Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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i.sentinel.coverage - Checks the area coverage of Sentinel-1 or Sentinel-2 scenes selected by filters.


imagery, satellite, Sentinel, geometry, spatial query, area


i.sentinel.coverage --help
i.sentinel.coverage settings=name area=name [start=string] [end=string] [producttype=string] [clouds=integer] [minpercent=integer] [names=string[,string,...]] [output=name] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


settings=name [required]
Full path to settings file (user, password)
Name of input file
area=name [required]
Name of input vector map
Area input vector maps
Start date ('YYYY-MM-DD')
End date ('YYYY-MM-DD')
Sentinel product type to filter
Options: SLC, GRD, OCN, S2MSI1C, S2MSI2A, S2MSI2Ap
Default: S2MSI2A
Maximum cloud cover percentage for Sentinel scene
Minimal percentage of coverage for Sentinel scene; error otherwise
Sentinel-1 or Sentinel-2 names
Output file with a list of Sentinel-1 or Sentinel-2 scene names
Name for output file

Table of contents


i.sentinel.coverage is a GRASS GIS addon Python script to check the area coverage by Sentinel scenes selected by a filter.

The coverage test considers only the geometric coverage by Sentinel scene footprints and does not include the cloud covered pixels.


Check Sentinel-1 scenes by region, start and end time

Note that only the last 12 months of Sentinel data are online available ESA Hub, older scenes are stored in the Long Term Archive (LTA) and cannot be retrieved immediately. The example is based on the North Carolina dataset:
# extract Durham (NC) county
v.extract input=boundary_county output=county_durham where="NAME = 'DURHAM'"

# simplify geometry (needed for ESA Hub)
v.generalize input=county_durham output=county_durham_dp1000 method=douglas threshold=1000

# search for SLC scenes in certain period of time
i.sentinel.coverage settings=credentials.txt output=s1names.txt \
  producttype=SLC minpercent=95 area=county_durham_dp1000 start=2020-10-01 end=2021-01-31

Check Sentinel-2 scenes by region, cloud coverage, start and end time

Note that only the last 12 months of Sentinel data are online available ESA Hub, older scenes are stored in the Long Term Archive (LTA) and cannot be retrieved immediately. The example is based on the North Carolina dataset:
# extract Durham (NC) county
v.extract input=boundary_county output=county_durham where="NAME = 'DURHAM'"

# simplify geometry (needed for ESA Hub)
v.generalize input=county_durham output=county_durham_dp1000 method=douglas threshold=1000

# search for L2A scenes with minimal clouds in certain period of time
i.sentinel.coverage settings=credentials.txt output=s2names.txt \
  producttype=S2MSI2A clouds=10 minpercent=95 area=county_durham_dp1000 start=2020-10-01 end=2021-01-31

Check Sentinel-2 scenes by names

i.sentinel.coverage settings=credentials.txt output=s2names.txt \
  names=S2A_MSIL2A_20200104T024111_N0213_R089_T49MGU_20200104T061337,S2B_MSIL2A_20200129T023939_N0213_R089_T49MGU_20200201T153252 \
  producttype=S2MSI2A clouds=20 minpercent=95 area=mangkawuk

Use retrieved Sentinel-2 scene names for import

When storing the list of scenes into a file, this resulting file can be used for a parallelized import, using the t.sentinel set of addons:
# install t.sentinel.import and related addons
g.extension extension=t.sentinel url=

# download and import into space-time cube (STRDS), using 4 CPUs
t.sentinel.import settings=credentials.txt s2names=s2names.txt nprocs=4 \
  pattern='B(02_10|03_10|04_10|08_10)m' strds_output=s2_myarea directory=s2_data/

SEE ALSO, v.dissolve, v.overlay,


Anika Weinmann, mundialis


Available at: i.sentinel.coverage source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Jun 28 07:54:09 2021 in commit: 1cfc0af029a35a5d6c7dae5ca7204d0eb85dbc55

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