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r.topmodel - Simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based hydrologic model.
raster, hydrology
r.topmodel help
r.topmodel [-i] [basin=string] [elevation=string] [depressionless=string] [direction=string] [belevation=string] [topidx=string] [nidxclass=integer] idxstats=string parameters=string input=string output=string [Qobs=string] [timestep=integer] [idxclass=integer] [--overwrite] [--verbose] [--quiet]
- -i
- Input data given for (o/i)
- --overwrite
- Allow output files to overwrite existing files
- --verbose
- Verbose module output
- --quiet
- Quiet module output
- basin=string
- (i) Basin map created by r.water.outlet (MASK)
- elevation=string
- (i) Elevation map
- depressionless=string
- (o) Depressionless elevation map
- direction=string
- (o) Direction map for depressionless elevation map
- belevation=string
- (o/i) Basin elevation map (MASK applied)
- topidx=string
- (o) Topographic index ln(a/tanB) map (MASK applied)
- nidxclass=integer
- (i) Number of topographic index classes
- Default: 30
- idxstats=string
- (o/i) Topographic index statistics file
- parameters=string
- (i) TOPMODEL Parameters file
- input=string
- (i) Rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data file
- output=string
- (o) Output file
- Qobs=string
- (i) OPTIONAL Observed flow file
- timestep=integer
- (i) OPTIONAL Output for given time step
- idxclass=integer
- (i) OPTIONAL Output for given topographic index class
r.topmodel simulates TOPMODEL which is a physically based
hydrologic model.
Note: (i) means input; (o) means output; (o/i) means input or output
The -i flag indicates that input data are given for (o/i). Without this
flag, all inputs (i) and intermediate outputs (o/i) should be given. For
example, [belevation] map will be created from [elevation] and [basin] in every
run. However, given the same [elevation] and [basin], [belevation] output will
be the same all the time, so r.topmodel can directly take [belevation] as an
input with this flag to save time.
Selected Parameters:
- depressionless map is created as follows:
r.fill.dir input=elevation elev=depressionless dir=direction type=grass
This option can be omitted if [elevation] map is already depressionless.
- belevation map is created from [elevation] with [basin] mask applied:
r.mapcalc "belevation = if(basin == 0 || isnull(basin), null(), elevation)"
- topidx map is created as follows:
r.topidx input=elevation output=topidx
- Qobs
- Compare simulated flows with observed flows and calculate model
K. Beven, R. Lamb, P. Quinn, R. Romanowicz, and J. Freer.
TOPMODEL, in V.P. Singh (Ed.). Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology.
Water Resources Publications, 1995.
S.C. Liaw, Streamflow simulation using a physically based hydrologic
model in humid forested watersheds (Dissertation).
Colorado State University, CO. p163, 1988.
How to run r.topmodel
Main algorithm sources are rewritten in C based on TMOD9502.FOR.
Thanks to Keith Beven.
GRASS port by Huidae Cho
Hydro Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Last changed: $Date: 2016-03-22 11:33:32 -0700 (Tue, 22 Mar 2016) $
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