Source code for temporal.univar_statistics

Univariate statistic function for space time datasets


.. code-block:: python

    import grass.temporal as tgis

        type, input, output, where, extended, no_header, fs, rast_region


(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
for details.

:authors: Soeren Gebbert

from multiprocessing import Pool
from subprocess import PIPE

import grass.script as gs
from grass.pygrass.modules import Module

from .core import SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection, get_current_mapset
from .factory import dataset_factory
from .open_stds import open_old_stds


[docs]def compute_univar_stats(registered_map_info, stats_module, fs, rast_region=False): """Compute univariate statistics for a map of a space time raster or raster3d dataset :param registered_map_info: dict or db row with tgis info for a registered map :param stats_module: Pre-configured PyGRASS Module to compute univariate statistics with :param fs: Field separator :param rast_region: If set True ignore the current region settings and use the raster map regions for univar statistical calculation. Only available for strds. """ string = "" id = registered_map_info["id"] start = registered_map_info["start_time"] end = registered_map_info["end_time"] semantic_label = ( "" if == "r3.univar" or not registered_map_info["semantic_label"] else registered_map_info["semantic_label"] ) = id if rast_region: stats_module.env = gs.region_env(raster=id) univar_stats = stats_module.outputs.stdout if not univar_stats: gs.warning( _("Unable to get statistics for raster map <%s>") % id if == "r.univar" else _("Unable to get statistics for 3d raster map <%s>") % id ) return None eol = "" for idx, stats_kv in enumerate(univar_stats.split(";")): stats = gs.utils.parse_key_val(stats_kv) string += ( f"{id}{fs}{semantic_label}{fs}{start}{fs}{end}" if == "r.univar" else f"{id}{fs}{start}{fs}{end}" ) if stats_module.inputs.zones: if idx == 0: zone = str(stats["zone"]) string = "" continue string += f"{fs}{zone}" if "zone" in stats: zone = str(stats["zone"]) eol = "\n" else: eol = "" string += f'{fs}{stats["mean"]}{fs}{stats["min"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["max"]}{fs}{stats["mean_of_abs"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["stddev"]}{fs}{stats["variance"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["coeff_var"]}{fs}{stats["sum"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["null_cells"]}{fs}{stats["n"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["n"]}' if "median" in stats: string += f'{fs}{stats["first_quartile"]}{fs}{stats["median"]}' string += f'{fs}{stats["third_quartile"]}' if stats_module.inputs.percentile: for perc in stats_module.inputs.percentile: perc_value = stats[ "percentile_" f"{str(perc).rstrip('0').rstrip('.').replace('.','_')}" ] string += f"{fs}{perc_value}" string += eol return string