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r.diversity calculates selected diversity indices by calling various
r.li commands.
This script uses the Pielou, Renyi, Shannon and Simpson indices. The output is a
map for each index.
The user does not need to create a "conf" file with r.li.setup because this file
will be created automatically by the script.
In size option it is possible use more values: the user can set more values with comma (,) and a range with minus (-)
If you calculate Renyi entropy remember to add the alpha option. Alpha option support single and multi values but not a range
If the input raster contains NULL value cells, r.diversity
returns -1 for these cells.
If the user wants to keep NULL values instead, run subsequently on the resulting map:
r.null setnull=-1 map=my_map
To calculate the set of indices from a NDVI map, with a moving window of 3 x 3 pixel, run:
r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test alpha=0.5
To calculate the set of indices from a NDVI map, with a moving window of 7 x 7 pixel, run:
r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test alpha=0.5 size=7
To calculate only Pielou and Simpson indices from a NDVI map, with several moving window (3 x 3, 5 x 5, 7 x 7, 9 x 9), run:
r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test size=3-9 method=pielou,simpson
To calculate all methods excluding Pielou from a NDVI map, with two moving window (3 x 3, 9 x 9), run:
r.diversity input=ndvi_map out=test size=3,9 exclude=pielou alpha=2
Luca Delucchi and Duccio Rocchini, Fondazione E. Mach (Italy)
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