Source code for temporal.temporal_raster_base_algebra

"""@package grass.temporal

Temporal raster algebra

(C) 2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Thomas Leppelt and Soeren Gebbert

.. code-block:: python

    >>> p = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer()
    >>> p.debug = True
    >>> expression = "R = A {+,equal,l} B"
    >>> p.test(expression)
    R = A {+,equal,l} B
    >>> expression = "R = A {*,equal|during,r} B"
    >>> p.test(expression)
    R = A {*,equal|during,r} B
    >>> expression = "R = A {+,equal|during} B"
    >>> p.test(expression)
    R = A {+,equal|during} B


import copy

import grass.pygrass.modules as pymod
from grass.exceptions import FatalError

from .abstract_dataset import AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime
from .core import init_dbif
from .datetime_math import (
from .factory import dataset_factory
from .open_stds import open_new_stds
from .space_time_datasets import Raster3DDataset, RasterDataset
from .spatio_temporal_relationships import SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder
from .temporal_algebra import (
from .temporal_granularity import compute_absolute_time_granularity

[docs]class TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer(TemporalAlgebraLexer): """Lexical analyzer for the GRASS GIS temporal algebra""" def __init__(self): TemporalAlgebraLexer.__init__(self) # Supported r.mapcalc functions. mapcalc_functions = { "exp": "EXP", "log": "LOG", "sqrt": "SQRT", "abs": "ABS", "cos": "COS", "acos": "ACOS", "sin": "SIN", "asin": "ASIN", "tan": "TAN", "double": "DOUBLE", "float": "FLOATEXP", "int": "INTEXP", "isnull": "ISNULL", "isntnull": "ISNTNULL", "null": "NULL", "exist": "EXIST", } # Functions that defines single maps with time stamp and without temporal extent. map_functions = {"map": "MAP"} # This is the list of token names. raster_tokens = ( "MOD", "DIV", "MULT", "ADD", "SUB", "T_ARITH1_OPERATOR", "T_ARITH2_OPERATOR", "L_SPAREN", "R_SPAREN", ) # Build the token list tokens = ( TemporalAlgebraLexer.tokens + raster_tokens + tuple(mapcalc_functions.values()) + tuple(map_functions.values()) ) # Regular expression rules for simple tokens t_MOD = r"[\%]" t_DIV = r"[\/]" t_MULT = r"[\*]" t_ADD = r"[\+]" t_SUB = r"[-]" t_T_ARITH1_OPERATOR = r"\{[\%\*\/][,]?[a-zA-Z\| ]*([,])?([lrudi]|left|right|union|disjoint|intersect)?\}" # noqa: E501 t_T_ARITH2_OPERATOR = ( r"\{[+-][,]?[a-zA-Z\| ]*([,])?([lrudi]|left|right|union|disjoint|intersect)?\}" ) t_L_SPAREN = r"\[" t_R_SPAREN = r"\]" # Parse symbols
[docs] def temporal_symbol(self, t): # Check for reserved words if t.value in TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.time_functions.keys(): t.type = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.time_functions.get(t.value) elif t.value in TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.datetime_functions.keys(): t.type = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.datetime_functions.get(t.value) elif t.value in TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.conditional_functions.keys(): t.type = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.conditional_functions.get(t.value) elif t.value in TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.mapcalc_functions.keys(): t.type = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.mapcalc_functions.get(t.value) elif t.value in TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.map_functions.keys(): t.type = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.map_functions.get(t.value) else: t.type = "NAME" return t
[docs]class TemporalRasterBaseAlgebraParser(TemporalAlgebraParser): """The temporal algebra class""" # Get the tokens from the lexer class tokens = TemporalRasterAlgebraLexer.tokens # Setting equal precedence level for select and hash operations. precedence = ( ("left", "T_SELECT_OPERATOR", "T_SELECT", "T_NOT_SELECT"), # 1 ("left", "ADD", "SUB", "T_ARITH2_OPERATOR", "T_HASH_OPERATOR", "HASH"), # 2 ( "left", "AND", "OR", "T_COMP_OPERATOR", "MOD", "DIV", "MULT", "T_ARITH1_OPERATOR", ), ) def __init__( self, pid=None, run=True, debug=False, spatial=False, register_null=False, dry_run=False, nprocs=1, time_suffix=None, ): TemporalAlgebraParser.__init__( self, pid=pid, run=run, debug=debug, spatial=spatial, register_null=register_null, dry_run=dry_run, nprocs=nprocs, time_suffix=time_suffix, )
[docs] def check_null(self, t): try: int(t) return t except ValueError: return "null()"
[docs] def build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( self, maplistA, maplistB=None, topolist=["EQUAL"], assign_val=False, count_map=False, compare_bool=False, compare_cmd=False, compop=None, aggregate=None, new=False, convert=False, operator_cmd=False, ): """Build temporal topology for two space time data sets, copy map objects for given relation into map list. :param maplistA: List of maps. :param maplistB: List of maps. :param topolist: List of strings of temporal relations. :param assign_val: Boolean for assigning a boolean map value based on the map_values from the compared map list by topological relationships. :param count_map: Boolean if the number of topological related maps should be returned. :param compare_bool: Boolean for comparing boolean map values based on related map list and compariosn operator. :param compare_cmd: Boolean for comparing command list values based on related map list and compariosn operator. :param compop: Comparison operator, && or ||. :param aggregate: Aggregation operator for relation map list, & or |. :param new: Boolean if new temporary maps should be created. :param convert: Boolean if conditional values should be converted to r.mapcalc command strings. :param operator_cmd: Boolean for aggregate arithmetic operators implicitly in command list values based on related map lists. :return: List of maps from maplistA that fulfil the topological relationships to maplistB specified in topolist. >>> # Create two list of maps with equal time stamps >>> from datetime import datetime >>> import grass.temporal as tgis >>> tgis.init(True) >>> l = tgis.TemporalAlgebraParser() >>> mapsA = [] >>> mapsB = [] >>> for i in range(10): ... idA = "a%i@B" % (i) ... mapA = tgis.RasterDataset(idA) ... mapA.uid = idA ... mapA.map_value = True ... idB = "b%i@B" % (i) ... mapB = tgis.RasterDataset(idB) ... mapB.uid = idB ... mapB.map_value = False ... check = mapA.set_absolute_time( ... datetime(2000, 1, i + 1), datetime(2000, 1, i + 2) ... ) ... check = mapB.set_absolute_time( ... datetime(2000, 1, i + 6), datetime(2000, 1, i + 7) ... ) ... mapsA.append(mapA) ... mapsB.append(mapB) ... >>> resultlist = l.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(mapsA, mapsB) >>> for map in resultlist: ... print(map.get_id()) ... a5@B a6@B a7@B a8@B a9@B """ if self.debug: print( topolist, assign_val, count_map, compare_bool, compare_cmd, compop, aggregate, new, convert, operator_cmd, ) # Check the topology definitions and return the list of temporal and spatial # topological relations that must be fulfilled temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list = self._check_topology(topolist=topolist) resultdict = {} # Create temporal topology for maplistA to maplistB. tb = SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder() # Build spatio-temporal topology if len(spatial_topo_list) > 0: # Dictionary with different spatial variables used for topology builder. spatialdict = {"strds": "2D", "stvds": "2D", "str3ds": "3D"}, maplistB, spatial=spatialdict[self.stdstype]) else:, maplistB) # Iterate through maps in maplistA and search for relationships given # in topolist. for map_i in maplistA: if assign_val: self.assign_bool_value(map_i, temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list) elif compare_bool: self.compare_bool_value( map_i, compop, aggregate, temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list ) elif compare_cmd: self.compare_cmd_value( map_i, compop, aggregate, temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list, convert, ) elif operator_cmd: self.operator_cmd_value( map_i, compop, temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list ) temporal_relations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() spatial_relations = map_i.get_spatial_relations() for temporal_topology in temporal_topo_list: if temporal_topology.upper() in temporal_relations.keys(): if ( self._check_spatial_topology_entries( spatial_topo_list, spatial_relations ) is True ): if count_map: relationmaplist = temporal_relations[ temporal_topology.upper() ] gvar = GlobalTemporalVar() = len(relationmaplist) if "map_value" in dir(map_i): map_i.map_value.append(gvar) else: map_i.map_value = gvar # Use unique identifier, since map names may be equal resultdict[map_i.uid] = map_i # map_i.print_info() resultlist = resultdict.values() # Sort list of maps chronological. return sorted(resultlist, key=AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime)
[docs] def build_command_string(self, map_i, relmap, operator=None, cmd_type=None): """This function build the r.mapcalc command string for conditionals, spatial variable combinations and boolean comparisons. For Example: 'if(a1 == 1, b1, c2)' or 'exist(a1) && sin(b1)' :param map_i: map object with temporal extent and built relations. :param relmap: map object with defined temporal relation to map_i. :param operator: String representing operator between two spatial variables (&&,||,+,-,*,/). :param cmd_type: map object with defined temporal relation to map_i: condition, conclusion or operator. :return: the resulting command string for conditionals or spatial variable combinations """ def sub_cmdstring(map_i): """This function search for command string in a map object and return substitute string (contained commandstring or map name)""" if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): map_sub = map_i.cmd_list elif ( "map_value" in dir(map_i) and len(map_i.map_value) > 0 and map_i.map_value[0].get_type() == "timediff" ): map_sub = map_i.map_value[0].get_type_value()[0] else: try: map_sub = map_i.get_id() except: map_sub = map_i return map_sub # Check for type of operation, conditional or spatial variable combination # and Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = "" if cmd_type == "condition": conditionsub = sub_cmdstring(map_i) conclusionsub = sub_cmdstring(relmap) cmdstring = "if(%s, %s)" % (conditionsub, conclusionsub) elif cmd_type == "conclusion": thensub = sub_cmdstring(map_i) elsesub = sub_cmdstring(relmap) cmdstring = "%s, %s" % (thensub, elsesub) elif cmd_type == "operator": leftsub = sub_cmdstring(map_i) rightsub = sub_cmdstring(relmap) if operator is None: self.msgr.fatal( "Error: Can't build command string for map %s, operator is missing" % (map_i.get_map_id()) ) cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (leftsub, operator, rightsub) return cmdstring
[docs] def compare_cmd_value( self, map_i, compop, aggregate, temporal_topo_list=["EQUAL"], spatial_topo_list=[], convert=False, ): """Function to evaluate two map lists with boolean values by boolean comparison operator. R = A && B R = if(A < 1 && B > 1, A, B) R = if(A < 1 {&&,equal|equivalent} B > 1, A, B) Extended temporal algebra version with command list builder for temporal raster algebra. :param map_i: Map object with temporal extent. :param temporal_relations: List of temporal relation to map_i. :param temporal_topo_list: List of strings for given temporal relations. :param compop: Comparison operator, && or ||. :param aggregate: Aggregation operator for relation map list, & or |. :param convert: Boolean if conditional values should be converted to r.mapcalc command strings. :return: Map object with conditional value that has been evaluated by comparison operators. """ # Build command list list with elements from related maps and given relation # operator. if convert and "condition_value" in dir(map_i): if map_i.condition_value != []: cmdstring = str(int(map_i.condition_value[0])) map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): leftcmd = map_i.cmd_list cmd_value_list = [leftcmd] count = 0 temporal_relations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() for topo in temporal_topo_list: if topo.upper() in temporal_relations.keys(): relationmaplist = temporal_relations[topo.upper()] if count == 0 and "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmd_value_list.extend((compop, "(")) for relationmap in relationmaplist: if ( self._check_spatial_topology_relation( spatial_topo_list, map_i, relationmap ) is True ): if convert and "condition_value" in dir(relationmap): if relationmap.condition_value != []: cmdstring = str(int(relationmap.condition_value[0])) relationmap.cmd_list = cmdstring if "cmd_list" in dir(relationmap): if count > 0: cmd_value_list.append(aggregate + aggregate) cmd_value_list.append(relationmap.cmd_list) count += 1 if self.debug: print( "compare_cmd_value", map_i.get_id(), relationmap.get_id(), relationmap.cmd_list, ) if count > 0: cmd_value_list.append(")") cmd_value_str = "".join(map(str, cmd_value_list)) # Add command list to result map. map_i.cmd_list = cmd_value_str if self.debug: print(cmd_value_str) return cmd_value_str
[docs] def operator_cmd_value( self, map_i, operator, temporal_topo_list=["EQUAL"], spatial_topo_list=[] ): """Function to evaluate two map lists by given arithmetic operator. :param map_i: Map object with temporal extent. :param operator: Arithmetic operator, +-*/%. :param temporal_topo_list: List of strings for given temporal relations. :param spatial_topo_list: List of strings for given spatial relations. :return: Map object with command list with operators that has been evaluated by implicit aggregation. """ temporal_relations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() # Build comandlist list with elements from related maps and given relation # operator. leftcmd = map_i cmdstring = "" for topo in temporal_topo_list: if topo.upper() in temporal_relations.keys(): relationmaplist = temporal_relations[topo.upper()] for relationmap in relationmaplist: if ( self._check_spatial_topology_relation( spatial_topo_list, map_i, relationmap ) is True ): # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( leftcmd, relationmap, operator=operator, cmd_type="operator" ) leftcmd = cmdstring if self.debug: print( "operator_cmd_value", map_i.get_id(), operator, relationmap.get_id(), ) # Add command list to result map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring if self.debug: print("map command string", cmdstring) return cmdstring
[docs] def set_temporal_extent_list( self, maplist, topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="l", cmd_bool=False, cmd_type=None, operator=None, ): """Change temporal extent of map list based on temporal relations to other map list and given temporal operator. :param maplist: List of map objects for which relations has been build correctly. :param topolist: List of strings of temporal relations. :param temporal: The temporal operator specifying the temporal extent operation (intersection, union, disjoint union, right reference, left reference). :param cmd_bool: Boolean if command string should be merged for related maps. :param cmd_type: map object with defined temporal relation to map_i: condition, conclusion or operator. :param operator: String defining the type of operator. :return: Map list with specified temporal extent and optional command string. """ resultdict = {} temporal_topo_list, spatial_topo_list = self._check_topology(topolist=topolist) for map_i in maplist: # Loop over temporal related maps and create overlay modules. tbrelations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() # Generate an intermediate map for the result map list. map_new = self.generate_new_map( base_map=map_i, bool_op="and", copy=True, rename=True ) # Combine temporal and spatial extents of intermediate map with related # maps. for topo in topolist: if topo in tbrelations.keys(): for map_j in tbrelations[topo]: if ( self._check_spatial_topology_relation( spatial_topo_list, map_i, map_j ) is True ): if temporal == "r": # Generate an intermediate map for the result map list. map_new = self.generate_new_map( base_map=map_i, bool_op="and", copy=True, rename=True, ) # Create overlaid map extent. returncode = self.overlay_map_extent( map_new, map_j, "and", temp_op=temporal ) # Stop the loop if no temporal or spatial relationship # exist. if returncode == 0: break # Append map to result map list. elif returncode == 1: # print(map_new.cmd_list) # resultlist.append(map_new) if cmd_bool: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the # operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( map_i, map_j, operator=operator, cmd_type=cmd_type, ) # Conditional append of module command. map_new.cmd_list = cmdstring # Write map object to result dictionary. resultdict[map_new.uid] = map_new if returncode == 0: break # Append map to result map list. # if returncode == 1: # resultlist.append(map_new) # Get sorted map objects as values from result dictionary. resultlist = resultdict.values() return sorted(resultlist, key=AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime)
[docs] def build_condition_cmd_list( self, iflist, thenlist, elselist=None, condition_topolist=["EQUAL"], conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="l", null=False, ): """This function build the r.mapcalc command strings for spatial conditionals. For Example: 'if(a1 == 1, b1, c2)' :param iflist: Map list with temporal extents and command list. :param thenlist: Map list with temporal extents and command list or numeric string. :param elselist: Map list with temporal extents and command list or numeric string. :param condition_topolist: List of strings for given temporal relations between conditions and conclusions. :param conclusion_topolist: List of strings for given temporal relations between conditions (then and else). :param temporal: The temporal operator specifying the temporal extent operation (intersection, union, disjoint union, right reference, left reference). :param null: Boolean if null map support should be activated. :return: map list with resulting command string for given condition type. """ resultlist = [] # First merge conclusion command maplists or strings. # Check if alternative conclusion map list is given. if all([isinstance(thenlist, list), isinstance(elselist, list)]): # Build conclusion command map list. conclusiontopolist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( thenlist, elselist, conclusion_topolist ) conclusionlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( conclusiontopolist, topolist=conclusion_topolist, temporal=temporal, cmd_bool=True, cmd_type="conclusion", ) # Check if any conclusion is a numeric statements. elif any([isinstance(thenlist, str), isinstance(elselist, str)]): conclusionlist = [] # Check if only alternative conclusion is a numeric statements. if all([isinstance(thenlist, list), isinstance(elselist, str)]): listinput = thenlist numinput = elselist for map_i in listinput: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( map_i, numinput, cmd_type="conclusion" ) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. conclusionlist.append(map_i) # Check if only direct conclusion is a numeric statements. elif all([isinstance(thenlist, str), isinstance(elselist, list)]): listinput = elselist numinput = thenlist for map_i in listinput: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( numinput, map_i, cmd_type="conclusion" ) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. conclusionlist.append(map_i) elif all([isinstance(thenlist, str), isinstance(elselist, str)]): conclusionlist = thenlist + "," + elselist else: # The direct conclusion is used. conclusionlist = thenlist # Use the conclusion map or string to merge it with the condition and # return maplist. if isinstance(conclusionlist, str): resultlist = [] for map_i in iflist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( map_i, conclusionlist, cmd_type="condition" ) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) return resultlist if isinstance(conclusionlist, list): # Build result command map list between conditions and conclusions. if self.debug: print("build_condition_cmd_list", condition_topolist) conditiontopolist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( iflist, conclusionlist, topolist=condition_topolist ) return self.set_temporal_extent_list( conditiontopolist, topolist=condition_topolist, temporal="r", cmd_bool=True, cmd_type="condition", )
[docs] def p_statement_assign(self, t): # This function executes the processing of raster/raster3d algebra # that was build based on the expression """ statement : stds EQUALS expr """ if # Create the process queue for parallel mapcalc processing if self.dry_run is False: process_queue = pymod.ParallelModuleQueue(int(self.nprocs)) if isinstance(t[3], list): granularity = None if len(t[3]) > 0 and self.time_suffix == "gran": map_i = t[3][0] if map_i.is_time_absolute() is True: granularity = compute_absolute_time_granularity(t[3]) # The first loop is to check if the raster maps exists in the database # Compute the size of the numerical suffix num = len(t[3]) register_list = [] leadzero = len(str(num)) for i in range(num): map_i = t[3][i] # Create new map with basename newident = create_numeric_suffix( self.basename, i, "%0" + str(leadzero) ) if ( map_i.is_time_absolute() is True and self.time_suffix and granularity is not None and self.time_suffix == "gran" ): suffix = create_suffix_from_datetime( map_i.temporal_extent.get_start_time(), granularity ) newident = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=self.basename, su=suffix) # If set use the time suffix to create the map name elif ( map_i.is_time_absolute() is True and self.time_suffix and self.time_suffix == "time" ): suffix = create_time_suffix(map_i) newident = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=self.basename, su=suffix) # Check if resultmap names exist in GRASS database. newident = newident + "@" + self.mapset if self.stdstype == "strds": new_map = RasterDataset(newident) else: new_map = Raster3DDataset(newident) if new_map.map_exists() and self.overwrite is False: self.msgr.fatal( "Error maps with basename %s exist. " "Use --o flag to overwrite existing file" % newident ) # The second loop creates the resulting raster maps count = 0 map_test_list = [] for map_i in t[3]: # Create new map with basename newident = create_numeric_suffix( self.basename, count, "%0" + str(leadzero) ) if ( map_i.is_time_absolute() is True and self.time_suffix and granularity is not None and self.time_suffix == "gran" ): suffix = create_suffix_from_datetime( map_i.temporal_extent.get_start_time(), granularity ) newident = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=self.basename, su=suffix) # If set use the time suffix to create the map name elif ( map_i.is_time_absolute() is True and self.time_suffix and self.time_suffix == "time" ): suffix = create_time_suffix(map_i) newident = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=self.basename, su=suffix) if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): # Build r.mapcalc module and execute expression. # Change map name to given basename. # Create deepcopy of r.mapcalc module. new_map = map_i.get_new_instance(newident + "@" + self.mapset) new_map.set_temporal_extent(map_i.get_temporal_extent()) new_map.set_spatial_extent(map_i.get_spatial_extent()) map_test_list.append(new_map) m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_mapcalc) m_expression = newident + "=" + map_i.cmd_list m.inputs["expression"].value = str(m_expression) m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite if self.debug: print(m.get_bash()) self.process_chain_dict["processes"].append(m.get_dict()) if self.dry_run is False: process_queue.put(m) elif map_i.map_exists(): # Copy map if it exists b = a new_map = map_i.get_new_instance(newident + "@" + self.mapset) new_map.set_temporal_extent(map_i.get_temporal_extent()) new_map.set_spatial_extent(map_i.get_spatial_extent()) map_test_list.append(new_map) m = copy.deepcopy(self.m_mapcalc) m_expression = newident + "=" + map_i.get_map_id() m.inputs["expression"].value = str(m_expression) m.flags["overwrite"].value = self.overwrite if self.debug: print(m.get_bash()) self.process_chain_dict["processes"].append(m.get_dict()) if self.dry_run is False: process_queue.put(m) else: self.msgr.error(_("Error computing map <%s>") % map_i.get_id()) count += 1 if self.dry_run is False: process_queue.wait() for map_i in map_test_list: register_list.append(map_i) # Open connection to temporal database. dbif, unused = init_dbif(self.dbif) # Create result space time dataset. if self.dry_run is False: resultstds = open_new_stds( t[1], self.stdstype, "absolute", t[1], t[1], "mean", self.dbif, overwrite=self.overwrite, ) for map_i in register_list: # Put the map into the process dictionary start, end = map_i.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple() self.process_chain_dict["register"].append( (map_i.get_name(), str(start), str(end)) ) if self.dry_run is False: # Get meta data from grass database. map_i.load() # Do not register empty maps if not required # In case of a null map continue, do not register null maps if ( map_i.metadata.get_min() is None and map_i.metadata.get_max() is None ): if not self.register_null: self.removable_maps[map_i.get_name()] = map_i continue if map_i.is_in_db(dbif) and self.overwrite: # Update map in temporal database. if self.dry_run is False: map_i.update_all(dbif) elif map_i.is_in_db(dbif) and self.overwrite is False: # Raise error if map exists and no overwrite flag is given. self.msgr.fatal( "Error raster map %s exist in temporal database. " "Use overwrite flag." % map_i.get_map_id() ) elif self.dry_run is False: # Insert map into temporal database. map_i.insert(dbif) # Register map in result space time dataset. if self.dry_run is False: resultstds.register_map(map_i, dbif) if self.dry_run is False: resultstds.update_from_registered_maps(dbif) self.process_chain_dict["STDS"]["name"] = t[1] self.process_chain_dict["STDS"]["stdstype"] = self.stdstype self.process_chain_dict["STDS"]["temporal_type"] = "absolute" dbif.close() t[0] = register_list # Remove intermediate maps self.remove_maps()
[docs] def p_expr_spmap_function(self, t): # Add a single map. # Only the spatial extent of the map is evaluated. # Temporal extent is not existing. # Examples: # R = map(A) """ mapexpr : MAP LPAREN stds RPAREN """ if # Check input map. input = t[3] if not isinstance(input, list): # Check for mapset in given stds input. if input.find("@") >= 0: id_input = input else: id_input = input + "@" + self.mapset # Create empty map dataset. map_i = dataset_factory(self.maptype, id_input) # Check for occurrence of space time dataset. if map_i.map_exists() is False: raise FatalError( _("%s map <%s> not found in GRASS spatial database") % (map_i.get_type(), id_input) ) else: # Select dataset entry from database. # Create command list for map object. cmdstring = "(%s)" % (map_i.get_map_id()) map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Return map object. t[0] = cmdstring else: t[0] = "map(" + t[3] + ")" if self.debug: print("map(" + t[3] + ")")
[docs] def p_arith1_operation(self, t): # A % B # A / B # A * B # A % td(B) # A * td(B) # A / td(B) """ expr : stds MOD stds | expr MOD stds | stds MOD expr | expr MOD expr | stds DIV stds | expr DIV stds | stds DIV expr | expr DIV expr | stds MULT stds | expr MULT stds | stds MULT expr | expr MULT expr | stds MOD t_td_var | expr MOD t_td_var | stds DIV t_td_var | expr DIV t_td_var | stds MULT t_td_var | expr MULT t_td_var """ # Check input stds. maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1]) maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3]) topolist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(maplistA, maplistB) if resultlist = [] for map_i in topolist: # Generate an intermediate map for the result map list. map_new = self.generate_new_map( base_map=map_i, bool_op="and", copy=True ) # Loop over temporal related maps and create overlay modules. tbrelations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() count = 0 for map_j in tbrelations["EQUAL"]: # Create overlaid map extent. returncode = self.overlay_map_extent( map_new, map_j, "and", temp_op="l" ) # Stop the loop if no temporal or spatial relationship exist. if returncode == 0: break if count == 0: # Set map name. map_new.get_id() else: # Generate an intermediate map self.generate_map_name() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( map_i, map_j, operator=t[2], cmd_type="operator" ) # Conditional append of module command. map_new.cmd_list = cmdstring count += 1 # Append map to result map list. if returncode == 1: resultlist.append(map_new) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith1_operation_numeric1(self, t): # A % 1 # A / 4 # A * 5 # A % map(b1) # A * map(b2) # A / map(b3) """ expr : stds MOD number | expr MOD number | stds DIV number | expr DIV number | stds MULT number | expr MULT number | stds MOD numberstr | expr MOD numberstr | stds DIV numberstr | expr DIV numberstr | stds MULT numberstr | expr MULT numberstr | stds MOD mapexpr | expr MOD mapexpr | stds DIV mapexpr | expr DIV mapexpr | stds MULT mapexpr | expr MULT mapexpr """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[1]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: mapinput = map_i.get_id() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (map_i.cmd_list, t[2], t[3]) else: cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (mapinput, t[2], t[3]) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith1_operation_numeric2(self, t): # 1 % A # 4 / A # 5 * A # map(b1) % A # map(b4) / A # map(b5) * A """ expr : number MOD stds | number MOD expr | number DIV stds | number DIV expr | number MULT stds | number MULT expr | numberstr MOD stds | numberstr MOD expr | numberstr DIV stds | numberstr DIV expr | numberstr MULT stds | numberstr MULT expr | mapexpr MOD stds | mapexpr MOD expr | mapexpr DIV stds | mapexpr DIV expr | mapexpr MULT stds | mapexpr MULT expr """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: mapinput = map_i.get_id() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (t[1], t[2], map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (t[1], t[2], mapinput) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith2_operation(self, t): # A + B # A - B # A + td(B) # A - td(B) """ expr : stds ADD stds | expr ADD stds | stds ADD expr | expr ADD expr | stds SUB stds | expr SUB stds | stds SUB expr | expr SUB expr | stds ADD t_td_var | expr ADD t_td_var | expr SUB t_td_var | stds SUB t_td_var """ # Check input stds. maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1]) maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3]) topolist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list(maplistA, maplistB) if resultlist = [] for map_i in topolist: # Generate an intermediate map for the result map list. map_new = self.generate_new_map( base_map=map_i, bool_op="and", copy=True ) # Loop over temporal related maps and create overlay modules. tbrelations = map_i.get_temporal_relations() count = 0 for map_j in tbrelations["EQUAL"]: # Create overlaid map extent. returncode = self.overlay_map_extent( map_new, map_j, "and", temp_op="l" ) # Stop the loop if no temporal or spatial relationship exist. if returncode == 0: break if count == 0: # Set map name. map_new.get_id() else: # Generate an intermediate map self.generate_map_name() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string( map_i, map_j, operator=t[2], cmd_type="operator" ) # Conditional append of module command. map_new.cmd_list = cmdstring count += 1 # Append map to result map list. if returncode == 1: resultlist.append(map_new) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith2_operation_numeric1(self, t): # A + 2 # A - 3 # A + map(b4) # A - map(b5) """ expr : stds ADD number | expr ADD number | stds SUB number | expr SUB number | stds ADD numberstr | expr ADD numberstr | stds SUB numberstr | expr SUB numberstr | stds ADD mapexpr | expr ADD mapexpr | stds SUB mapexpr | expr SUB mapexpr """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[1]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: mapinput = map_i.get_id() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (map_i.cmd_list, t[2], t[3]) else: cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (mapinput, t[2], t[3]) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith2_operation_numeric2(self, t): # 2 + A # 3 - A # map(b2) + A # map(b3) - A """ expr : number ADD stds | number ADD expr | number SUB stds | number SUB expr | numberstr ADD stds | numberstr ADD expr | numberstr SUB stds | numberstr SUB expr | mapexpr ADD stds | mapexpr ADD expr | mapexpr SUB stds | mapexpr SUB expr """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: mapinput = map_i.get_id() # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (t[1], t[2], map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (t[1], t[2], mapinput) # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith1_operation_relation(self, t): # A {*, equal, l} B # A {*, equal, l} td(B) # A {*, equal, l} B {/, during, r} C # A {*, equal, l} B {/, equal, l} C {/, during, r} D """ expr : stds T_ARITH1_OPERATOR stds | expr T_ARITH1_OPERATOR stds | stds T_ARITH1_OPERATOR expr | expr T_ARITH1_OPERATOR expr | stds T_ARITH1_OPERATOR t_td_var | expr T_ARITH1_OPERATOR t_td_var """ if # Check input stds. maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1]) maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3]) relations, temporal, function, aggregate = self.eval_toperator( t[2], optype="raster" ) # Build conditional values based on topological relationships. complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( maplistA, maplistB, topolist=relations, operator_cmd=True, compop=function, ) # Set temporal extent based on topological relationships. resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( complist, topolist=relations, temporal=temporal ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith2_operation_relation(self, t): # A {+, equal, l} B # A {+, equal, l} td(b) # A {+, equal, l} B {-, during, r} C # A {+, equal, l} B {+, equal, l} C {-, during, r} D """ expr : stds T_ARITH2_OPERATOR stds | expr T_ARITH2_OPERATOR stds | stds T_ARITH2_OPERATOR expr | expr T_ARITH2_OPERATOR expr | stds T_ARITH2_OPERATOR t_td_var | expr T_ARITH2_OPERATOR t_td_var """ if # Check input stds. maplistA = self.check_stds(t[1]) maplistB = self.check_stds(t[3]) relations, temporal, function, aggregate = self.eval_toperator( t[2], optype="raster" ) # Build conditional values based on topological relationships. complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( maplistA, maplistB, topolist=relations, operator_cmd=True, compop=function, ) # Set temporal extent based on topological relationships. resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( complist, topolist=relations, temporal=temporal ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_arith_operation_numeric_string(self, t): # 1 + 1 # 1 - 1 # 1 * 1 # 1 / 1 # 1 % 1 """ numberstr : number ADD number | number SUB number | number DIV number | number MULT number | number MOD number """ numstring = "(%s %s %s)" % (t[1], t[2], t[3]) t[0] = numstring if self.debug: print(numstring)
[docs] def p_mapcalc_function(self, t): # Supported mapcalc functions. """ mapcalc_arith : ABS | LOG | SQRT | EXP | COS | ACOS | SIN | ASIN | TAN | DOUBLE | FLOATEXP | INTEXP """ t[0] = t[1] if self.debug: print(t[1])
[docs] def p_mapcalc_operation1(self, t): # sin(A) # log(B) """ expr : mapcalc_arith LPAREN stds RPAREN | mapcalc_arith LPAREN expr RPAREN """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "%s(%s)" % (t[1].lower(), map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "%s(%s)" % (t[1].lower(), map_i.get_id()) # Set new command list for map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map with updated command list to result list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_mapexpr_operation(self, t): # sin(map(a)) """ mapexpr : mapcalc_arith LPAREN mapexpr RPAREN """ # Check input stds. mapstring = t[3] if cmdstring = "%s(%s)" % (t[1].lower(), mapstring) t[0] = cmdstring if self.debug: print(mapstring)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_1(self, t): # isnull(A) """ s_var_expr : ISNULL LPAREN stds RPAREN | ISNULL LPAREN expr RPAREN """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "%s(%s)" % (t[1].lower(), map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "%s(%s)" % (t[1].lower(), map_i.get_id()) # Set new command list for map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map with updated command list to result list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_2(self, t): # isntnull(A) """ s_var_expr : ISNTNULL LPAREN stds RPAREN | ISNTNULL LPAREN expr RPAREN """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "!isnull(%s)" % (map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "!isnull(%s)" % (map_i.get_id()) # Set new command list for map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map with updated command list to result list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_3(self, t): # A <= 2 """ s_var_expr : stds comp_op number | expr comp_op number """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[1]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "%s %s %s" % (map_i.cmd_list, t[2], t[3]) else: cmdstring = "%s %s %s" % (map_i.get_id(), t[2], t[3]) # Set new command list for map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map with updated command list to result list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_4(self, t): # exist(B) """ s_var_expr : EXIST LPAREN stds RPAREN | EXIST LPAREN expr RPAREN """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. if "cmd_list" in dir(map_i): cmdstring = "%s" % (map_i.cmd_list) else: cmdstring = "%s" % (map_i.get_id()) # Set new command list for map. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map with updated command list to result list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_comp(self, t): # A <= 2 || B == 10 # A < 3 && A > 1 """ s_var_expr : s_var_expr AND AND s_var_expr | s_var_expr OR OR s_var_expr """ if # Check input stds. s_var_exprA = self.check_stds(t[1]) s_var_exprB = self.check_stds(t[4]) relations = ["EQUAL"] temporal = "l" function = t[2] + t[3] aggregate = t[2] # Build conditional values based on topological relationships. complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( s_var_exprA, s_var_exprB, topolist=relations, compare_cmd=True, compop=function, aggregate=aggregate, ) # Set temporal extent based on topological relationships. resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( complist, topolist=relations, temporal=temporal ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_var_expr_comp_op(self, t): # A <= 2 {||} B == 10 # A < 3 {&&, equal} A > 1 """ s_var_expr : s_var_expr T_COMP_OPERATOR s_var_expr """ if # Check input stds. s_var_exprA = self.check_stds(t[1]) s_var_exprB = self.check_stds(t[3]) # Evaluate temporal comparison operator. relations, temporal, function, aggregate = self.eval_toperator( t[2], optype="boolean" ) # Build conditional values based on topological relationships. complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( s_var_exprA, s_var_exprB, topolist=relations, compare_cmd=True, compop=function, aggregate=aggregate, ) # Set temporal extent based on topological relationships. resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( complist, topolist=relations, temporal=temporal ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_expr_condition_if(self, t): # if(s_var_expr, B) # if(A == 1, B) """ expr : IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA expr RPAREN """ ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) thenmaplist = self.check_stds(t[5]) resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, thenmaplist, elselist=None, condition_topolist=["EQUAL"], conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_numeric_condition_if(self, t): # if(s_var_expr, 1) # if(A == 5, 10) """ expr : IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN """ ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) resultlist = [] # Select input for r.mapcalc expression based on length of PLY object. if len(t) == 7: numinput = str(t[5]) elif len(t) == 9: numinput = str(t[5] + t[6] + t[7]) # Iterate over condition map list. for map_i in ifmaplist: # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = self.build_command_string(map_i, numinput, cmd_type="condition") # Conditional append of module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_expr_condition_if_relation(self, t): # if({equal||during}, s_var_expr, A) """ expr : IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA expr RPAREN """ relations, temporal, function, aggregation = self.eval_toperator( t[3], optype="relation" ) ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[5]) thenmaplist = self.check_stds(t[7]) resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, thenmaplist, elselist=None, condition_topolist=relations, conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_expr_condition_elif(self, t): # if(s_var_expr, A, B) """ expr : IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN """ # Check map list inputs. ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) thenmaplist = self.check_stds(t[5]) elsemaplist = self.check_stds(t[7]) # Create conditional command map list. resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, thenmaplist, elselist=elsemaplist, condition_topolist=["EQUAL"], conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_numeric_condition_elif(self, t): # if(s_var_expr, 1, 2) # if(A == 5, 10, 0) """ expr : IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN """ # noqa: E501 ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) # Select input for r.mapcalc expression based on length of PLY object. if len(t) == 9: numthen = t[5] numelse = t[7] elif len(t) == 11 and t[6] == "(": numthen = t[5] + t[6] + t[7] numelse = t[9] elif len(t) == 11 and t[6] == ",": numthen = t[5] numelse = t[7] + t[8] + t[9] elif len(t) == 13: numthen = t[5] + t[6] + t[7] numelse = t[9] + t[10] + t[11] numthen = str(numthen) numelse = str(numelse) if self.debug: print(numthen + " " + numelse) # Create conditional command map list. resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, numthen, numelse, condition_topolist=["EQUAL"], conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_numeric_expr_condition_elif(self, t): # if(s_var_expr, 1, A) # if(A == 5 && C > 5, A, null()) """ expr : IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN """ ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[3]) # Select input for r.mapcalc expression based on length of PLY object. if len(t) == 9: if isinstance(t[5], int): theninput = str(t[5]) elseinput = self.check_stds(t[7]) elif isinstance(t[7], int): theninput = self.check_stds(t[5]) elseinput = str(t[7]) elif len(t) == 11: if t[5] == "null": theninput = str(t[5] + t[6] + t[7]) elseinput = self.check_stds(t[9]) elif t[7] == "null": theninput = self.check_stds(t[5]) elseinput = str(t[7] + t[8] + t[9]) # Create conditional command map list. resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, theninput, elseinput, condition_topolist=["EQUAL"], conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_numeric_expr_condition_elif_relation(self, t): # if({during},s_var_expr, 1, A) # if({during}, A == 5, A, null()) """ expr : IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA number COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA number COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA number RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA NULL LPAREN RPAREN RPAREN """ # noqa: E501 relations, temporal, function, aggregation = self.eval_toperator( t[3], optype="relation" ) ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[5]) # Select input for r.mapcalc expression based on length of PLY object. if len(t) == 11: if isinstance(t[7], int): theninput = str(t[7]) elseinput = self.check_stds(t[9]) elif isinstance(t[9], int): theninput = self.check_stds(t[7]) elseinput = str(t[9]) elif len(t) == 13: if t[7] == "null": theninput = str(t[7] + t[8] + t[9]) elseinput = self.check_stds(t[11]) elif t[9] == "null": theninput = self.check_stds(t[7]) elseinput = str(t[9] + t[10] + t[11]) # Create conditional command map list. resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, theninput, elseinput, condition_topolist=relations, conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_s_expr_condition_elif_relation(self, t): # if({equal||during}, s_var_expr, A, B) """ expr : IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA s_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA stds COMMA expr RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA stds RPAREN | IF LPAREN T_REL_OPERATOR COMMA ts_var_expr COMMA expr COMMA expr RPAREN """ relations, temporal, function, aggregation = self.eval_toperator( t[3], optype="relation" ) ifmaplist = self.check_stds(t[5]) thenmaplist = self.check_stds(t[7]) elsemaplist = self.check_stds(t[9]) # Create conditional command map list. resultlist = self.build_condition_cmd_list( ifmaplist, thenmaplist, elsemaplist, condition_topolist=relations, conclusion_topolist=["EQUAL"], temporal="r", null=False, ) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
[docs] def p_ts_var_expr1(self, t): # Combination of spatial and temporal conditional expressions. # Examples: # A <= 2 || start_date <= 2013-01-01 # end_date > 2013-01-15 && A > 10 # IMPORTANT: Only the intersection of map lists in conditionals are # exported. """ ts_var_expr : s_var_expr AND AND t_var_expr | t_var_expr AND AND s_var_expr | t_var_expr OR OR s_var_expr | s_var_expr OR OR t_var_expr | ts_var_expr AND AND s_var_expr | ts_var_expr AND AND t_var_expr | ts_var_expr OR OR s_var_expr | ts_var_expr OR OR t_var_expr | s_var_expr AND AND ts_var_expr | t_var_expr AND AND ts_var_expr | s_var_expr OR OR ts_var_expr | t_var_expr OR OR ts_var_expr """ if # Check input stds. s_var_exprA = self.check_stds(t[1]) s_var_exprB = self.check_stds(t[4]) relations = ["EQUAL"] temporal = "l" function = t[2] + t[3] aggregate = t[2] # Build conditional values based on topological relationships. complist = self.build_spatio_temporal_topology_list( s_var_exprA, s_var_exprB, topolist=relations, compare_cmd=True, compop=function, aggregate=aggregate, convert=True, ) # Set temporal extent based on topological relationships. resultlist = self.set_temporal_extent_list( complist, topolist=relations, temporal=temporal ) t[0] = resultlist
[docs] def p_hash_operation(self, t): # Calculate the number of maps within an interval of another map from a # second space time dataset. # A # B # A {equal,r#} B """ expr : t_hash_var """ # Check input stds. maplist = self.check_stds(t[1]) if resultlist = [] for map_i in maplist: for obj in map_i.map_value: if isinstance(obj, GlobalTemporalVar): n_maps = # Create r.mapcalc expression string for the operation. cmdstring = "(%s)" % (n_maps) # Append module command. map_i.cmd_list = cmdstring # Append map to result map list. resultlist.append(map_i) t[0] = resultlist if self.debug: for map in resultlist: print(map.cmd_list)
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()