Source code for temporal.space_time_datasets

Map layer and space time dataset classes

(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Soeren Gebbert

import getpass
from datetime import datetime

import grass.script.array as garray

from .abstract_map_dataset import AbstractMapDataset
from .abstract_space_time_dataset import AbstractSpaceTimeDataset
from .base import (
from .metadata import (
from .spatial_extent import (
from .temporal_extent import (

GRASS_TIMESTAMP_FMT = "%a %b  %d %H:%M:%S %Y"


[docs]class RasterDataset(AbstractMapDataset): """Raster dataset class This class provides functions to select, update, insert or delete raster map information and valid time stamps into the SQL temporal database. Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.script as gs >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> init() >>> gs.use_temp_region() >>> gs.run_command( ... "g.region", n=80.0, s=0.0, e=120.0, w=0.0, t=1.0, b=0.0, res=10.0 ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r.mapcalc", ... overwrite=True, ... quiet=True, ... expression="strds_map_test_case = 1", ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r.timestamp", map="strds_map_test_case", date="15 jan 1999", quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> mapset = tgis.get_current_mapset() >>> name = "strds_map_test_case" >>> identifier = "%s@%s" % (name, mapset) >>> rmap = RasterDataset(identifier) >>> rmap.map_exists() True >>> rmap.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> rmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 15, 0, 0), None) >>> rmap.load() True >>> rmap.spatial_extent.print_info() +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+ | North:...................... 80.0 | South:...................... 0.0 | East:.. .................... 120.0 | West:....................... 0.0 | Top:........................ 0.0 | Bottom:..................... 0.0 >>> rmap.absolute_time.print_info() +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 1999-01-15 00:00:00 | End time:................... None >>> rmap.metadata.print_info() +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+ | Datatype:................... CELL | Number of columns:.......... 8 | Number of rows:............. 12 | Number of cells:............ 96 | North-South resolution:..... 10.0 | East-west resolution:....... 10.0 | Minimum value:.............. 1.0 | Maximum value:.............. 1.0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r.timestamp", map="strds_map_test_case", date="2 years", quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> rmap.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> rmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (2, None) >>> rmap.get_relative_time_unit() 'years' >>> rmap.is_in_db() False >>> rmap.is_stds() False >>> newmap = rmap.get_new_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newmap, RasterDataset) True >>> newstrds = rmap.get_new_stds_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newstrds, SpaceTimeRasterDataset) True >>> rmap.get_type() 'raster' >>> rmap.set_absolute_time( ... start_time=datetime(2001, 1, 1), end_time=datetime(2012, 1, 1) ... ) True >>> rmap.get_absolute_time() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> rmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> rmap.get_name() 'strds_map_test_case' >>> rmap.get_mapset() == mapset True >>> rmap.get_temporal_type() 'absolute' >>> rmap.get_spatial_extent_as_tuple() (80.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> rmap.is_time_absolute() True >>> rmap.is_time_relative() False >>> gs.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="raster", name=name, quiet=True) 0 >>> gs.del_temp_region() """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractMapDataset.__init__(self) self.reset(ident)
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return False
[docs] def get_type(self): return "raster"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return RasterDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_stds_instance(self, ident): """Return a new space time dataset instance in which maps are stored with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeRasterDataset(ident)
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents 2d overlap""" return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional spatial relation""" return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset :The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def get_np_array(self): """Return this raster map as memmap numpy style array to access the raster values in numpy style without loading the whole map in the RAM. In case this raster map does exist in the grass spatial database, the map will be exported using r.out.bin to a temporary location and assigned to the memmap object that is returned by this function. In case the raster map does not exist, an empty temporary binary file will be created and assigned to the memap object. You need to call the write function to write the memmap array back into grass. """ if self.map_exists(): return garray.array(self.get_map_id()) return garray.array()
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = RasterBase(ident=ident) self.absolute_time = RasterAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = RasterRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = RasterSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = RasterMetadata(ident=ident) self.stds_register = RasterSTDSRegister(ident=ident)
[docs] def has_grass_timestamp(self): """Check if a grass file based time stamp exists for this map. :return: True if success, False on error """ return self.ciface.has_raster_timestamp(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset())
[docs] def read_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Read the timestamp of this map from the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database and set the internal time stamp that should be inserted/updated in the temporal database. :return: True if success, False on error """ if not self.has_grass_timestamp(): return False check, dates = self.ciface.read_raster_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), ) if check < 1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to read timestamp file for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if len(dates) == 2: self.set_absolute_time(dates[0], dates[1]) else: self.set_relative_time(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2]) return True
[docs] def write_timestamp_to_grass(self): """Write the timestamp of this map into the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database. Internally the libgis API functions are used for writing :return: True if success, False on error """ check = self.ciface.write_raster_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), self._convert_timestamp() ) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to create timestamp file for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if check == -2: self.msgr.error( _("Invalid datetime in timestamp for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if check == -3: self.msgr.error(_("Internal error")) return False return True
[docs] def remove_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Remove the timestamp from the grass file system based spatial database Internally the libgis API functions are used for removal :return: True if success, False on error """ check = self.ciface.remove_raster_timestamp(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to remove timestamp for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_name()) ) return False return True
[docs] def read_semantic_label_from_grass(self): """Read the semantic label of this map from the map metadata in the GRASS file system based spatial database and set the internal semantic label that should be inserted/updated in the temporal database. :return: True if success, False if semantic labels could not be read (due to an error or because not being present) """ semantic_label = self.ciface.read_raster_semantic_label( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset() ) if not semantic_label: return False self.metadata.set_semantic_label(semantic_label) return True
[docs] def write_semantic_label_to_grass(self): """Write the semantic label of this map into the map metadata in the GRASS file system based spatial database. Internally the libgis API functions are used for writing :return: True if success, False on error """ check = self.ciface.write_raster_semantic_label( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), self.metadata.get_semantic_label() ) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to write semantic label for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_name()) ) return False return True
[docs] def map_exists(self): """Return True in case the map exists in the grass spatial database :return: True if map exists, False otherwise """ return self.ciface.raster_map_exists(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset())
[docs] def load(self): """Load all info from an existing raster map into the internal structure This method checks first if the map exists, in case it exists the metadata of the map is put into this object and True is returned :return: True is the map exists and the metadata was filled successfully and getting the data was successful, False otherwise """ if self.map_exists() is not True: return False # Fill base information kvp = self.ciface.read_raster_history(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: self.base.set_creator(kvp["creator"]) self.base.set_ctime( datetime.strptime(kvp["creation_time"], GRASS_TIMESTAMP_FMT) ) else: self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.base.set_ctime() kvp = self.ciface.read_raster_info(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: # Fill spatial extent self.set_spatial_extent_from_values( north=kvp["north"], south=kvp["south"], east=kvp["east"], west=kvp["west"], ) # Fill metadata self.metadata.set_nsres(kvp["nsres"]) self.metadata.set_ewres(kvp["ewres"]) self.metadata.set_datatype(kvp["datatype"]) self.metadata.set_min(kvp["min"]) self.metadata.set_max(kvp["max"]) rows = int(kvp["rows"]) cols = int(kvp["cols"]) ncells = cols * rows self.metadata.set_cols(cols) self.metadata.set_rows(rows) self.metadata.set_number_of_cells(ncells) # Fill semantic label if defined semantic_label = self.ciface.read_raster_semantic_label( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset() ) if semantic_label: self.metadata.set_semantic_label(semantic_label) return True return False
[docs] def set_semantic_label(self, semantic_label): """Set semantic label identifier Metadata is updated in order to propagate semantic label into temporal DB. File-based semantic label stored in GRASS data base. :param str semantic_label: semantic label (eg. S2_1) """ self.metadata.set_semantic_label(semantic_label) self.write_semantic_label_to_grass()
[docs]class Raster3DDataset(AbstractMapDataset): """Raster3d dataset class This class provides functions to select, update, insert or delete raster3d map information and valid time stamps into the SQL temporal database. Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.script as gs >>> init() >>> gs.use_temp_region() >>> gs.run_command( ... "g.region", ... n=80.0, ... s=0.0, ... e=120.0, ... w=0.0, ... t=100.0, ... b=0.0, ... res=10.0, ... res3=10.0, ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r3.mapcalc", ... overwrite=True, ... quiet=True, ... expression="str3ds_map_test_case = 1", ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r3.timestamp", ... map="str3ds_map_test_case", ... date="15 jan 1999", ... quiet=True, ... ) 0 >>> mapset = get_current_mapset() >>> name = "str3ds_map_test_case" >>> identifier = "%s@%s" % (name, mapset) >>> r3map = Raster3DDataset(identifier) >>> r3map.map_exists() True >>> r3map.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> r3map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 15, 0, 0), None) >>> r3map.load() True >>> r3map.spatial_extent.print_info() +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+ | North:...................... 80.0 | South:...................... 0.0 | East:.. .................... 120.0 | West:....................... 0.0 | Top:........................ 100.0 | Bottom:..................... 0.0 >>> r3map.absolute_time.print_info() +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 1999-01-15 00:00:00 | End time:................... None >>> r3map.metadata.print_info() +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+ | Datatype:................... DCELL | Number of columns:.......... 8 | Number of rows:............. 12 | Number of cells:............ 960 | North-South resolution:..... 10.0 | East-west resolution:....... 10.0 | Minimum value:.............. 1.0 | Maximum value:.............. 1.0 | Number of depths:........... 10 | Top-Bottom resolution:...... 10.0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "r3.timestamp", map="str3ds_map_test_case", date="2 years", quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> r3map.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> r3map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (2, None) >>> r3map.get_relative_time_unit() 'years' >>> r3map.is_in_db() False >>> r3map.is_stds() False >>> newmap = r3map.get_new_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newmap, Raster3DDataset) True >>> newstr3ds = r3map.get_new_stds_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newstr3ds, SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset) True >>> r3map.get_type() 'raster3d' >>> r3map.set_absolute_time( ... start_time=datetime(2001, 1, 1), end_time=datetime(2012, 1, 1) ... ) True >>> r3map.get_absolute_time() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> r3map.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> r3map.get_name() 'str3ds_map_test_case' >>> r3map.get_mapset() == mapset True >>> r3map.get_temporal_type() 'absolute' >>> r3map.get_spatial_extent_as_tuple() (80.0, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) >>> r3map.is_time_absolute() True >>> r3map.is_time_relative() False >>> gs.run_command( ... "g.remove", flags="f", type="raster_3d", name=name, quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> gs.del_temp_region() """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractMapDataset.__init__(self) self.reset(ident)
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return False
[docs] def get_type(self): return "raster3d"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return Raster3DDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_stds_instance(self, ident): """Return a new space time dataset instance in which maps are stored with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset(ident)
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents overlap""" if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.overlapping(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two or three dimensional spatial relation""" if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.intersect(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.union(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def get_np_array(self): """Return this 3D raster map as memmap numpy style array to access the 3D raster values in numpy style without loading the whole map in the RAM. In case this 3D raster map does exist in the grass spatial database, the map will be exported using r3.out.bin to a temporary location and assigned to the memmap object that is returned by this function. In case the 3D raster map does not exist, an empty temporary binary file will be created and assigned to the memap object. You need to call the write function to write the memmap array back into grass. """ if self.map_exists(): return garray.array3d(self.get_map_id()) return garray.array3d()
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = Raster3DBase(ident=ident) self.absolute_time = Raster3DAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = Raster3DRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = Raster3DSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = Raster3DMetadata(ident=ident) self.stds_register = Raster3DSTDSRegister(ident=ident)
[docs] def has_grass_timestamp(self): """Check if a grass file bsased time stamp exists for this map. :return: True if success, False on error """ return self.ciface.has_raster3d_timestamp(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset())
[docs] def read_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Read the timestamp of this map from the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database and set the internal time stamp that should be inserted/updated in the temporal database. :return: True if success, False on error """ if not self.has_grass_timestamp(): return False check, dates = self.ciface.read_raster3d_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), ) if check < 1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to read timestamp file for 3D raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if len(dates) == 2: self.set_absolute_time(dates[0], dates[1]) else: self.set_relative_time(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2]) return True
[docs] def write_timestamp_to_grass(self): """Write the timestamp of this map into the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database. Internally the libgis API functions are used for writing :return: True if success, False on error """ check = self.ciface.write_raster3d_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), self._convert_timestamp() ) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to create timestamp file for 3D raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if check == -2: self.msgr.error( _("Invalid datetime in timestamp for 3D raster map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if check == -3: self.msgr.error(_("Internal error")) return False return True
[docs] def remove_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Remove the timestamp from the grass file system based spatial database :return: True if success, False on error """ check = self.ciface.remove_raster3d_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset() ) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to remove timestamp for raster map <%s>") % (self.get_name()) ) return False return True
[docs] def map_exists(self): """Return True in case the map exists in the grass spatial database :return: True if map exists, False otherwise """ return self.ciface.raster3d_map_exists(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset())
[docs] def load(self): """Load all info from an existing 3d raster map into the internal structure This method checks first if the map exists, in case it exists the metadata of the map is put into this object and True is returned :return: True is the map exists and the metadata was filled successfully and getting the data was successful, False otherwise """ if self.map_exists() is not True: return False # Fill base information kvp = self.ciface.read_raster3d_history(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: self.base.set_creator(kvp["creator"]) self.base.set_ctime( datetime.strptime(kvp["creation_time"], GRASS_TIMESTAMP_FMT) ) else: self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.base.set_ctime() # Fill spatial extent kvp = self.ciface.read_raster3d_info(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: self.set_spatial_extent_from_values( north=kvp["north"], south=kvp["south"], east=kvp["east"], west=kvp["west"], top=kvp["top"], bottom=kvp["bottom"], ) # Fill metadata self.metadata.set_nsres(kvp["nsres"]) self.metadata.set_ewres(kvp["ewres"]) self.metadata.set_tbres(kvp["tbres"]) self.metadata.set_datatype(kvp["datatype"]) self.metadata.set_min(kvp["min"]) self.metadata.set_max(kvp["max"]) rows = int(kvp["rows"]) cols = int(kvp["cols"]) depths = int(kvp["depths"]) ncells = cols * rows * depths self.metadata.set_cols(cols) self.metadata.set_rows(rows) self.metadata.set_depths(depths) self.metadata.set_number_of_cells(ncells) return True return False
[docs]class VectorDataset(AbstractMapDataset): """Vector dataset class This class provides functions to select, update, insert or delete vector map information and valid time stamps into the SQL temporal database. Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.script as gs >>> init() >>> gs.use_temp_region() >>> gs.run_command( ... "g.region", n=80.0, s=0.0, e=120.0, w=0.0, t=1.0, b=0.0, res=10.0 ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "v.random", ... overwrite=True, ... output="stvds_map_test_case", ... n=100, ... zmin=0, ... zmax=100, ... flags="z", ... column="elevation", ... quiet=True, ... ) 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "v.timestamp", map="stvds_map_test_case", date="15 jan 1999", quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> mapset = get_current_mapset() >>> name = "stvds_map_test_case" >>> identifier = "%s@%s" % (name, mapset) >>> vmap = VectorDataset(identifier) >>> vmap.map_exists() True >>> vmap.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> vmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 15, 0, 0), None) >>> vmap.load() True >>> vmap.absolute_time.print_info() +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+ | Start time:................. 1999-01-15 00:00:00 | End time:................... None >>> vmap.metadata.print_info() +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+ | Is map 3d .................. True | Number of points ........... 100 | Number of lines ............ 0 | Number of boundaries ....... 0 | Number of centroids ........ 0 | Number of faces ............ 0 | Number of kernels .......... 0 | Number of primitives ....... 100 | Number of nodes ............ 0 | Number of areas ............ 0 | Number of islands .......... 0 | Number of holes ............ 0 | Number of volumes .......... 0 >>> gs.run_command( ... "v.timestamp", map="stvds_map_test_case", date="2 years", quiet=True ... ) 0 >>> vmap.read_timestamp_from_grass() True >>> vmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (2, None) >>> vmap.get_relative_time_unit() 'years' >>> vmap.is_in_db() False >>> vmap.is_stds() False >>> newmap = vmap.get_new_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newmap, VectorDataset) True >>> newstvds = vmap.get_new_stds_instance("new@PERMANENT") >>> isinstance(newstvds, SpaceTimeVectorDataset) True >>> vmap.get_type() 'vector' >>> vmap.set_absolute_time( ... start_time=datetime(2001, 1, 1), end_time=datetime(2012, 1, 1) ... ) True >>> vmap.get_absolute_time() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> vmap.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() (datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0)) >>> vmap.get_name() 'stvds_map_test_case' >>> vmap.get_mapset() == mapset True >>> vmap.get_temporal_type() 'absolute' >>> vmap.is_time_absolute() True >>> vmap.is_time_relative() False >>> gs.run_command("g.remove", flags="f", type="vector", name=name, quiet=True) 0 >>> gs.del_temp_region() """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractMapDataset.__init__(self) self.reset(ident)
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return False
[docs] def get_type(self): return "vector"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return VectorDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_stds_instance(self, ident): """Return a new space time dataset instance in which maps are stored with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeVectorDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_layer(self): """Return the layer""" return self.base.get_layer()
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents 2d overlap""" return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional spatial relation""" return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = VectorBase(ident=ident) self.absolute_time = VectorAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = VectorRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = VectorSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = VectorMetadata(ident=ident) self.stds_register = VectorSTDSRegister(ident=ident)
[docs] def has_grass_timestamp(self): """Check if a grass file bsased time stamp exists for this map.""" return self.ciface.has_vector_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), self.get_layer() )
[docs] def read_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Read the timestamp of this map from the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database and set the internal time stamp that should be inserted/updated in the temporal database. """ if not self.has_grass_timestamp(): return False check, dates = self.ciface.read_vector_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), ) if check < 1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to read timestamp file for vector map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if len(dates) == 2: self.set_absolute_time(dates[0], dates[1]) else: self.set_relative_time(dates[0], dates[1], dates[2]) return True
[docs] def write_timestamp_to_grass(self): """Write the timestamp of this map into the map metadata in the grass file system based spatial database. Internally the libgis API functions are used for writing """ check = self.ciface.write_vector_timestamp( self.get_name(), self.get_mapset(), self._convert_timestamp(), self.get_layer(), ) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to create timestamp file for vector map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False if check == -2: self.msgr.error( _("Invalid datetime in timestamp for vector map <%s>") % (self.get_map_id()) ) return False return True
[docs] def remove_timestamp_from_grass(self): """Remove the timestamp from the grass file system based spatial database Internally the libgis API functions are used for removal """ check = self.ciface.remove_vector_timestamp(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if check == -1: self.msgr.error( _("Unable to remove timestamp for vector map <%s>").format( self.get_name() ) ) return False return True
[docs] def map_exists(self): """Return True in case the map exists in the grass spatial database :return: True if map exists, False otherwise """ return self.ciface.vector_map_exists(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset())
[docs] def load(self): """Load all info from an existing vector map into the internal structure This method checks first if the map exists, in case it exists the metadata of the map is put into this object and True is returned :return: True is the map exists and the metadata was filled successfully and getting the data was successful, False otherwise """ if self.map_exists() is not True: return False # Fill base information kvp = self.ciface.read_vector_history(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: self.base.set_creator(kvp["creator"]) self.base.set_ctime( datetime.strptime(kvp["creation_time"], GRASS_TIMESTAMP_FMT) ) else: self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.base.set_ctime() # Get the data from an existing vector map kvp = self.ciface.read_vector_info(self.get_name(), self.get_mapset()) if kvp: # Fill spatial extent self.set_spatial_extent_from_values( north=kvp["north"], south=kvp["south"], east=kvp["east"], west=kvp["west"], top=kvp["top"], bottom=kvp["bottom"], ) # Fill metadata self.metadata.set_3d_info(kvp["map3d"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_points(kvp["points"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_lines(kvp["lines"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_boundaries(kvp["boundaries"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_centroids(kvp["centroids"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_faces(kvp["faces"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_kernels(kvp["kernels"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_primitives(kvp["primitives"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_nodes(kvp["nodes"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_areas(kvp["areas"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_islands(kvp["islands"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_holes(kvp["holes"]) self.metadata.set_number_of_volumes(kvp["volumes"]) return True return False
[docs]class SpaceTimeRasterDataset(AbstractSpaceTimeDataset): """Space time raster dataset class .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> mapset = tgis.get_current_mapset() >>> strds = tgis.SpaceTimeRasterDataset("old@%s" % mapset) >>> strds.is_in_db() False >>> strds.is_stds() True >>> strds.get_type() 'strds' >>> newstrds = strds.get_new_instance("newstrds@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newstrds, SpaceTimeRasterDataset) True >>> newmap = strds.get_new_map_instance("newmap@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newmap, RasterDataset) True >>> strds.reset("new@%s" % mapset) >>> strds.is_in_db() False >>> strds.reset(None) >>> strds.is_in_db() False >>> strds.get_id() ... """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractSpaceTimeDataset.__init__(self, ident)
[docs] def set_semantic_label(self, semantic_label): """Set semantic label :param str semantic_label: semantic label (eg. S2_1) """ self.semantic_label = semantic_label
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return True
[docs] def get_type(self): return "strds"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeRasterDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_map_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance of a map dataset which is associated " "with the type of this class""" return RasterDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_map_register(self): """Return the name of the map register table""" return self.metadata.get_raster_register()
[docs] def set_map_register(self, name): """Set the name of the map register table""" self.metadata.set_raster_register(name)
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents 2d overlap""" return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional spatial relation""" return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = STRDSBase(ident=ident) self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.absolute_time = STRDSAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = STRDSRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = STRDSSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = STRDSMetadata(ident=ident)
[docs]class SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset(AbstractSpaceTimeDataset): """Space time raster3d dataset class .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> mapset = tgis.get_current_mapset() >>> str3ds = tgis.SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset("old@%s" % mapset) >>> str3ds.is_in_db() False >>> str3ds.is_stds() True >>> str3ds.get_type() 'str3ds' >>> newstrds = str3ds.get_new_instance("newstrds@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newstrds, SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset) True >>> newmap = str3ds.get_new_map_instance("newmap@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newmap, Raster3DDataset) True >>> str3ds.reset("new@%s" % mapset) >>> str3ds.is_in_db() False >>> str3ds.reset(None) >>> str3ds.is_in_db() False >>> str3ds.get_id() ... """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractSpaceTimeDataset.__init__(self, ident)
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return True
[docs] def get_type(self): return "str3ds"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeRaster3DDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_map_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance of a map dataset which is associated with the type of this class""" return Raster3DDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_map_register(self): """Return the name of the map register table""" return self.metadata.get_raster3d_register()
[docs] def set_map_register(self, name): """Set the name of the map register table""" self.metadata.set_raster3d_register(name)
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents overlap""" if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.overlapping(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two or three dimensional spatial relation""" if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "str3ds": return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "raster3d": return self.spatial_extent.intersect(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "raster3d": return self.spatial_extent.union(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the three or two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ if self.get_type() == dataset.get_type() or dataset.get_type() == "raster3d": return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union(dataset.spatial_extent) return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = STR3DSBase(ident=ident) self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.absolute_time = STR3DSAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = STR3DSRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = STR3DSSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = STR3DSMetadata(ident=ident)
[docs]class SpaceTimeVectorDataset(AbstractSpaceTimeDataset): """Space time vector dataset class .. code-block:: python >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init() >>> mapset = tgis.get_current_mapset() >>> stvds = tgis.SpaceTimeVectorDataset("old@%s" % mapset) >>> stvds.is_in_db() False >>> stvds.is_stds() True >>> stvds.get_type() 'stvds' >>> newstvds = stvds.get_new_instance("newstvds@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newstvds, SpaceTimeVectorDataset) True >>> newmap = stvds.get_new_map_instance("newmap@%s" % mapset) >>> isinstance(newmap, VectorDataset) True >>> stvds.reset("new@%s" % mapset) >>> stvds.is_in_db() False >>> stvds.reset(None) >>> stvds.is_in_db() False >>> stvds.get_id() ... """ def __init__(self, ident): AbstractSpaceTimeDataset.__init__(self, ident)
[docs] def is_stds(self): """Return True if this class is a space time dataset :return: True if this class is a space time dataset, False otherwise """ return True
[docs] def get_type(self): return "stvds"
[docs] def get_new_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance with the type of this class""" return SpaceTimeVectorDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_new_map_instance(self, ident): """Return a new instance of a map dataset which is associated with the type of this class""" return VectorDataset(ident)
[docs] def get_map_register(self): """Return the name of the map register table""" return self.metadata.get_vector_register()
[docs] def set_map_register(self, name): """Set the name of the map register table""" self.metadata.set_vector_register(name)
[docs] def spatial_overlapping(self, dataset): """Return True if the spatial extents 2d overlap""" return self.spatial_extent.overlapping_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_relation(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional spatial relation""" return self.spatial_extent.spatial_relation_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_intersection(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional intersection as spatial_extent object or None in case no intersection was found. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to intersect with :return: The intersection spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.intersect_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object or None in case the extents does not overlap or meet. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent or None """ return self.spatial_extent.union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def spatial_disjoint_union(self, dataset): """Return the two dimensional union as spatial_extent object. :param dataset: The abstract dataset to create a union with :return: The union spatial extent """ return self.spatial_extent.disjoint_union_2d(dataset.spatial_extent)
[docs] def reset(self, ident): """Reset the internal structure and set the identifier""" self.base = STVDSBase(ident=ident) self.base.set_creator(str(getpass.getuser())) self.absolute_time = STVDSAbsoluteTime(ident=ident) self.relative_time = STVDSRelativeTime(ident=ident) self.spatial_extent = STVDSSpatialExtent(ident=ident) self.metadata = STVDSMetadata(ident=ident)
############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()