_real_command(cmd): """Returns the real file command for a module (cmd) For Python scripts on MS Windows it returns full path to the script and adds a '.py' extension. For other cases it just returns a module (name). So, you can just use this function for all without further check. >>> get_real_command('g.region') 'g.region' :param cmd: the command """ if sys.platform == "win32": # we in fact expect pure module name (without extension) # so, lets remove extension if os.path.splitext(cmd)[1] == ".py": cmd = cmd[:-3] # PATHEXT is necessary to check on Windows (force lowercase) pathext = [x.lower() for x in os.environ["PATHEXT"].split(os.pathsep)] if ".py" not in pathext: # we assume that PATHEXT contains always '.py' os.environ["PATHEXT"] = ".py;" + os.environ["PATHEXT"] full_path = shutil.which(cmd + ".py") if full_path: return full_path return cmd
[docs]def make_command( prog, flags="", overwrite=False, quiet=False, verbose=False, superquiet=False, errors=None, **options, ): """Return a list of strings suitable for use as the args parameter to Popen() or call(). Example: >>> make_command("g.message", flags = 'w', message = 'this is a warning') ['g.message', '-w', 'message=this is a warning'] :param str prog: GRASS module :param str flags: flags to be used (given as a string) :param bool overwrite: True to enable overwriting the output (<tt>--o</tt>) :param bool quiet: True to run quietly (<tt>--q</tt>) :param bool superquiet: True to run extra quietly (<tt>--qq</tt>) :param bool verbose: True to run verbosely (<tt>--v</tt>) :param options: module's parameters :return: list of arguments """ args = [_make_val(prog)] if overwrite: args.append("--o") if quiet: args.append("--q") if verbose: args.append("--v") if superquiet: args.append("--qq") if flags: flags = _make_val(flags) if "-" in flags: raise ScriptError("'-' is not a valid flag") args.append("-" + flags) for opt, val in options.items(): if opt in _popen_args: continue # convert string to bytes if val is not None: if opt.startswith("_"): opt = opt[1:] warning( _( "To run the module <%s> add underscore at the end" " of the option <%s> to avoid conflict with Python" " keywords. Underscore at the beginning is" " deprecated in GRASS GIS 7.0 and has been removed" " in version 7.1." ) % (prog, opt) ) elif opt.endswith("_"): opt = opt[:-1] args.append(opt + "=" + _make_val(val)) return args
[docs]def handle_errors(returncode, result, args, kwargs): """Error handler for :func:`run_command()` and similar functions The functions which are using this function to handle errors, can be typically called with an *errors* parameter. This function can handle one of the following values: raise, fatal, status, exit, and ignore. The value raise is a default. If returncode is 0, *result* is returned, unless ``errors="status"`` is set. If *kwargs* dictionary contains key ``errors``, the value is used to determine the return value and the behavior on error. The value ``errors="raise"`` is a default in which case a ``CalledModuleError`` exception is raised. For ``errors="fatal"``, the function calls :func:`fatal()` which has its own rules on what happens next. For ``errors="status"``, the *returncode* will be returned. This is useful, e.g., for cases when the exception-based error handling mechanism is not desirable or the return code has some meaning not necessarily interpreted as an error by the caller. For ``errors="exit"``, ``sys.exit()`` is called with the *returncode*, so it behaves similarly to a Bash script with ``set -e``. No additional error message or exception is produced. This might be useful for a simple script where error message produced by the called module provides sufficient information about what happened to the end user. Finally, for ``errors="ignore"``, the value of *result* will be passed in any case regardless of the *returncode*. """ def get_module_and_code(args, kwargs): """Get module name and formatted command""" # TODO: construction of the whole command is far from perfect args = make_command(*args, **kwargs) # Since we are in error handler, let's be extra cautious # about an empty command. if args: module = args[0] else: module = None code = " ".join(args) return module, code handler = kwargs.get("errors", "raise") if handler.lower() == "status": return returncode if returncode == 0: return result if handler.lower() == "ignore": return result if handler.lower() == "fatal": module, code = get_module_and_code(args, kwargs) fatal( _( "Module {module} ({code}) failed with" " non-zero return code {returncode}" ).format(module=module, code=code, returncode=returncode) ) elif handler.lower() == "exit": sys.exit(returncode) else: module, code = get_module_and_code(args, kwargs) raise CalledModuleError(module=module, code=code, returncode=returncode)
[docs]def start_command( prog, flags="", overwrite=False, quiet=False, verbose=False, superquiet=False, **kwargs, ): """Returns a Popen object with the command created by make_command. Accepts any of the arguments which Popen() accepts apart from "args" and "shell". >>> p = start_command("g.gisenv", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) >>> print(p) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <...Popen object at 0x...> >>> print(p.communicate()[0]) # doctest: +SKIP GISDBASE='/opt/grass-data'; LOCATION_NAME='spearfish60'; MAPSET='glynn'; GUI='text'; MONITOR='x0'; If the module parameter is the same as Python keyword, add underscore at the end of the parameter. For example, use ``lambda_=1.6`` instead of ``lambda=1.6``. :param str prog: GRASS module :param str flags: flags to be used (given as a string) :param bool overwrite: True to enable overwriting the output (<tt>--o</tt>) :param bool quiet: True to run quietly (<tt>--q</tt>) :param bool superquiet: True to run extra quietly (<tt>--qq</tt>) :param bool verbose: True to run verbosely (<tt>--v</tt>) :param kwargs: module's parameters :return: Popen object """ options = {} popts = {} for opt, val in kwargs.items(): if opt in _popen_args: popts[opt] = val else: options[opt] = val args = make_command( prog, flags=flags, overwrite=overwrite, quiet=quiet, superquiet=superquiet, verbose=verbose, **options, ) if debug_level() > 0: sys.stderr.write( "D1/{}: {}.start_command(): {}\n".format( debug_level(), __name__, " ".join(args) ) ) sys.stderr.flush() return Popen(args, **popts)
[docs]def run_command(*args, **kwargs): """Execute a module synchronously This function passes all arguments to ``start_command()``, then waits for the process to complete. It is similar to ``subprocess.check_call()``, but with the :func:`make_command()` interface. By default, an exception is raised in case of a non-zero return code by default. >>> run_command('g.region', raster='elevation') See :func:`start_command()` for details about parameters and usage. The behavior on error can be changed using *errors* parameter which is passed to the :func:`handle_errors()` function. :param *args: unnamed arguments passed to :func:`start_command()` :param **kwargs: named arguments passed to :func:`start_command()` :param str errors: passed to :func:`handle_errors()` .. versionchanged:: 8.0 Before 8.0, the function was returning 0 when no error occurred for backward compatibility with code which was checking that value. Now the function returns None, unless ``errors="status"`` is specified. .. versionchanged:: 7.2 In 7.0.0, this function was returning the error code. However, it was rarely checked especially outside of the core code. Additionally, :func:`read_command()` needed a mechanism to report errors as it was used more and more in context which required error handling, Thus, exceptions were introduced as a more expected default behavior for Python programmers. The change was backported to 7.0 series. :raises: ``CalledModuleError`` when module returns non-zero return code """ encoding = "default" if "encoding" in kwargs: encoding = kwargs["encoding"] if _capture_stderr and "stderr" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["stderr"] = PIPE ps = start_command(*args, **kwargs) if _capture_stderr: stdout, stderr = ps.communicate() if encoding is not None: stdout = _make_unicode(stdout, encoding) stderr = _make_unicode(stderr, encoding) returncode = ps.poll() if returncode and stderr: sys.stderr.write(stderr) else: returncode = ps.wait() return handle_errors(returncode, result=None, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs]def pipe_command(*args, **kwargs): """Passes all arguments to start_command(), but also adds "stdout = PIPE". Returns the Popen object. >>> p = pipe_command("g.gisenv") >>> print(p) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <....Popen object at 0x...> >>> print(p.communicate()[0]) # doctest: +SKIP GISDBASE='/opt/grass-data'; LOCATION_NAME='spearfish60'; MAPSET='glynn'; GUI='text'; MONITOR='x0'; :param list args: list of unnamed arguments (see start_command() for details) :param list kwargs: list of named arguments (see start_command() for details) :return: Popen object """ kwargs["stdout"] = PIPE return start_command(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def feed_command(*args, **kwargs): """Passes all arguments to start_command(), but also adds "stdin = PIPE". Returns the Popen object. :param list args: list of unnamed arguments (see start_command() for details) :param list kwargs: list of named arguments (see start_command() for details) :return: Popen object """ kwargs["stdin"] = PIPE return start_command(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def read_command(*args, **kwargs): """Passes all arguments to pipe_command, then waits for the process to complete, returning its stdout (i.e. similar to shell `backticks`). The behavior on error can be changed using *errors* parameter which is passed to the :func:`handle_errors()` function. :param list args: list of unnamed arguments (see start_command() for details) :param list kwargs: list of named arguments (see start_command() for details) :return: stdout """ encoding = "default" if "encoding" in kwargs: encoding = kwargs["encoding"] if _capture_stderr and "stderr" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["stderr"] = PIPE process = pipe_command(*args, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if encoding is not None: stdout = _make_unicode(stdout, encoding) stderr = _make_unicode(stderr, encoding) returncode = process.poll() if returncode and _capture_stderr and stderr: # Print only when we are capturing it and there was some output. # (User can request ignoring the subprocess stderr and then we get only None.) sys.stderr.write(stderr) return handle_errors(returncode, stdout, args, kwargs)
[docs]def parse_command(*args, **kwargs): """Passes all arguments to read_command, then parses the output by default with parse_key_val(). If the command has parameter <em>format</em> and is called with <em>format=json</em>, the output will be parsed into a dictionary. Similarly, with <em>format=csv</em> the output will be parsed into a list of lists (CSV rows). :: parse_command("", ..., format="json") Custom parsing function can be optionally given by <em>parse</em> parameter including its arguments, e.g. :: parse_command(..., parse=(gs.parse_key_val, {'sep': ':'})) Parameter <em>delimiter</em> is deprecated. :param args: list of unnamed arguments (see start_command() for details) :param kwargs: list of named arguments (see start_command() for details) :return: parsed module output """ def parse_csv(result): return list(csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(result))) parse = None parse_args = {} if "parse" in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["parse"], tuple): parse = kwargs["parse"][0] parse_args = kwargs["parse"][1] del kwargs["parse"] elif kwargs.get("format") == "json": parse = json.loads elif kwargs.get("format") == "csv": parse = parse_csv if not parse: parse = parse_key_val # use default fn if "delimiter" in kwargs: parse_args = {"sep": kwargs["delimiter"]} del kwargs["delimiter"] res = read_command(*args, **kwargs) return parse(res, **parse_args)
[docs]def write_command(*args, **kwargs): """Execute a module with standard input given by *stdin* parameter. Passes all arguments to ``feed_command()``, with the string specified by the *stdin* argument fed to the process' standard input. >>> write_command( ... '', input='-', ... stdin='%s|%s' % (635818.8, 221342.4), ... output='view_point') 0 See ``start_command()`` for details about parameters and usage. The behavior on error can be changed using *errors* parameter which is passed to the :func:`handle_errors()` function. :param *args: unnamed arguments passed to ``start_command()`` :param **kwargs: named arguments passed to ``start_command()`` :returns: 0 with default parameters for backward compatibility only :raises: ``CalledModuleError`` when module returns non-zero return code """ encoding = "default" if "encoding" in kwargs: encoding = kwargs["encoding"] # TODO: should we delete it from kwargs? stdin = kwargs["stdin"] if encoding is None or encoding == "default": stdin = encode(stdin) else: stdin = encode(stdin, encoding=encoding) if _capture_stderr and "stderr" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["stderr"] = PIPE process = feed_command(*args, **kwargs) unused, stderr = process.communicate(stdin) if encoding is not None: unused = _make_unicode(unused, encoding) stderr = _make_unicode(stderr, encoding) returncode = process.poll() if returncode and _capture_stderr and stderr: sys.stderr.write(stderr) return handle_errors(returncode, None, args, kwargs)
[docs]def exec_command( prog, flags="", overwrite=False, quiet=False, verbose=False, superquiet=False, env=None, **kwargs, ): """Interface to os.execvpe(), but with the make_command() interface. :param str prog: GRASS module :param str flags: flags to be used (given as a string) :param bool overwrite: True to enable overwriting the output (<tt>--o</tt>) :param bool quiet: True to run quietly (<tt>--q</tt>) :param bool superquiet: True to run quietly (<tt>--qq</tt>) :param bool verbose: True to run verbosely (<tt>--v</tt>) :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) :param list kwargs: module's parameters """ args = make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, superquiet, verbose, **kwargs) if env is None: env = os.environ os.execvpe(prog, args, env)
# interface to g.message
[docs]def message(msg, flag=None, env=None): """Display a message using `g.message` :param str msg: message to be displayed :param str flag: flags (given as string) :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ run_command("g.message", flags=flag, message=msg, errors="ignore", env=env)
[docs]def debug(msg, debug=1, env=None): """Display a debugging message using `g.message -d`. The visibility of a debug message at runtime is controlled by setting the corresponding DEBUG level with `g.gisenv set="DEBUG=X"` (with `X` set to the debug level specified in the function call). :param str msg: debugging message to be displayed :param str debug: debug level (0-5) with the following recommended levels: Use 1 for messages generated once of few times, 3 for messages generated for each raster row or vector line, 5 for messages generated for each raster cell or vector point. :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ if debug_level() >= debug: # TODO: quite a random hack here, do we need it somewhere else too? if sys.platform == "win32": msg = msg.replace("&", "^&") run_command("g.message", flags="d", message=msg, debug=debug, env=env)
[docs]def verbose(msg, env=None): """Display a verbose message using `g.message -v` :param str msg: verbose message to be displayed :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ message(msg, flag="v", env=env)
[docs]def info(msg, env=None): """Display an informational message using `g.message -i` :param str msg: informational message to be displayed :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ message(msg, flag="i", env=env)
[docs]def percent(i, n, s, env=None): """Display a progress info message using `g.message -p` :: message(_("Percent complete...")) n = 100 for i in range(n): percent(i, n, 1) percent(1, 1, 1) :param int i: current item :param int n: total number of items :param int s: increment size :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ message("%d %d %d" % (i, n, s), flag="p", env=env)
[docs]def warning(msg, env=None): """Display a warning message using `g.message -w` :param str msg: warning message to be displayed :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ message(msg, flag="w", env=env)
[docs]def error(msg, env=None): """Display an error message using `g.message -e` This function does not end the execution of the program. The right action after the error is up to the caller. For error handling using the standard mechanism use :func:`fatal()`. :param str msg: error message to be displayed :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ message(msg, flag="e", env=env)
[docs]def fatal(msg, env=None): """Display an error message using `g.message -e`, then abort or raise Raises exception when module global raise_on_error is 'True', abort (calls exit) otherwise. Use :func:`set_raise_on_error()` to set the behavior. :param str msg: error message to be displayed :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) """ global raise_on_error if raise_on_error: raise ScriptError(msg) error(msg, env=env) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def set_raise_on_error(raise_exp=True): """Define behaviour on fatal error (fatal() called) :param bool raise_exp: True to raise ScriptError instead of calling sys.exit(1) in fatal() :return: current status """ global raise_on_error tmp_raise = raise_on_error raise_on_error = raise_exp return tmp_raise
[docs]def get_raise_on_error(): """Return True if a ScriptError exception is raised instead of calling sys.exit(1) in case a fatal error was invoked with fatal() """ global raise_on_error return raise_on_error
# TODO: solve also warnings (not printed now)
[docs]def set_capture_stderr(capture=True): """Enable capturing standard error output of modules and print it. By default, standard error output (stderr) of child processes shows in the same place as output of the parent process. This may not always be the same place as ``sys.stderr`` is written. After calling this function, functions in the ``grass.script`` package will capture the stderr of child processes and pass it to ``sys.stderr`` if there is an error. .. note:: This is advantageous for interactive shells such as the one in GUI and interactive notebooks such as Jupyter Notebook. The capturing can be applied only in certain cases, for example in case of run_command() it is applied because run_command() nor its callers do not handle the streams, however feed_command() cannot do capturing because its callers handle the streams. The previous state is returned. Passing ``False`` disables the capturing. .. versionadded:: 7.4 """ global _capture_stderr tmp = _capture_stderr _capture_stderr = capture return tmp
[docs]def get_capture_stderr(): """Return True if stderr is captured, False otherwise. See set_capture_stderr(). """ global _capture_stderr return _capture_stderr
# interface to g.parser def _parse_opts(lines): options = {} flags = {} for line in lines: if not line: break try: var, val = line.split(b"=", 1) except ValueError: raise SyntaxError("invalid output from g.parser: {}".format(line)) try: var = decode(var) val = decode(val) except UnicodeError as error: raise SyntaxError( "invalid output from g.parser ({error}): {line}".format( error=error, line=line ) ) if var.startswith("flag_"): flags[var[5:]] = bool(int(val)) elif var.startswith("opt_"): options[var[4:]] = val elif var in {"GRASS_OVERWRITE", "GRASS_VERBOSE"}: os.environ[var] = val else: raise SyntaxError( "unexpected output variable from g.parser: {}".format(line) ) return (options, flags)
[docs]def parser(): """Interface to g.parser, intended to be run from the top-level, e.g.: :: if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = grass.parser() main() Thereafter, the global variables "options" and "flags" will be dictionaries containing option/flag values, keyed by lower-case option/flag names. The values in "options" are strings, those in "flags" are Python booleans. Overview table of parser standard options: """ if not os.getenv("GISBASE"): print("You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) cmdline = [basename(sys.argv[0])] cmdline += [shlex.quote(a) for a in sys.argv[1:]] os.environ["CMDLINE"] = " ".join(cmdline) argv = sys.argv[:] name = argv[0] if not os.path.isabs(name): if os.sep in name or (os.altsep and os.altsep in name): argv[0] = os.path.abspath(name) else: argv[0] = os.path.join(sys.path[0], name) prog = "g.parser.exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "g.parser" p = subprocess.Popen([prog, "-n"] + argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) s = p.communicate()[0] lines = s.split(b"\0") if not lines or lines[0] != b"@ARGS_PARSED@": stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "wb") stdout.write(s) sys.exit(p.returncode) return _parse_opts(lines[1:])
# interface to g.tempfile
[docs]def tempfile(create=True, env=None): """Returns the name of a temporary file, created with g.tempfile. :param bool create: True to create a file :param env: environment :return: path to a tmp file """ flags = "" if not create: flags += "d" return read_command("g.tempfile", flags=flags, pid=os.getpid(), env=env).strip()
[docs]def tempdir(env=None): """Returns the name of a temporary dir, created with g.tempfile.""" tmp = tempfile(create=False, env=env) os.mkdir(tmp) return tmp
[docs]def tempname(length, lowercase=False): """Generate a GRASS and SQL compliant random name starting with tmp_ followed by a random part of length "length" :param int length: length of the random part of the name to generate :param bool lowercase: use only lowercase characters to generate name :returns: String with a random name of length "length" starting with a letter :rtype: str :Example: >>> tempname(12) 'tmp_MxMa1kAS13s9' .. seealso:: functions :func:`append_uuid()`, :func:`append_random()` """ chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits if not lowercase: chars += string.ascii_uppercase random_part = "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(length)) return "tmp_" + random_part
def _compare_projection(dic): """Check if projection has some possibility of duplicate names like Universal Transverse Mercator and Universe Transverse Mercator and unify them :param dic: The dictionary containing information about projection :return: The dictionary with the new values if needed """ # the lookup variable is a list of list, each list contains all the # possible name for a projection system lookup = [["Universal Transverse Mercator", "Universe Transverse Mercator"]] for lo in lookup: for n in range(len(dic["name"])): if dic["name"][n] in lo: dic["name"][n] = lo[0] return dic def _compare_units(dic): """Check if units has some possibility of duplicate names like meter and metre and unify them :param dic: The dictionary containing information about units :return: The dictionary with the new values if needed """ # the lookup variable is a list of list, each list contains all the # possible name for a units lookup = [ ["meter", "metre"], ["meters", "metres"], ["kilometer", "kilometre"], ["kilometers", "kilometres"], ] for item in lookup: for n in range(len(dic["unit"])): if dic["unit"][n].lower() in item: dic["unit"][n] = item[0] for n in range(len(dic["units"])): if dic["units"][n].lower() in item: dic["units"][n] = item[0] return dic def _text_to_key_value_dict( filename, sep=":", val_sep=",", checkproj=False, checkunits=False ): """Convert a key-value text file, where entries are separated by newlines and the key and value are separated by `sep', into a key-value dictionary and discover/use the correct data types (float, int or string) for values. :param str filename: The name or name and path of the text file to convert :param str sep: The character that separates the keys and values, default is ":" :param str val_sep: The character that separates the values of a single key, default is "," :param bool checkproj: True if it has to check some information about projection system :param bool checkproj: True if it has to check some information about units :return: The dictionary A text file with this content: :: a: Hello b: 1.0 c: 1,2,3,4,5 d : hello,8,0.1 Will be represented as this dictionary: :: {'a': ['Hello'], 'c': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'b': [1.0], 'd': ['hello', 8, 0.1]} """ text = open(filename).readlines() kvdict = KeyValue() for line in text: if line.find(sep) >= 0: key, value = line.split(sep) key = key.strip() value = value.strip() else: # Jump over empty values continue values = value.split(val_sep) value_list = [] for value in values: not_float = False not_int = False # Convert values into correct types # We first try integer then float try: value_converted = int(value) except ValueError: not_int = True if not_int: try: value_converted = float(value) except ValueError: not_float = True if not_int and not_float: value_converted = value.strip() value_list.append(value_converted) kvdict[key] = value_list if checkproj: kvdict = _compare_projection(kvdict) if checkunits: kvdict = _compare_units(kvdict) return kvdict
[docs]def compare_key_value_text_files( filename_a, filename_b, sep=":", val_sep=",", precision=0.000001, proj=False, units=False, ): """Compare two key-value text files This method will print a warning in case keys that are present in the first file are not present in the second one. The comparison method tries to convert the values into their native format (float, int or string) to allow correct comparison. An example key-value text file may have this content: :: a: Hello b: 1.0 c: 1,2,3,4,5 d : hello,8,0.1 :param str filename_a: name of the first key-value text file :param str filenmae_b: name of the second key-value text file :param str sep: character that separates the keys and values, default is ":" :param str val_sep: character that separates the values of a single key, default is "," :param double precision: precision with which the floating point values are compared :param bool proj: True if it has to check some information about projection system :param bool units: True if it has to check some information about units :return: True if full or almost identical, False if different """ dict_a = _text_to_key_value_dict(filename_a, sep, checkproj=proj, checkunits=units) dict_b = _text_to_key_value_dict(filename_b, sep, checkproj=proj, checkunits=units) if sorted(dict_a.keys()) != sorted(dict_b.keys()): return False # We compare matching keys for key in dict_a.keys(): # Floating point values must be handled separately if isinstance(dict_a[key], float) and isinstance(dict_b[key], float): if abs(dict_a[key] - dict_b[key]) > precision: return False elif isinstance(dict_a[key], float) or isinstance(dict_b[key], float): warning( _("Mixing value types. Will try to compare after integer conversion") ) return int(dict_a[key]) == int(dict_b[key]) elif key == "+towgs84": # We compare the sum of the entries if abs(sum(dict_a[key]) - sum(dict_b[key])) > precision: return False elif dict_a[key] != dict_b[key]: return False return True
# interface to g.gisenv
[docs]def gisenv(env=None): """Returns the output from running g.gisenv (with no arguments), as a dictionary. Example: >>> env = gisenv() >>> print(env['GISDBASE']) # doctest: +SKIP /opt/grass-data :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) :return: list of GRASS variables """ s = read_command("g.gisenv", flags="n", env=env) return parse_key_val(s)
# interface to g.region
[docs]def locn_is_latlong(env=None) -> bool: """Tests if location is lat/long. Value is obtained by checking the "g.region -pu" projection code. :return: True for a lat/long region, False otherwise """ s = read_command("g.region", flags="pu", env=env) kv = parse_key_val(s, ":") return kv["projection"].split(" ")[0] == "3"
[docs]def region(region3d=False, complete=False, env=None): """Returns the output from running "g.region -gu", as a dictionary. Example: :param bool region3d: True to get 3D region :param bool complete: :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) >>> curent_region = region() >>> # obtain n, s, e and w values >>> [curent_region[key] for key in "nsew"] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [..., ..., ..., ...] >>> # obtain ns and ew resulutions >>> (curent_region['nsres'], curent_region['ewres']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (..., ...) :return: dictionary of region values """ flgs = "gu" if region3d: flgs += "3" if complete: flgs += "cep" s = read_command("g.region", flags=flgs, env=env) reg = parse_key_val(s, val_type=float) for k in [ "projection", "zone", "rows", "cols", "cells", "rows3", "cols3", "cells3", "depths", ]: if k not in reg: continue reg[k] = int(reg[k]) return reg
[docs]def region_env(region3d=False, flags=None, env=None, **kwargs): """Returns region settings as a string which can used as GRASS_REGION environmental variable. If no 'kwargs' are given then the current region is used. Note that this function doesn't modify the current region! See also :func:`use_temp_region()` for alternative method how to define temporary region used for raster-based computation. :param bool region3d: True to get 3D region :param string flags: for example 'a' :param env: dictionary with system environment variables (`os.environ` by default) :param kwargs: g.region's parameters like 'raster', 'vector' or 'region' :: os.environ['GRASS_REGION'] = grass.region_env(region='detail') grass.mapcalc('map=1', overwrite=True) os.environ.pop('GRASS_REGION') :return: string with region values :return: empty string on error """ # read proj/zone from WIND file gis_env = gisenv(env) windfile = os.path.join( gis_env["GISDBASE"], gis_env["LOCATION_NAME"], gis_env["MAPSET"], "WIND" ) with open(windfile) as fd: grass_region = "" for line in fd: key, value = (x.strip() for x in line.split(":", 1)) if kwargs and key not in {"proj", "zone"}: continue if ( not kwargs and not region3d and key in { "top", "bottom", "cols3", "rows3", "depths", "e-w resol3", "n-s resol3", "t-b resol", } ): continue grass_region += "%s: %s;" % (key, value) if not kwargs: # return current region return grass_region # read other values from `g.region -gu` flgs = "ug" if region3d: flgs += "3" if flags: flgs += flags s = read_command("g.region", flags=flgs, env=env, **kwargs) if not s: return "" reg = parse_key_val(s) kwdata = [ ("north", "n"), ("south", "s"), ("east", "e"), ("west", "w"), ("cols", "cols"), ("rows", "rows"), ("e-w resol", "ewres"), ("n-s resol", "nsres"), ] if region3d: kwdata += [ ("top", "t"), ("bottom", "b"), ("cols3", "cols3"), ("rows3", "rows3"), ("depths", "depths"), ("e-w resol3", "ewres3"), ("n-s resol3", "nsres3"), ("t-b resol", "tbres"), ] for wkey, rkey in kwdata: grass_region += "%s: %s;" % (wkey, reg[rkey]) return grass_region
[docs]def use_temp_region(): """Copies the current region to a temporary region with "g.region save=", then sets WIND_OVERRIDE to refer to that region. Installs an atexit handler to delete the temporary region upon termination. """ name = "tmp.%s.%d" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), os.getpid()) run_command("g.region", flags="u", save=name, overwrite=True) os.environ["WIND_OVERRIDE"] = name atexit.register(del_temp_region)
[docs]def del_temp_region(): """Unsets WIND_OVERRIDE and removes any region named by it.""" try: name = os.environ.pop("WIND_OVERRIDE") run_command("g.remove", flags="f", quiet=True, type="region", name=name) except (KeyError, CalledModuleError): # The function succeeds even when called more than once. pass
# interface to g.findfile
[docs]def find_file(name, element="cell", mapset=None, env=None): """Returns the output from running g.findfile as a dictionary. Elements in g.findfile refer to mapset directories. However, in parts of the code, different element terms like rast, raster, or rast3d are used. For convenience the function translates such element types to respective mapset elements. Current translations are: "rast": "cell", "raster": "cell", "rast3d": "grid3", "raster3d": "grid3", "raster_3d": "grid3", Example: >>> result = find_file('elevation', element='cell') >>> print(result['fullname']) elevation@PERMANENT >>> print(result['file']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS /.../PERMANENT/cell/elevation >>> result = find_file('elevation', element='raster') >>> print(result['fullname']) elevation@PERMANENT >>> print(result['file']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS /.../PERMANENT/cell/elevation :param str name: file name :param str element: element type (default 'cell') :param str mapset: mapset name (default all mapsets in search path) :param env: environment :return: parsed output of g.findfile """ element_translation = { "rast": "cell", "raster": "cell", "rast3d": "grid3", "raster3d": "grid3", "raster_3d": "grid3", } if element in element_translation: element = element_translation[element] # g.findfile returns non-zero when file was not found # so we ignore return code and just focus on stdout process = start_command( "g.findfile", flags="n", element=element, file=name, mapset=mapset, stdout=PIPE, env=env, ) stdout = process.communicate()[0] return parse_key_val(stdout)
# interface to g.list
[docs]def list_strings(type, pattern=None, mapset=None, exclude=None, flag="", env=None): """List of elements as strings. Returns the output from running g.list, as a list of qualified names. :param str type: element type (raster, vector, raster_3d, region, ...) :param str pattern: pattern string :param str mapset: mapset name (if not given use search path) :param str exclude: pattern string to exclude maps from the research :param str flag: pattern type: 'r' (basic regexp), 'e' (extended regexp), or '' (glob pattern) :param env: environment :return: list of elements """ if type == "cell": verbose(_('Element type should be "raster" and not "%s"') % type) result = [] for line in read_command( "g.list", quiet=True, flags="m" + flag, type=type, pattern=pattern, exclude=exclude, mapset=mapset, env=env, ).splitlines(): result.append(line.strip()) return result
[docs]def list_pairs(type, pattern=None, mapset=None, exclude=None, flag="", env=None): """List of elements as pairs Returns the output from running g.list, as a list of (name, mapset) pairs :param str type: element type (raster, vector, raster_3d, region, ...) :param str pattern: pattern string :param str mapset: mapset name (if not given use search path) :param str exclude: pattern string to exclude maps from the research :param str flag: pattern type: 'r' (basic regexp), 'e' (extended regexp), or '' (glob pattern) :param env: environment :return: list of elements """ return [ tuple(map.split("@", 1)) for map in list_strings(type, pattern, mapset, exclude, flag, env) ]
[docs]def list_grouped( type, pattern=None, check_search_path=True, exclude=None, flag="", env=None ): """List of elements grouped by mapsets. Returns the output from running g.list, as a dictionary where the keys are mapset names and the values are lists of maps in that mapset. Example: >>> list_grouped('vect', pattern='*roads*')['PERMANENT'] ['railroads', 'roadsmajor'] :param str type: element type (raster, vector, raster_3d, region, ...) or list of elements :param str pattern: pattern string :param str check_search_path: True to add mapsets for the search path with no found elements :param str exclude: pattern string to exclude maps from the research :param str flag: pattern type: 'r' (basic regexp), 'e' (extended regexp), or '' (glob pattern) :param env: environment :return: directory of mapsets/elements """ if isinstance(type, str) or len(type) == 1: types = [type] store_types = False else: types = type store_types = True flag += "t" for i in range(len(types)): if types[i] == "cell": verbose(_('Element type should be "raster" and not "%s"') % types[i]) types[i] = "raster" result = {} if check_search_path: for mapset in mapsets(search_path=True, env=env): if store_types: result[mapset] = {} else: result[mapset] = [] mapset = None for line in read_command( "g.list", quiet=True, flags="m" + flag, type=types, pattern=pattern, exclude=exclude, env=env, ).splitlines(): try: name, mapset = line.split("@") except ValueError: warning(_("Invalid element '%s'") % line) continue if store_types: type_, name = name.split("/") if mapset in result: if type_ in result[mapset]: result[mapset][type_].append(name) else: result[mapset][type_] = [ name, ] else: result[mapset] = { type_: [ name, ] } elif mapset in result: result[mapset].append(name) else: result[mapset] = [ name, ] return result
# color parsing named_colors = { "white": (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), "black": (0.00, 0.00, 0.00), "red": (1.00, 0.00, 0.00), "green": (0.00, 1.00, 0.00), "blue": (0.00, 0.00, 1.00), "yellow": (1.00, 1.00, 0.00), "magenta": (1.00, 0.00, 1.00), "cyan": (0.00, 1.00, 1.00), "aqua": (0.00, 0.75, 0.75), "grey": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), "gray": (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), "orange": (1.00, 0.50, 0.00), "brown": (0.75, 0.50, 0.25), "purple": (0.50, 0.00, 1.00), "violet": (0.50, 0.00, 1.00), "indigo": (0.00, 0.50, 1.00), }
[docs]def parse_color(val, dflt=None): """Parses the string "val" as a GRASS colour, which can be either one of the named colours or an R:G:B tuple e.g. 255:255:255. Returns an (r,g,b) triple whose components are floating point values between 0 and 1. Example: >>> parse_color("red") (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> parse_color("255:0:0") (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) :param val: color value :param dflt: default color value :return: tuple RGB """ if val in named_colors: return named_colors[val] vals = val.split(":") if len(vals) == 3: return tuple(float(v) / 255 for v in vals) return dflt
[docs]def overwrite(): """Return True if existing files may be overwritten""" owstr = "GRASS_OVERWRITE" return owstr in os.environ and os.environ[owstr] != "0"
[docs]def verbosity(): """Return the verbosity level selected by GRASS_VERBOSE Currently, there are 5 levels of verbosity: -1 nothing will be printed (also fatal errors and warnings will be discarded) 0 only errors and warnings are printed, triggered by "--q" or "--quiet" flag. 1 progress information (percent) and important messages will be printed 2 all messages will be printed 3 also verbose messages will be printed. Triggered by "--v" or "--verbose" flag. """ vbstr = os.getenv("GRASS_VERBOSE") if vbstr: return int(vbstr) return 2
# Various utilities, not specific to GRASS
[docs]def find_program(pgm, *args): """Attempt to run a program, with optional arguments. You must call the program in a way that will return a successful exit code. For GRASS modules this means you need to pass it some valid CLI option, like "--help". For other programs a common valid do-little option is usually "--version". Example: >>> find_program('r.sun', '--help') True >>> find_program('ls', '--version') True :param str pgm: program name :param args: list of arguments :return: False if the attempt failed due to a missing executable or non-zero return code :return: True otherwise """ nuldev = open(os.devnull, "w+") try: # TODO: the doc or impl is not correct, any return code is accepted call([pgm] + list(args), stdin=nuldev, stdout=nuldev, stderr=nuldev) found = True except Exception: found = False nuldev.close() return found
# interface to g.mapsets
[docs]def mapsets(search_path=False, env=None): """List available mapsets :param bool search_path: True to list mapsets only in search path :return: list of mapsets """ if search_path: flags = "p" else: flags = "l" mapsets = read_command("g.mapsets", flags=flags, sep="newline", quiet=True, env=env) if not mapsets: fatal(_("Unable to list mapsets")) return mapsets.splitlines()
# interface to `g.proj -c`
[docs]def create_location(*args, **kwargs): if "dbase" in kwargs: kwargs["path"] = kwargs["dbase"] del kwargs["dbase"] if "location" in kwargs: kwargs["name"] = kwargs["location"] del kwargs["location"] return create_project(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_project( path, name=None, epsg=None, proj4=None, filename=None, wkt=None, datum=None, datum_trans=None, desc=None, overwrite=False, ): """Create new project Raise ScriptError on error. :param str path: path to GRASS database or project; if path to database, project name must be specified with name parameter :param str name: project name to create :param epsg: if given create new project based on EPSG code :param proj4: if given create new project based on Proj4 definition :param str filename: if given create new project based on georeferenced file :param str wkt: if given create new project based on WKT definition (can be path to PRJ file or WKT string) :param datum: GRASS format datum code :param datum_trans: datum transformation parameters (used for epsg and proj4) :param desc: description of the project (creates MYNAME file) :param bool overwrite: True to overwrite project if exists (WARNING: ALL DATA from existing project ARE DELETED!) """ # Add default mapset to project path if needed if not name: path = os.path.join(path, "PERMANENT") # resolve dbase, location and mapset mapset_path = resolve_mapset_path(path=path, location=name) # create dbase if not exists if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( # Lazy-importing to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if os.environ.get("GISBASE"): env = os.environ else: from grass.script.setup import setup_runtime_env env = os.environ.copy() setup_runtime_env(env=env) # Even g.proj and g.message need GISRC to be present. # The names don't really matter here. tmp_gisrc, env = create_environment(, mapset_path.location, mapset_path.mapset, env=env ) # check if location already exists if Path(, mapset_path.location).exists(): if not overwrite: fatal( _("Location <%s> already exists. Operation canceled.") % mapset_path.location, env=env, ) warning( _("Location <%s> already exists and will be overwritten") % mapset_path.location, env=env, ) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(, mapset_path.location)) stdin = None kwargs = {} if datum: kwargs["datum"] = datum if datum_trans: kwargs["datum_trans"] = datum_trans if epsg: ps = pipe_command( "g.proj", quiet=True, flags="t", epsg=epsg, project=mapset_path.location, stderr=PIPE, env=env, **kwargs, ) elif proj4: ps = pipe_command( "g.proj", quiet=True, flags="t", proj4=proj4, project=mapset_path.location, stderr=PIPE, env=env, **kwargs, ) elif filename: ps = pipe_command( "g.proj", quiet=True, georef=filename, project=mapset_path.location, stderr=PIPE, env=env, ) elif wkt: if os.path.isfile(wkt): ps = pipe_command( "g.proj", quiet=True, wkt=wkt, project=mapset_path.location, stderr=PIPE, env=env, ) else: ps = pipe_command( "g.proj", quiet=True, wkt="-", project=mapset_path.location, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, env=env, ) stdin = encode(wkt) else: _create_location_xy(, mapset_path.location) if epsg or proj4 or filename or wkt: error = ps.communicate(stdin)[1] try_remove(tmp_gisrc) if ps.returncode != 0 and error: raise ScriptError(repr(error)) _set_location_description(, mapset_path.location, desc)
def _set_location_description(path, location, text): """Set description (aka title aka MYNAME) for a location""" try: fd = os.path.join(path, location, "PERMANENT", "MYNAME"), encoding="utf-8", mode="w", ) if text: fd.write(text + os.linesep) else: fd.write(os.linesep) fd.close() except OSError as e: raise ScriptError(repr(e)) def _create_location_xy(database, location): """Create unprojected location Raise ScriptError on error. :param database: GRASS database where to create new location :param location: location name """ cur_dir = Path.cwd() try: os.chdir(database) os.mkdir(location) os.mkdir(os.path.join(location, "PERMANENT")) # create DEFAULT_WIND and WIND files regioninfo = [ "proj: 0", "zone: 0", "north: 1", "south: 0", "east: 1", "west: 0", "cols: 1", "rows: 1", "e-w resol: 1", "n-s resol: 1", "top: 1", "bottom: 0", "cols3: 1", "rows3: 1", "depths: 1", "e-w resol3: 1", "n-s resol3: 1", "t-b resol: 1", ] defwind = open(os.path.join(location, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND"), "w") for param in regioninfo: defwind.write(param + "%s" % os.linesep) defwind.close() shutil.copy( os.path.join(location, "PERMANENT", "DEFAULT_WIND"), os.path.join(location, "PERMANENT", "WIND"), ) os.chdir(cur_dir) except OSError as e: raise ScriptError(repr(e)) # interface to g.version
[docs]def version(): """Get GRASS version as dictionary :: >>> print(version()) {'proj4': '4.8.0', 'geos': '3.3.5', 'libgis_revision': '52468', 'libgis_date': '2012-07-27 22:53:30 +0200 (Fri, 27 Jul 2012)', 'version': '7.0.svn', 'date': '2012', 'gdal': '2.0dev', 'revision': '53670'} """ data = parse_command("g.version", flags="rge", errors="ignore") for k, v in data.items(): data[k.strip()] = v.replace('"', "").strip() return data
# get debug_level _debug_level = None
[docs]def debug_level(force=False): global _debug_level if not force and _debug_level is not None: return _debug_level _debug_level = 0 if find_program("g.gisenv", "--help"): try: _debug_level = int(gisenv().get("DEBUG", 0)) if _debug_level < 0 or _debug_level > 5: raise ValueError(_("Debug level {0}").format(_debug_level)) except ValueError as e: _debug_level = 0 sys.stderr.write( _( "WARNING: Ignoring unsupported debug level (must be >=0 and <=5):" " {}\n" ).format(e) ) return _debug_level
# TODO: Move legal_name() to utils or a new dedicated "name" module. # TODO: Remove the pygrass backwards compatibility version of it?
[docs]def sanitize_mapset_environment(env): """Remove environmental variables relevant only for a specific mapset. This should be called when a copy of environment is used with a different mapset.""" if "WIND_OVERRIDE" in env: del env["WIND_OVERRIDE"] if "GRASS_REGION" in env: del env["GRASS_REGION"] return env
[docs]def create_environment(gisdbase, location, mapset, env=None): """Creates environment to be passed in run_command for example. Returns tuple with temporary file path and the environment. The user of this function is responsible for deleting the file.""" with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as f: f.write("MAPSET: {mapset}\n".format(mapset=mapset)) f.write("GISDBASE: {g}\n".format(g=gisdbase)) f.write("LOCATION_NAME: {l}\n".format(l=location)) f.write("GUI: text\n") if env: env = env.copy() else: env = os.environ.copy() env["GISRC"] = # remove mapset-specific env vars env = sanitize_mapset_environment(env) return, env
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()