Note: This document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade, and read the current manual page.

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r.out.tiff - Exports a GRASS raster map to a 8/24bit TIFF image file.


raster, export


r.out.tiff --help
r.out.tiff [-pwl] input=name output=name [compression=string] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


TIFF Palette output (8bit instead of 24bit).
Output TIFF world file
Output Tiled TIFF
Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


input=name [required]
Name of input raster map
output=name [required]
Name for output TIFF file
TIFF file compression
Options: none, packbit, deflate, lzw
Default: none

Table of contents


Note: this module is superseded by r.out.gdal.

r.out.tiff converts a GRASS raster map to a TIFF raster map. Output may be 8 or 24 bit (TrueColor). Optionally, a TIFF World file compatible with ESRI's and other's products may be output.

The program prompts the user for the name of a GRASS raster map, an output TIFF file, whether an 8 or 24 bit format is desired, and whether or not to create a TIFF world file. Currently only uncompressed, packpit, or deflate TIFF files are written. These output formats are known to be compatible with

The output filename will always have the suffix .tif, and the Tiff World file (if requested) .tfw. Any .tif or .tiff suffix (case insensitive) specified in the output filename will be discarded.

When writing with "-l" option, tiles are written at 128x128 pixels. For programs that can utilize tiles, it can help speed up some drawing operations.

The user may adjust region and resolution before export using g.region.

A better choice to export GRASS raster data might be r.out.gdal.


g.region,, r.out.gdal


Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

GRASS 5.0 team


Available at: r.out.tiff source code (history)

Latest change: Monday Jun 28 07:54:09 2021 in commit: 1cfc0af029a35a5d6c7dae5ca7204d0eb85dbc55

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