Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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m.csw.update - Update catalogue service for the web connections resources candidates.


connections resources, csw, metadata


m.csw.update --help
m.csw.update [-aivnpswlxck] [spreadsheet=name] [url=string] xml=name xsd=name timeout=timeout [separator=separator] [proxy=proxy[,proxy,...]] [header=header[,header,...]] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Print all active (valid and active) CSW connections resources only
Print not active CSW connections resources only
Print valid CSW connections resources URLs
Print not valid CSW connections resources URLs
Print all new CSW connections (valid/not valid, active/not active) resources with following format '{Country}, {Governmental level}, {API provider}: {URL}'
Print new CSW connections resources summary info
Print default spreadsheet file URL
Print default local spreadsheet file URL
Validate CSW connections resources XML file against XSD schema
Remove and print not active CSW connection resources from XML file
Remove and print not valid CSW connections resources from XML file
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


Path to spreadsheet file (ODS format)
Default: API-cases.ods
Spreadsheet file URL
xml=name [required]
Path to CSW connections resources XML file
Default: connections_resources.xml
xsd=name [required]
Path to CSW connections resources validation schema XSD file
Default: connections_resources.xsd
timeout=timeout [required]
Timeout for checking if CSW connections resources URL is active
Default: 10
Separator inside connections resources item string '{Name}{Separator}{URL}' (print only), use "separator"
Default: ': '
Set the proxy with: "http=<value>,ftp=<value>"
Set the header with: "User-Agent=<value>,Accept=<value>"
Default: User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0

Table of contents


m.csw.update updates the CSW connections resource XML file (required by the g.gui.cswbrowser and g.gui.metadata modules). If the -p flag is used only printing instead of writing is done.

The module also allows validate the connections resources XML file against XSD schema, remove invalid and not active CSW connections resources candidates.


For dependencies and installation instructions see the wiki page.

Stored new connections resources candidates are only those being active and valid.

Writing new connections resources candidates

Default source of the new candidates is a spreadsheet file (*.ods), which is to be stored in the module's config/ directory. It is possible to use the updated document directly from the web address, see -w flag.


Import and store new resources connections candidates (default):
m.csw.update url=API-cases.ods

Store new resources connections candidates along with printing a summary info:

m.csw.update -s

Print only all new connections resources candidates (with following format '{Country}, {Governmental level}, {API provider}: {URL}') with summary info:

m.csw.update -ps

Print only active new connections resources candidates with summary info:

m.csw.update -pas

Validate the default connections resources XML file against XSD schema plus validate individual CSW connection resources (remove and print non active CSWs):

m.csw.update -xc


g.gui.cswbrowser, g.gui.metadata

See also related wiki page.


Tomas Zigo


Available at: m.csw.update source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Jun 28 07:54:09 2021 in commit: 1cfc0af029a35a5d6c7dae5ca7204d0eb85dbc55

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