GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)

GRASS-News - the newsletter of the GRASS project

The GRASS Newsletter has been merged into the new OSGeo Journal - please see below for previous issues of GRASS-News and the OSGeo Journal homepage for new issues of the new OSGeo Journal.

The GRASS Newsletter aims at covering the gap between scientific publications and manuals on one hand and the mailing list on the other hand. Articles shall not be as scientific/professional as in scientific journals and reach beyond the usual question-answer structure of a mailing list. The review process is a benign one, just to ensure the quality of contributions. Moreover by the way of the newsletter new modules can be explained & presented briefly and hence cited.

If you are considering writing an article please add the commands used, so that the reader can reproduce it. Further more, your article should be written in Latex. For instructions which format/style shall be used, please have a look at this working GRASS Newsletter Latex template. If you do not know Latex yet, don't be scared as it is quite easy. You might want to have a look at the Latex Cheat Sheet to get to know a few commands, e.g. how to enumerate, make tables etc.

Newsletter topics:

  • GRASS in action
    • articles targeting GRASS novices (only stable release)
    • presentation of GRASS capabilities e.g. modeling, animation, spatial statistics
    • presentation/description of new/noteworthy GRASS modules (rather technical)
  • GRASS development
    • articles targeting developer
    • forthcoming GRASS capabilities
    • summary of GRASS development, discussions
  • Various topics
    • new GRASS related publications - in which journal & abstract
    • Interviews, misc.
    • upcoming events, news & news about past meetings etc.
  • Extra-section:
    • presentations of non-GRASS GIS/RS related programs
Fancy images are welcome, but please use the png format in a high resolution.

Download Newsletter:

Download the Latex source code here.


CLOSED. New submissions should go to the OSGeo Journal.

For historical interest:
Please download GRASS Newsletter Latex template prior your submission and check your article for Latex errors; moreover your article should not exceed 10 pages. All images (such as screenshots) must be in the PNG format, all drawings and vector diagrams in FIG or PDF format.

Please add all of your files to a compressed archive (zip, tar, etc.) for uploading.

For submission please send a mail to the Editor in Chief (address see below).

Editorial Board:
Paul Kelly, Markus Neteler and Martin Wegmann
Martin Wegmann
replace "_at_" with "@"
Editor News section/Publication section:
Andrew Davidson
Language Editor:
Andrey Mitas
Web page Administrator:
Dylan Beaudette
replace "_at_" with "@"

We would like to acknowledge the R News editorial board of the R-project, for without their contribution of the R news *.tex and *.sty file the GRASS newsletter would have taken much more time to reach the current level.

Last change: $Date: 2007-05-21 11:38:38 +0000 (Mon, 21 May 2007) $
$Author: hamish $

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